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Will Sarah Palin Ruin The Religious Right’s African-American Outreach?

…rently doesn’t damage his standing with either the Foundation or the North Carolina Republican Party), who said “many black Republicans don’t use Sarah Palin as a benchmark.” As I’ve reported, the religious right is working hard — through the Frederick Douglass Foundation and other organizations — to reinvent itself as a racially diverse movement. But as much as Palin is adored by religious right activists, it’s always appeared that she operates o…

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‘Atheizing’ the Dead, Religious Doughnuts, & Tax-Free Witching

…rs in the Park51 project. The investors said thanks but no thanks. A North Carolina teenager whose family is part of the Church of Body Modification has run into trouble with her school’s dress code. The 14-year-old is looking at a ten day suspension if she returns to school wearing her prohibited nose ring. In Roswell, New Mexico, a group of students have been suspended for giving their teachers boxes of doughnuts with religious messages attached…

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Evangelicals Looking for Walker to “Do Nothing” in 2016 Election

…majority of Republicans—56 percent of Iowa caucus-goers and 64 percent of South Carolina GOP primary voters in 2012. As a result, despite no single figure emerging as the universal evangelical favorite in either primary election, the candidates competed to maximize their share of this crucial bloc. They tallied up endorsements from prominent pastors and religious figures and strained to be the candidate most vociferously opposed to abortion, same…

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The Problem with Ayn Rand Isn’t Atheism

…d Alabama’s Parker Griffith, who went on to become a Republican, and North Carolina’s Heath Shuler, a prominent Blue Dog who recently spoke at the Family Research Council’s Watchmen on the Wall conference for pastors, where he insisted that if Christians “had provided for people in our community,” then we “wouldn’t’ve needed a debate on health care.” The Family Research Council, incidentally, has signaled its full support of the Republicans’ budge…

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Herd Heroism in an Age of Rebels: The Cultural Roots of the Anti-Vaxxer Movement

…lodge conscientious objections against modern medicine. Lawmakers in North Carolina recently introduced legislation to make vaccines mandatory, with no exemption for religious objectors, such as Christian Scientists. (After backlash, the proposal’s bipartisan sponsors withdrew the legislation). Other states are following suit. Meanwhile, the culture at large continues to idolize its principled renegades. Two recent releases—one a nonfiction book,…

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Derek Chauvin’s Defense, in Keeping with a Long Racist Tradition, Seeks to Criminalize George Floyd

…destroyed the thriving Black town and murdered dozens in Wilmington, North Carolina, replete with a Black newspaper and Black politicians, an enthusiastic defender of the massacre, Alfred Waddell, who would become mayor of Wilmington explained that it was to restore civility in the southern town: “I believe the [Black residents] are as much rejoiced as the white people that order has been evolved out of chaos.” Think back to 1955, when Carolyn Bry…

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Churchgoers, Stay Home—It’s The American Way

…ful of Anglican clergy served over 35,000 Virginian parishioners. In South Carolina, only one Anglican priest worked outside the city of Charleston by 1700. The population was so dispersed and the clergy so scarce that household worship was the most sensible approach. Intolerance also pushed religious life inside the home. When Sephardic Jews arrived in New Amsterdam in the 1650s, local authorities instructed them to “exercise in all quietness the…

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The Racist Message of Do-Nothing Religion, Courtesy of Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick

…ection if John McCain hadn’t refused to push the issue and asked the North Carolina GOP to tap the brakes on a TV ad they’d produced. But the late Senator demonstrated a quality his more sanctimonious colleagues appear to lack: integrity. That’s what’s missing from the current crisis—not God per se, but the Godly virtue of integrity. While we can never really separate politics and religion, we can still demand they be woven together ethically, in…

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What Does Satanism Have to do With QAnon?

…lly sacrificed still has the power to inflame audiences. In 2016 one North Carolina believer was so enraged by the idea—spread on the internet—that children were being “ritually” abused and sacrificed beneath a popular Washington D.C. pizza parlor that he drove up to liberate them, armed with an assault rifle. Still today QAnon culture maintains a belief that international elites, including both Hilary Clinton and Rihanna, are operating a massive…

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Watch: Is The Religious Left a Mirage or Are Journalists Just Missing the Story?

…em? 39:25 — Religious left in the election/Democratic Party 43:15 — A conversation with Melvin Graham, brother of Cynthia Graham Hurd who was murdered in racist shooting at Mother Emanuel church in South Carolina in 2015 48:09 — Can religious left create a whole separate ecosystem, a la the religious right, to build power? 54:38 — What is Dan wrong about?/Conclusion…

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