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‘Religious Freedom’: Constitutional Principle or Electoral Politics?

…1990, noted: “We have never held that an individual’s religious beliefs excuse him from compliance with an otherwise valid law prohibiting conduct that the State is free to regulate.” The CHA seems reluctant to wait for a court decision and instead want to push for a political one by convincing the president to expand the exemption now. It is in good position to press its case politically, as it has, as good lobbyists do, combined advocacy for its…

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“We All We Got”: The Black Church As an Oasis in Baltimore’s Food Deserts

…ctability politics.” As Black Lives Matter has gained a foothold in the American consciousness, the sentiment among some in the city has become, if your pastors aren’t directly speaking to the challenges we face in the headlines and in the household, perhaps it might be time to change churches. In Baltimore, symbolic gestures on the pulpit are best complemented by concrete actions in our streets. Their hands forced, some of Baltimore’s black churc…

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What’s Islamophobia, and Do I Have It?

…unlike us, but simultaneously like us.  (Islamophobia makes no sense.) Because America is a country, Islam must be a country, too. If “they” attacked our capital on 9/11, we should attack “their” capital, which somehow becomes Mecca. And this takes on more pernicious forms of reasoning. While condemning Islam for being allergic to secularism (creeping Shari’ah and all that), ostensibly Christian Islamophobes actively work for the Christianization…

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Not Cause, But Effect: Jared Loughner and Tea Party Rhetoric

…ous crosshairs as literal instructions to shoot, she certainly won’t be accused of promoting Christian neighborliness and peaceableness with such symbolism. What we can conclude was that Palin’s map, like her politics, was neither a call to constructive action of any kind nor a proposal for any meaningful vision of freedom. Palin’s, or Angle’s, or Beck’s defense is that they say lots of hyperbolic things for dramatic effect and people should know…

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Capitalism and Christianity

…data: 50 percent of white evangelicals say they believe capitalism and the free market are at odds with Christian values. According to the survey, white evangelicals are more likely to say the free market and Christian values are at odds than black Protestants, mainline Protestants, Catholics, and religiously unaffiliated Americans. On first glance that seems difficult to accept given white evangelicals’ overwhelming electoral support for the Repu…

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New History Finally Recognizes Afro-Creole Spiritualists

…idespread belief in ghosts and spirits in America, the politics of race, African American religions, and New Orleans and/or Atlantic world history. I hope the book will be assigned in undergraduate and graduate classes, especially undergraduate. Beyond the academy and its classrooms, A Luminous Brotherhood will bring an academic analysis of Spiritualism to the popular audience. A recent Harris poll reported that 42 percent of Americans believe in…

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State of the Union Stuck in that Olde-Time Semi-Niebuhrianism

…d somehow they do it all without themselves incurring any moral stain, because they are Americans. Oh, as Niebuhr said, the irony.     Yet “who serve our country” was the only other huge applause line of the entire address. If the applause-o-meter in the House chamber were any judge, the heart of the matter is that, in the best Niebuhrian “realist” fashion, a “contentious and frustrating and messy democracy” is proving its superiority to every oth…

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What Does Repentance Look Like For the White Church?: A Conversation with Lisa Sharon Harper

…ome people may] come back and say, “Well, no, we didn’t vote for Trump because he said Mexicans are rapists, or because he threw out dog whistles about the violence of black bodies. We didn’t vote for him because of his Muslim ban. No, we voted for him because he was for working-class workers.” Okay. I will let them have that. But then add to that the reality that he boasted about grabbing a woman’s vagina and kissing girls without their permissio…

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Is New Park51 Advisor Any Better Than Feisal Abdul-Rauf?

…overage on NY1. They got Adhami saying that he thought homosexuality was caused by emotional and/or physical abuse. They got a gay rights activist talking about the outrageousness of such a statement, and then a statement from another activist that pointed out that this is not a new canard. To talk about homosexuality as an illness is an old trope and it does not belong to any one religion. We still see ongoing issues in various Christian “ex-Gay”…

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Democratic Egypt Tests a Divided Israel                             

…ly taking root in the Middle East, and as it becomes more apparent that American-style liberal democracy is not what really exists in the State of Israel (which is an ethnic democracy), Israel does have open elections, a free press and an independent judiciary. When the smoke clears, Israel is still the only democracy in the Middle East, and the Arab street knows it. We may not be able to say that too much longer, however, and the Jewish Israeli s…

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