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Judeo-Christian America: The Fall of the ‘Christian Nation’

…idea tied Americans together, it created new arenas of stress. At his very best, Schultz demonstrates how, during the seemingly conformist 1950s, religious communalism and conflict proliferated. When Catholics, Jews, and Protestants moved to new suburbs, for instance, they didn’t merge into some undifferentiated blandness. While films like Invasion of the Body Snatchers presented suburbanites as so similar that aliens could invade their bodies wit…

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United Nations Affirms the Human Right to Blaspheme

…e of Prophet Muhammad. The Comment equally repudiates the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, which has upheld Austrian, British, and Turkish laws against blasphemy and religious insult by invoking a sui generis right to “respect for the religious feelings of believers.” The major disappointment in the comment, in my view, is its failure to address hate speech laws, which in many countries function as de facto restrictio…

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How Breivik’s “Cultural Analysis” is Drawn from the “Christian Worldview”

…their sympathy with the overriding cultural claims that undergird 2083: A European Declaration of Independence. They condemn Anders Behring Breivik’s brutal violence and question his Christian bona fides, but accept his frame of a cultural clash that threatens Western civilization. One way that Fischer, at least, critiques Breivik’s Christianity is by pointing to his statement, “We are a conservative organisation propagating cultural isolationism…

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AFA’s Fischer Calls Breivik’s Manifesto “Accurate”

…ndly embrace our own destroyers. (emphasis added). Fischer admits that he shares with Breivik that disdain for “multiculturalism” and “politically correct elites” who are ruining our culture — for Breivik, it’s a “pure” European or Nordic culture; for Fischer, it’s “Judeo-Christian” American culture. Fischer’s employer, the American Family Association, is the “host” for Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s prayer extravaganza, The Response.  …

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Breivik’s Christianity About Culture Not Piety

…thority and interpreter of Scripture. Breivek seeks a return to a restored European Catholicism though he is also very critical of current Catholicism and Pope Benedict on many points, most especially what he claims is the appeasement of Islam. He envisions a militia like force named the Knights Templar with Bernard of Clairvaux, the 12th century abbot who outlined the Rule of the Knights Templar and was commissioned by the Vatican to preach a sec…

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“We Found My Father, Except for His Hand”

…themselves secure. For who now would want to invest in Sarajevo? Aid from European countries, though it is their largest source of funding, seems an uncertain blessing. Were these not the same countries that stood neutral during much of the war? Bosnian ties with Turkey bring some cultural confidence, schools and infrastructure; Islamic investment banks pour money into the country so far as they can. Larger Muslim countries have built mosques and…

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God’s Law is the Only Law: The Genesis of Michele Bachmann

…ka and the IOTC, for their part, express affection for the Confederacy. In bestowing the “Courage of Daniel Award” on Moore on June 3, Peroutka, who frequently ribs people for being from the “wrong side of the Mason-Dixon line,” cheerfully noted that it also happened to be the birthday of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Other IOTC speakers have included Franklin Sanders, whom the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as “a peculiar mix of n…

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No, I Don’t Owe My Yoga Mat to Vivekananda

…was made possible by nineteenth-century interactions between American and European physical culture and elite, Indian yoga culture in the context of colonialism. Those interactions resulted in the posture practice at the center of popularized forms of yoga today. So to even suggest, that yoga “won the West”—and that Vivekananda was the key player—is a gross simplification of modern yoga’s long, complex history. So why might someone insist on simp…

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Note to the Tax-Slashers:
We Are Already Serfs

…example, aren’t stupid: they know that behind the harsh terms laid down by European finance ministers and the IMF there is the braying of the German bankers demanding to be paid in full. Everywhere and in every circumstance, the obligation to pay is held to be sacrosanct. We are told that if this obligation is ever waived, chaos will ensue. It is too rarely noticed that chaos and mass suffering also ensue when debts are paid at the expense of the…

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The Heresy of End Times Predictions

…of this kind; that such revelatory computation has been a staple of Anglo-European religiosity for more than two hundred years. Gary Laderman, meanwhile, suggests that there’s a lot more going on in such cultural (as well as religious) events than stupidity, irrationality, or mindless demonization of “the world.” I’d like to ask whether we can climb inside the mental world of a predictor of the Apocalypse, to say more about what they see and abou…

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