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Why are Nuns and Monks in the Streets? (Parts I & II)

…traditionally varies according to the Tibetan lunar calendar, in order to promote tourism. Of the various policies implemented by Chinese governmental agencies in recent years two have been the greatest source of friction between the clergy and the government. The control of the number of monks and nuns in monastic institutions, and the implementation of “patriotic re-education.” Since it is largely these policies that have brought the clergy int…

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Obama’s Pastor and the Politics of Patriotic Treason

…poke to the plight of the poor and spiritual well-being of the nation as a sign of their abiding faith in what Israel was called to be. By all accounts, many of the greatest Americans on record were politically treasonous in relation to government officials, yet spiritually patriotic in terms of the nation’s ideals. This is true of John Brown, Elijah Lovejoy, Frederick Douglass, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frances Harper, Lovett-Fort-Whiteman, Pauli M…

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Diplomatic Suckerhood: Why Israel Is Fighting Toward its Own Demise

…s more, many early Zionists were ashamed of their weakness, seeing it as a sign that Jews were “abnormal.” They expected to escape all those feelings once they had their own independent nation, with its own armed forces. It doesn’t seem to have worked out that way. They have the power, to be sure (by various accounts, the fourth, fifth, or sixth most effective military in the world) which they frequently put on display. But all that expenditure of…

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The Most Religious Race: Islam in Europe

…ics, and identity reveals a deep anxiety among even the most privileged, a sign that capital and its inherent desire to destabilize have unmoored and unsteadied every part of the world. We should take any such argument seriously, especially for the almost existential helplessness it admits. Caldwell fears the dilution of an ideal Europe, whose countries had and should have distinct yet interchangeable cultures, all equally incompatible with a Musl…

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The Duggars To Headline Values Voters Summit

…s, as some anti-UN activists maintain, that the UN is an organization that promotes eugenics. Concerned Women for America has claimed that the UNFPA has been “intimately involved” in the promoting abortion in China under that country’s one-child policy, which it claims has killed a number of people “comparable to the horrendous genocides by Hitler and Pol Pot.” (The eugenics falsehood is also disseminated about Planned Parenthood, and in this coun…

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Capricology: Week 3: Apotheosis, Anyone?

…s” to advance a plot. See here for the full list of discussions so far, or sign up here for the RSS feed.   Diane Winston_________________ Sunday, February 7. Fellow Capricologists: What did you make of the centrality of the news to “Reins of the Waterfall,” this week’s episode? On an earlier post, I’d joked about Ron Moore’s nod to newspapers with the debut of The Caprican on the SyFy Web page. But this week’s clips from Cap2 News, the Caprica Tr…

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Glenn Beck’s Nazi Tourette’s

…to our friends at The Revealer (they’ve relaunched… go check them out and sign up for their newsletter here): Yesterday [May 28th] Glenn Beck struck out at Simon Greer, President and CEO of Jewish Funds for Justice for his recent statement of support for government as a tool for protecting and facilitating the common good in society. Beck was moved by Greer’s rather moderate statement to respond, on his Premier Radio Networks show, thusly: This l…

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Immigration Reveals the Many Faces of Jesus

…can Family Association, who swears that Jesus, if he were in charge, would sign the Arizona immigration measure into law “in a heartbeat.” Why, I asked rhetorically? “Because of his compassion.” This compassion is for the citizens of Arizona who are subject to home invasions, out-of-control drug trafficking, human smuggling, the constant threat of kidnappings, and a $2.7 billion price tag for all the social problems caused by illegal aliens. The c…

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Rand Paul and the Influence of Christian Reconstructionism

…supporter of the former presidential candidate, whom he is encouraging to promote a home school curriculum.  The Pauls and North have connections to the Constitution Party, founded by Christian Reconstructionist Howard Phillips, also founder of the 1980s Christian right group the Conservative Caucus. Ron Paul has spoken at Constitution Party events and Phillips has spoken for Ron Paul in favor of his candidacy for president. Rand Paul went on to…

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Will Sisters Save the Catholic Church?

…xecutive Director of NETWORK: A Catholic Social Justice Lobby, organized a sign-on letter to members of Congress supporting the bill that was affirmed by dozens of leaders of women’s congregations representing tens of thousands of nuns. President Obama acknowledged the singular importance of the sisters’ actions in helping to secure passage of the legislation. The sisters differed with the bishops, though in fact, their letter was subsequent to an…

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