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What Will Orthodox ‘Republicanity’ Look Like?

…especially on the industrial leaders who create new jobs, makes for a more business-friendly environment which will, in turn, increase the wealth of the entire nation (here we should remember that Adam Smith famously invoked what he called an “invisible hand” as the faith-based final justification for the capitalist system he was attempting to theorize). Indeed, a truly free market would actually increase federal revenues by putting more people to…

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I Would Also Like a Splinter Scouting Organization, Please

…find the case persuasive at all. Meanwhile, Girl Scouts USA is not in the business of dictating, in a theo-con or neo-con idiom, which things God hates and what things God approves of and why. That’s part of why it has the success and reach that it does. If the other were its mission, it would be a very different organization. So Girl Scouts USA isn’t going to stop what it does well simply because some people wish it were the organization that th…

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Even Tougher Questions to Ask Mormon Presidential Candidates

…ision-making. Both have solid track records of non-theocratic reasoning in business and government life. What they may not have learned to do in the cradle of Mormon religious culture is to be willing to step outside the institutional reward structures they’ve profited from, or to state hard truths that challenge majority opinions within their own circles of power and influence—traits desirable in national leaders.   Gauging character and critical…

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Pawlenty Stars in American Civil Religion: The Movie

…ingle family homes along a tree lined cul-da-sac, shots of vaguely working class people, and images of Pawlenty himself. Pawlenty sets up himself and these “everyday Americans” as the symbols of the Puritan-American work ethic. Finally, our exceptionalism and our hard work give Americans a special destiny. The third myth in the ad is Manifest Destiny, the narrative from American history that argues a special purpose for our country to spread its i…

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“Living in Favor, Abundance, and Joy” (Unless You’re Gay)

…. It’s a difficult issue. I don’t understand all the answers. I just come back to what I read in the scriptures. I can’t ignore that. I don’t know that I understand it all, but I come back to this, we’re for people. It’s not going to do any good to bash people and say you’re second class. We have gay people in our church. We have people from different faiths. It’s a hard issue and I don’t know that I fully understand it.   I’m glad to see Osteen a…

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Looking For Answers at the Oscars: A Guide to This Year’s Contenders

…ext for exegesis: the movies. The films under consideration last year (the class of 2009) reflected a broad unease about the future status of Homo sapiens as a species. Humans were threatened with apocalyptic extinction (The Road, Terminator Salvation, 2012, 9), and/or with becoming something other than human: Na’vi (Avatar), “prawns” (District 9), fish (Ponyo), frogs (The Princess and the Frog), or zombies (Zombieland). The humans we praised need…

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Controversial “Bishop of the Poor” Dies at 86

…le often caricatured as a “red bishop” who preached a communist message of class struggle that supported the armed Zapatistas, Bishop Ruiz consistently espoused a vision of nonviolence and peaceful mediation. In 1999 he founded the Father Bartolome de las Casas Human Rights Centre and his life as a whole reminds us that the Latin American Church has been and still is the Church of the Poor. Bishops Ruiz’s death marks the passing of yet another pri…

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Martin Luther King: Libertarian and Anti-Abortion Social Conservative

…womb, at which point, as Martin Luther King pointed out, they might, given class or racial barriers from birth, very well be left without a bootstrap to pull themselves up by. King’s niece, Alveda King, who appeared at last year’s Glenn Beck rally on the anniversary of the March on Washington, has endorsed the use of her uncle’s name, insisting that today he would be called a “social conservative.” In fact, King strongly supported Planned Parentho…

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LGBT Rights in the New Egypt

…Whether the movement will result in a fully liberal democratic state remains to be seen, but because it is being led by a younger generation who tend to be more open, we can remain hopeful. However, class continues to play a huge role in this movement, and there is no clear positivist political platform yet. The interview is fairly nuanced and really worth listening to….

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Wolves Repelled by Christian Rock, Bibles for Porn, Fox Rejects Super Bowl Ad

…proper context for John 3:16 at a football game. In Alabama, a meditation class is helping to lower prison violence. The National Prayer Breakfast was held on Thursday and a variety of speakers talked about their spiritual lives. President Obama spoke candidly about his personal Christian faith. Astronaut Mark Kelly, husband of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, spoke about what good might come out of the Arizona shooting tragedy. One of the rescued Chilea…

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