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The New God-Fearers (FKA “The Nones”) and Where to Find Them

…age lamps and computer screens burning late into the night. Curiously, the New Testament offers a framework for understanding today’s Nones. Paul’s travelogue in the Acts of the Apostles contains this line, recounting his visit to Philippi: “On the Sabbath day we went outside the gate by the river, where we supposed there was a place of prayer; and we sat down and spoke to the women who had gathered there” (Acts 16:13). A riverbank? Really? It’s a…

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Discrimination on the Taxpayer’s Dime? The Fight To Curtail the Overreach of RFRA

…sion was later ruled moot because HHS had changed its policy and did not renew the USCCB’s contract (provoking the Republican accusations of anti-Catholic bias), the ACLU maintains the legal reasoning still applies. If it does, the ACLU argues, the bishops’ claims that the new Prison Rape Elimination Act regulations violate RFRA would not prevail, since RFRA cannot trump the Constitution. “It’s a stretch to argue, as they do, that they are entitle…

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Will Women Priests Change the Church?

…sts (womenpriests is all one word) movement, whose mission is to create “a new model of ordained ministry in a renewed Roman Catholic Church.” But there are many models of women’s leadership in Catholicism; I think it is important to frame the film in the context of the larger movement for change that characterizes 21st-century Catholicism, lest viewers are left with an incomplete picture. Part of the movement is indeed focused on women’s ordinati…

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Size Matters According to New Study

…such nonsense. But in studies like this one, Phrenology’s back again in a new form, implying this time that the size of the brain is any indicator of human intelligence. We’ve all been told countless times that the human brain is a highly redundant organ, and that each of us uses only a fraction of it in normal circumstances. Given that established scientific truism, it would be passing strange if brain size bore any relation to intelligence. An…

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Of Birds and Buddhists: Wildlife Rehab, NYC Style

…performing these ceremonies in conjunction with the Wild Bird Fund and the New York Turtle and Tortoise Society for years. He and Lorri Cramer, New York’s so-called “Turtle Lady” (she once cared for 620 red-eared slider turtles in her apartment rather than allow them to be euthanized), started organizing them after learning that scores of local Buddhists had been releasing large numbers of turtles into the park’s waters, where they are ill-suited…

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Global LGBT Recap: Catholic Polling, Religious Violence, International Advocacy

…d legislators with 300,000 signatures opposing marriage equality. Nigeria: New York Times on Deteriorating Situation for LGBT People The plight of LGBT people in Nigeria continues to worsen in the wake of President Goodluck Jonathan signing a harsh anti-gay bill into law in January. The New York Times’ Adam Nossiter reports that the law not only bans marriage, but makes it a crime to join or support a gay organization or “directly or indirectly” m…

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Are They Jewish Bones? Battle for Separation of Synagogue & State in Israel

…ets fired from Gaza. The Ministry of Health, which approved and funded the new construction promised that the new wing would be completed in 2011. This is where the bones, Jewish or otherwise, enter the picture. During the excavation of the land allotted to the new ER a small ancient graveyard was uncovered. Archaeologists from the government’s Israel Antiquities Authority judged the graveyard to be from the Byzantine period (around 600 AD), a tim…

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Fragments of Secular Sanctity

…red, and Art declared its independence from Religion. This created a whole new way of seeing, a new and distinctively modern culture of display, and a subtly religious perspective where the line separating real bodies from visual imitations began to blur. We live in that world of hybrid forms still today. The body is a site of conflict as well as a source of uncanny cultural production.   So the body parts of the paradigmatic “man of science” are…

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Christian Nationalism is Authentically Christian — And According to a New Poll Most White Evangelicals are Supporters

…rch attendance correlates not with lower, but with higher Trump support. A new report by PRRI now confirms the trend with respect to the broader phenomenon of Christian nationalism, the preferred ideological vehicle for evangelicals’ pervasive authoritarian attitudes. The report, “A Christian Nation? Understanding the Threat of Christian Nationalism to American Democracy and Culture,” divides Americans into Christian nationalism adherents, sympath…

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Creating a Cell: Science Plays God

…but certainly it all has the potential to be at least good. Humans create new humans all the time. It’s how we nurture those new creations that matters. Here is where to spend our energy. I suppose you could argue, and it certainly has been argued, that ‘in the beginning’ God created everything as it is now, in which case when new things are created in this burgeoning field of Venter’s known as synthetic biology, you might be a bit miffed. But fa…

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