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Trump’s Fear and Loathing Won’t Silence The Nation’s Sole LGBT Muslim Organization

…official sources and from members of the public. I’m very concerned about air travel, in particular, both for myself and my family. As a trans person, I already experience a great deal of scrutiny passing through airport security, routinely enduring invasive pat-downs and questions about my body and clothing. It is not always apparent to TSA that I am also Muslim, but if it is known then those questions could take a much darker turn. One of my ch…

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 A Pence Presidency Would Give Margaret Atwood’s Dystopian Vision a Run for its Money

…Handmaid’s Tale.” Duvall’s “Commander” is a calm, square-jawed man with an air of quiet authority. He doesn’t seem like a despot, but he is an architect of a puritanical society that shutters schools, restricts women, executes “non-conformists,” and mandates 24/7 surveillance of citizens. Ever since Mike Pence joined the Trump ticket, I’ve been haunted by Duvall’s character. What would that quiet, white, Christian male authority look like in today…

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Ainslie Embree’s Gift to Religious Studies

…urally. A Canadian pacifist who somehow got swept up in World War II as an air force navigator, he then turned to religion at Union Theological Seminary, New York. Afterwards, in 1947, he accepted an assignment from the United Church of Canada to go to India where he and his wife taught at Indore Christian College. On returning to New York in 1957 he completed a PhD in history at Columbia University. It remained his academic home for most of the r…

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Catholic Archbishop Takes On Jesuit Magazine’s Slam on “Ecumenism of Hate”; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…il partnerships had not been made legal. It has since been legalised and a number of amendments were made to incorporate that into the legislation. The provisions of the act are expected to be phased in over a 24-month period. Curaçao: Equality activists oppose referendum on marriage Activists said that a referendum on marriage equality “is predestined to give an unbalanced result” because “there are many assumptions about homosexuality and a larg…

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A Whole New Ball Game: New Book Rethinks the History of Religion in Sport

…oodying their opponents. Not everyone is comfortable with this state of affairs. Theologians lead thoughtful debates about the ethics of public prayer in sport, for example. But for all practical purposes sport represents an ongoing reconciliation between religion and the market. Politically speaking, there is, I think, less and less room to claim the potential for “sacred” escape via sport. Think about increases in athlete-activism, or complaints…

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Puerto Rico Prays for Truth: Reporter David Begnaud’s Sacred Mission

…he cries of thirst, praising those delivering aid and, at times (as at the airport), seemingly singlehandedly prompting the delivery of such aid, through his broadcasts. Since the storm hit, he has been both relentless and reliable, a paragon of old-fashioned, shoe-leather reporting, investigating and clarifying, handing his microphone to the people on the flooded streets. As one Twitter user, among the first to have photoshopped Begnaud’s counten…

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Saipov Wasn’t a “Member” of ISIS, But That Misses the Point

…-Zor and smaller towns along the Iraq-Syrian border, but in general it is fair to say that ISIS’ days of territorial control are numbered. But ISIS has never been a movement that’s defined solely by territorial control. The enormous cyber network of participants in online chats on Twitter and Telegram, and the global audience for the slick online publications such as Inspire, Dabiq, and Rumiyah have constituted an alternative movement rivaling the…

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Will International Criminal Court Bring Charges Against ISIS For Gender-Based Persecution?; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…le.” [His interview, which be accessed by clicking here, also touches on a number of other issues facing LGBT Catholics.] Three Australian bishops vocally opposed marriage equality. Archbishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney “sent hundreds of flyers to city churches and published articles available on many church websites” encouraging Catholics to vote no, reported Archbishop Denis Hart of Melbourne said church workers might be fired if marr…

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Why White Women Are Leading Defenders of Kavanaugh

…oices. For the past 24 hours, the major cable news networks have pumped up air time of pro-Kavanaugh ads produced by the conservative Judicial Crisis Network (which is, coincidentally enough, run by Carrie Severino, a form clerk for Clarence Thomas). The most prominent ad features a respectable white woman waxing about how upstanding and morally unimpeachable Kavanaugh is. The not so subtle implication is that Kavanaugh can’t be a sexual predator,…

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We Can Finally Put the Lie to Trumpism: 5 Myths Debunked By a Biden Victory

…t. And here we are. (Control of the Senate, by the way, is still up in the air. There are going to be two run-off senate elections in Georgia. The outcome will determine Mitch McConnell’s fate.) 2. Realignment This is the idea that the coalitions constituting each party are changing. That much is true, but contrary to the conventional wisdom in Washington, the change is far from symmetrical. The press and pundit corps presumed during Trump’s term…

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