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How Breivik’s “Cultural Analysis” is Drawn from the “Christian Worldview”

…n every direction from its traditional heartland: south into black Africa, east into Southeast Asia and the Philippines, north into Europe. And also West: the fastest-growing religion in the United States is Islam. Islam’s thrust northward into Europe, the heartland of Western culture, is worth a closer look. Islamic immigration into France has been so massive as to reverse the verdict of the battle of Tours; southern France now has more mosques t…

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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…The campaign operatives already know what the issues are going to be, at least for the most part, and the point of meeting with supporters is to test out various ways of spinning those issues. That’s a top-down process, regardless of what it’s called. In 2008 Obama raised a good deal of money from small donations. But his dependence on big donations remains great enough to compromise his claim to be running a bottom-up campaign. And his behavior…

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Untethering Conscience From Religion: An Interview with Louisa Thomas

…f liberal Christianity, of the “social gospel.” The social gospel movement promoted the idea that society should abide by what Jesus laid out in the Sermon on the Mount, that love should be the animating force of human interaction. It meant that a lot of ministers were going into tenements and trying to bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth. Norman was very much influenced by the writing of various social gospelers; he was also skeptical of many…

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Americans Lose Faith, Sinning with Transfats, the Elusive God Particle

This week’s earthquake along the East Coast damaged the National Cathedral in Washington DC. Church attendance is dropping faster among those who don’t have college degrees. Meanwhile, Duke sociologist Mark Chaves finds that Americans are losing faith in their religious leaders. When it comes to baptisms, some are dunkers and some are drunkers. A Sacramento priest showed up to an infant baptism too inebriated to sprinkle the kids. The priest has…

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Speaking with Palestinian-American Republican Who Confronted GOP at Debate

…so demonstrated their ignorance of a crucial part of the world. The Middle East isn’t exclusively Muslim; Hassan, for example, points out that he and his “massive family” are part of “a vast Palestinian community… in North Florida, nearly all of them Greek Orthodox or Catholic.” But Hassan gets the anti-Muslim bigotry, especially because it comes back to haunt him (he, an Arab Christian American, is tarred with Islamist Hamas). For those in the GO…

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Burning Down the Temple: Religion and Irony in Black Rock City

…he Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe welcomed weary travelers with a choice of at least three Indian taco stands. Another sixty miles north, roadside stands in the small town of Gerlach, Nevada, the last outpost before Burning Man, sold glow sticks, star-shaped lights, bicycles, and other supplies. This year’s Burning Man theme was “Rites of Passage” and it turns out that the Burning Man organization is undergoing its own rite of passage. The “Borg,” as i…

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How Mormon is Mitt Romney? Over 50 Jokes For Trump

…the Secret Service with the Danites. Mitt is so Mormon his Secret Service codename will be Mahonri Moriancumr. Mitt is so Mormon he thinks Harvard is the BYU of the east. Mitt is so Mormon he thought the debt ceiling was something that could only happen in a temple. Mitt is so Mormon, he doesn’t campaign: he “fellowships.” Mitt is so Mormon that he’s installing two basketball hoops at the inaugural ball so there’s a place to hang decorations. Mit…

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Gas For Two Bucks a Gallon? Bachmann Taps a Pipeline to the American Sacred

…River between Kentucky and Indiana, causing indefinite closure of a major east-west interstate and river crossing, it wasn’t long before it came to be known as “Shermageddon.” These references reflect something larger, truer, more apt than the events they were coined to describe—in Eliadian terms, they were profane events positioned within a sacred reality, namely the invocation of a biblical reference to Har Megiddo or Mount Megiddo (in the Hebr…

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Tea Party, Circa 1930s: A Response to Michael Kazin

…he South came together in the New Right/Christian Right impetus spurred by East Coast power brokers like Howard Phillips, Richard Viguerie, and Paul Weyrich. But the important thing to remember is that DC strategists would not have had a base without the decades-long history of movement building that had gone on in churches nationwide. Even as the 1970s news media were “discovering” the religious right in Lynchburg and Virginia Beach, and declarin…

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No, I Don’t Owe My Yoga Mat to Vivekananda

…because we crave an origins myth that romanticizes the encounter between “East” and “West” and downplays the dark sides of that history. Perhaps we prefer a simple, romantic myth of a handsome Indian man delivering yoga as a gift to us rather than a complex one, tinged by colonialism, elitism, deviancy, and even death. Perhaps we rather thank Vivekananda for our yoga mats than an obscure Indian from Nebraska who we know little about and his socia…

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