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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…ncluding Woolsey, former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, have had financial stakes in companies that profit from consulting on homeland security and counter-terrorism issues. Nathan Brown, professor of political science and international affairs, and director of the Institute for Middle East Studies at The George Washington University, said, “Gaffney is a self-parody. I have better things to do…

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There’s Something Rotten in Ireland

…down, having failed to advance a positive image of the country.)  That the New York Times is reporting on the story indicates how much negative press has been generated; some of the postings are stunningly offensive—and the embassy might be better off looking more seriously into them. Certainly, they do not help the current Israeli government’s declining popularity in the eastern half of the West. More worryingly, the deliberate provocations seem…

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This Year in Satanism

…Supreme Court ruled in Town of Greece v. Galloway that the town of Greece, New York, could use explicitly Christian prayers to open its council meetings. For many the ruling represented an erosion of the establishment clause. Greaves rejoiced at another opportunity for public displays of Satanism and even composed a Satanic prayer for future council meetings. Also in May, The Satanic Temple drew national media attention after they announced plans…

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Loving Uganda to Death: The Global Reach of Far-Right Christian Hatred

…he has screened the film at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena and in New York.* At Fuller, he says, people were sharply critical of IHOP’s training and missionary style. The people at IHOP, he said, are planning to release a statement in response to the film. While he knows the people running IHOP are not going to change their view of the Bible, Williams hopes they may be able to agree on a human rights perspective, and rethink how they go i…

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Catholic Church is Lucky it’s Just Same-Sex Marriage

…not the sex they seemed to be. Then there was “S/He,” a feature article in New York magazine, on the challenges presented to the parents of such children, including whether or not to allow them to use drugs to block the onset of puberty even before they transition to the opposite gender as teens.  At the same time, medical research has identified a whole range of intersex conditions, among them Klinefelter Syndrome (males with two x chromosomes);…

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How ‘Positivity’ Can Lead to Conspiratorial Thinking

…outgoing administration. Yet it goes deeper than this. Trump attended the New York church of Norman Vincent Peale in his youth. Peale took the positive affirmations of New Thought and turned them into religious principles and economic maxims. It also goes further than Christianity, connecting to new age thinking found in works expounding the Law of Attraction, such as Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret, now in its tenth edition. The Law of Attraction stat…

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New Book Details Harms of Evangelical ‘Purity’ Movement and the Obstacle to Change

…ropriate to represent the pious mother. She turned the role down. Klein, a New York-based writer and sexuality educator, shares this memory and other striking stories of her experience growing up in the purity movement in Pure: Inside the Evangelical Movement That Shamed a Generation of Young Women and How I Broke Free (Touchstone, 2018). She combines memoir with survivor interviews and research on shame, sexuality, and religion to effectively arg…

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The ‘Health Freedom Movement’ Enters the Covid Era by Disseminating Medical Disinformation 

…ctional medicine; traditional Chinese medicine and qigong; and more of the new age spirituality diet and health advice that I describe in my book. Move forward to 2021, and health freedom has become a concept that brings together right-wing libertarianism, conservative Christianity, and new age spirituality, especially regarding vaccinations and Covid regulations. Health libertarianism dates to the antebellum period when the concern was bodily fre…

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Black Churches are Burning: Is It the 1990s All Over Again?

…ate responses to this wave of attacks on Black churches. USA Today and the New York Times provided daily coverage, as did major television network news programs. They deployed many reporters on the story, who were in communication with the Justice Department and ATF officials, who were themselves scrambling to keep up with events. President Clinton, facing re-election, met directly with pastors of burned churches and with the National Council of C…

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Rick Perry’s Jesus Imperative: A Report from Saturday’s Mega-Rally

…mplaint, he shrugged it off, saying that he was not familiar with the term New Apostolic Reformation, even though he knew its founder, Peter Wagner. “I have a lot of confidence in him spiritually,” Garlow said of Wagner. “There are a lot of theological differences here, but we’re focusing on one issue: Jesus,” Garlow added. “It’s not about whether Perry becomes president, it’s about making Jesus king.” Jesus = Obedience Mike Bickle, who runs an or…

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