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America’s ‘Jesus Problem’ is Making Progressive Christians Complicit in Christian Supremacy

…f North Carolina Press March 22, 2021 Christians Against Christianity: How Right-Wing Evangelicals Are Destroying Our Nation and Our Faith Obery M. Hendricks, Jr. Beacon Press July 6, 2021 Bad Faith: Race and the Rise of the Religious Right Randall Balmer Eerdmans August 10, 2021 What they share is a full-fledged takedown of white American evangelical Christian culture as purveyors and accomplices to the normalization of racism, xenophobia, sexism…

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The Most Religious Race: Islam in Europe

…sustained interaction with Muslims, among other peoples). Caldwell is also right to point to a number of challenges within the European Muslim population; for one thing, too many Muslims are happy to exclude and be excluded, comfortable in self-selected isolation, and indifferent to the worth of the wider, non-Muslim society around them. Such attitudes contribute to alienation and extremism. There are also deep currents of misogyny, illiberalism,…

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Democratic Egypt Tests a Divided Israel                             

…the government and its citizenry and end the occupation because it is the right thing to do—right for them and right for the Palestinians—the Arab street in Egypt may take notice. These are fluid times. Egyptians are in an expansive mood and the Arab world in general is tasting freedom. A window has cracked open across the border that Israel can either help widen or else it can join Mubarak on the wrong side of history. Perhaps this is another op…

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‘Empty the Pews’ Gives Voice to Those Who’ve Escaped Toxic Christianity

…ly an autoethnographic history of the last 50 years or so of the Christian Right and its culture wars, framed through the eyes of survivors who have rejected the Christian Right. Much as Linda Kay Klein did for Pure, I’ll be conducting a lot of interviews and using those to frame the narrative. Lauren: I’m (deep sigh) working on a novel. Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know about your book? Lauren: We’re very grateful to all the c…

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Why Tea Party (Hearts) David Barton

…in the war against unions and collective bargaining. According to Barton, a parable from the 20th chapter of the book of Matthew about the owner of a vineyard making different arrangements with workers was about “the right of private contract” – in other words, the right of employers to come to individual agreements with each employee. Jesus’ parable, he said, is “anti-minimum wage” and “anti-socialist-union kind of stuff.”…

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The Tea Party Religion

…nventional wisdom that the tea party is secular libertarian movement that frightens the delicate egos of religious right leaders: They are mostly social conservatives, not libertarians on social issues. Nearly two-thirds (63%) say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases, and less than 1-in-5 (18%) support allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry. (Democratic religion strategists, take note.) I’ve written before about the lack of polling d…

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The Religious Right, the Bible, and Slavery

…imilar point about the Bible (albeit with saltier language), the Religious Right was irate.” Savage picked up on the Robertson comment and noted, We’re asking conservative Christians to ignore what the Bible says about homosexuality just as they ignore what the Bible says about slavery. (They ignore what the Bible says about slavery so thoroughly that many don’t know that the Bible says anything about slavery at all!) Actually, as RD readers know,

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The Origin Story of the Evangelical Mindset: A Conversation with Frances FitzGerald

…it was quite directly a response to the ‘60s—meaning against feminism, gay rights, student protests against the Vietnam War, and indeed, the Civil Rights Movement. But this wore off with evangelicals, and the one issue that became paramount for evangelicals was abortion. This was odd because Protestants and evangelicals had always favored what they called “therapeutic abortions,” which were acceptable in cases of incest or rape or harm to the moth…

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Who Will Catholic Bishops Turn to in Trump Era?

…could even have worked with Ted Cruz, finding commonality in their shared right-wing views on religious freedom and hardline posture on abortion rights. But there’s little to suggest they could find any common ground with Trump or that he would court and defer to them they way that Bush did. After all, this is a man who has refused to defer to the uber-bishop, Pope Francis. Trump’s stance on immigrants and immigration directly contradicts the bis…

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Right Wing Christians and Radical Feminists Form an Odd (Transphobic) Couple

…sts. The fact that this faction has shown itself willing to align with far-right religious groups that oppose much of the fundamental feminist doctrine betrays a twisted set of priorities, where the enemy of your hypothetical bogeyman is your new BFF. As 2017 rears its orange-hued head, LGBT activists and reporters have been tracking the onslaught of transphobic bills, many of which rely on specious claims about protecting women and girls, all of…

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