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Reverend Billy For Mayor: Is He For Real?

…to cross the line from performer to actual pastor. This happened not in an official sense—”I think it would be a mistake for Reverend Billy to be ordained in organized religion,” says Talen—but through an organic process. While many turned to traditional religion in that period, those who felt outside of it gravitated to Billy. “People whose New York journey to spirituality had been irony, or the arts, or sex, or something, something after religio…

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Weird Testament: The Bible Gets the R. Crumb Treatment

…lly, sanctimoniousness—was a common target. Yesterday, October 19, was the official publication date of Crumb’s Book of Genesis Illustrated, a work five years in the making. Far from the sharp satire that one might expect from the creator of Fritz the Cat and Mr. Natural, Genesis is a remarkably straight, even reverent, adaptation. In his introduction, Crumb explains that he avoided adding interpretation or clearing up confusing passages, leaving…

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Patron Saint of AIDS/HIV To Be Canonized

…per” (as a doctor early in the pandemic reported in his article entitled “When Fear Conquers: A Doctor Learns About AIDS from Leprosy”). And, on the other hand, well, Pope Benedict XVI. On the one hand, an official saint of lepers and Hawaii. On the other hand, an unofficial saint of HIV/AIDS. Canonization as metaphor? As hope? As disfigurement? As cover-up? What would Father Damien think?…

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Does War Make Sense? Science and Religion on the Battlefield

…t, within a few years, nascent Christianity was on its way to becoming the official cult of the empire. It is common to think of religion as a primitive form of science, one that asks virtually the same questions and plays a commensurate role in the life of societies. To be sure, there is a vast religious prehistory to be written that would carry The Cosmic Way of Warfare farther back than Newton. But Newton—an alchemist obsessed with decoding pro…

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Teaching the Dalai Lama’s Monks: Better Religion Through Science

…te any discussion of personal belief, religion, or spirituality from their official discourse. Brilliant. So, it’s refreshing to be part of a project [see the New York Times article in yesterday’s Science section], an experiment really, in which academics are actively engaging religious tradition and belief. Even better, and ironically, this engagement is driven by scientists; the very folks many blame for hammering personal belief out of intellec…

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The Pope in My Pocket; We Are All Dilettantes Now

…d a popular iBreviary, an application that provides the user access to the official, daily prayers of the Catholic church (offering a meager five languages). Future versions, according to the swirling rumor mill of the Catholic-technocrati suggest that future versions will include audio accompaniments, perhaps Gregorian chants. Roman Catholics, of course, hardly have a corner on the market of faith-based apps. There are several versions of iPhone…

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The Nation of Islam at the End of the Apocalyptic Age?

…. Moreover, the way the Nation evolves from here will influence of a great number of people—believers and nonbelievers alike. As Walters points out, the uncomfortable intersection of the Nation and the Office of the President dates back to Malcolm X’s remarks in the wake of John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963. Malcolm X described the assassination as a case of the “chickens coming home to roost”; meaning that the violence the Kennedy administr…

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The Tebow Effect

…roud mother of a strapping young man who reaches the pinnacle of America’s number one sports obsession. The new message of evangelicalism: If you believe, God will deliver. Gone is the fire and brimstone, the episodic Pat Robertson outburst swept under the rug. Handsome and athletic, Tebow preaches how believing in Jesus elevates you; you no longer have to fear God’s judgment and wrath. Even the feminist Hillary Clinton was Tebow-ized at the Natio…

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Text of Terror: A Bill Granting LGBT Citizens Equal Rights Evokes Biblical Citation

…of Representatives who voted unsuccessfully to exclude from the chamber’s official record a prayer that had been delivered by an openly gay pastor from Oklahoma City’s Cathedral of Hope. That maneuver brings to mind a moment from the documentary “Eyes on the Prize” when a young black civil rights activist asks a white police officer to pray with him. “I don’t think your prayers get above your head,” the officer replies. Christian conservatives re…

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V-Day: An Arrow in the Heart

…lly a party to begin with? Important symbolic convergences suggest the opposite. Love and violence were always joined. This may help to explain the logic of this fascinating pagan-Christian juxtaposition of February 14. Pagans and Christians need not always be at war. Several of their images overlap in significant and interesting ways. Think of Mary the Mother of Sorrows, with her desperate look and bleeding heart. Is she grieving over the martyrd…

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