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Pastor Declares “Civil War” After Supreme Court Rejects DC Gay Marriage Case

…, I dare say Jim Crow laws would still be on the books here in my state of South Carolina. There are simply some matters, like the rights of minorities, that cannot be put to a popular vote — though the rights of gays and lesbians seem to be put to the vote often these days. Not all religious folks were complaining about the ruling, however. Rev. Rob Hardies, one of the co-chairs of DC Clergy United for Marriage Equality, said he was “delighted” w…

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No Fireworks, Only Candles: Our Work as Americans and Muslims

…es to Hank Williams. Our friends are second-generation American Muslims of South Asian, Arab, and African heritage, white converts, and beautiful toddlers of interracial marriages. Watching them interact, I am content, and hopeful for our future here. My husband and I push the stroller through the neighborhood after our friends leave. The festival is officially over but children are still dancing on a wooden floor as the crew dismantles the stage…

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Will Istanbul Ever Be a Part of the European Union?

…of the planet—you have to go to Moscow in the north, probably Dubai in the south, central Europe in the west and probably India in the east to get this kind of economic power. It doesn’t deserve to be second fiddle to anyone, and with Turkey’s rise, I can see it playing a global role, in the near future, commensurate with its historic one. At the moment I’m overlooking the last stop on the European rail network. From here, you can go all the way t…

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God’s Law is the Only Law: The Genesis of Michele Bachmann

…tester.” Sanders has served on the Board of Directors of the League of the South, a Southern nationalist organization the SPLC characterizes as “a neo-Confederate group that advocates for a second Southern secession and a society dominated by ‘European Americans.’” That society would be, according to the SPLC, a “godly” nation “run by an ‘Anglo-Celtic’ (read: white) elite that would establish a Christian theocratic state and politically dominate b…

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Can a Progressive Atheist Defeat the Democrats’ “Family” Man in NC?

…who supports marriage equality and abortion rights be elected in the rural South?   And then there are the new district maps that were released just last week. According to Aaron Blake at The Fix, Shuler now represents the most conservative district in the state. His district (which voted 52 percent for McCain/Palin in 2008) has, with a few redrawn lines on a map, been converted to one that voted 58 percent for the Republican ticket. Blake notes,…

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Jon Huntsman Jr.’s Sex Pistols Phase Explained

…calling it Huntsman’s “Utah problem.” Jake Garn asks, “If he can’t generate support from those with whom he worked most closely, why should folks in New Hampshire and South Carolina offer theirs?” Don’t worry—Al Gore lost Tennessee too, and look how well it turned out for him……

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Can a Pig Heart be Kosher?

…rom humans into pig fetuses.” Although this sounds like something out of a South Park episode in which scientists graft on a you-know-what to the back of a lab mouse so Mrs. Garrison can be a man again, or perhaps reminiscent of H. G. Wells’ Island of Doctor Moreau, this science fiction is fast becoming science.  If it proves successful, this technology could dramatically reduce the long waiting lists to receive transplanted organs and tissue, the…

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Is Huntsman a Dud? Or Just VP Material?

…(51%) of almost all candidates in the Republican pool. Voters in Iowa and South Carolina (a primary the Huntsman campaign is focusing on) give Huntsman the highest “unacceptability” ratings—at 77% and 67%, respectively. Romney has the lowest “unacceptability” rating of all candidates—26%. It’s early yet, and Huntsman has a long way to go with name recognition, and he’s an unlikely fit for social conservatives, though he’s trying. He made a decent…

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What Would Jesus Chew?, Bishops Bet on B-Ball, The Incredibly Shrinking Brain

…of the first Memorial Day, celebrated by newly freed blacks in Charleston, South Carolina memorializing dead Union troops. In Joplin, Missouri, residents mourned those lost in the tornado. The Department of Homeland Security has ended a post-9/11 registration program that required Arab and Muslim men to register with the government, but not before tangling many Muslim immigrants up in legal proceedings. The Muslim Brotherhood says they do not want…

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“We (some of) the People” Florida Governor Rick Scott and the Tea Party

…The Villages. It seemed like a nice day for a drive so I thought I’d head south to attend the rally, talk to some tea partiers and listen to the speeches. Scott, whose public approval ratings are sinking in the polls, had chosen to move the signing from Tallahassee to the tea party stronghold, and in particular, this make-believe world in the middle of the state.  The Villages is a surreal place. It’s like a sprawling residential Disney with faux…

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