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New Pope Accused of Conspiring in Kidnapping

…hts lawyer accusing him of conspiring with the junta to kidnap two dissenting Jesuit priests in 1976.  Perhaps unsurprisingly, the dictatorship—and outrage over the crimes committed during that period—remains a central part of the activist narrative in Argentina, heard widely at demonstrations in support of LGBT and reproductive rights. A common protest chant—“Iglesia. Basura. Vos sos la dicatura!” (Church. Garbage. You are the dictatorship!)—toda…

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Change v. Change at NPR

…associated with religious groups who question the APA’s findings. However, most of the therapists who argue with the APA are associated with churches and organizations which see homosexual behavior as immoral. There is debate but it is between the mental health establishment and a much smaller number of traditionally minded religious therapists. However, even if Spiegel had correctly identified the nature and participants in the debate, she still…

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How the Study of Evangelicalism Has Blinded Us to the Problems in Evangelical Culture

…hey Have Been, Are Now, and Could Be, the book brings together some of the most influential pieces of scholarship on evangelicalism from the last forty years and places it alongside a handful of new essays that finally do attempt to grapple with evangelical support for Donald Trump. The sense of surprise that continues to confront evangelical zealotry for Trump might be Noll, Marsden, and Bebbington’s greatest legacy. The table of contents is a ve…

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New Poll Reveals That Anti-Trans Rhetoric isn’t Just Affecting Republicans and White Evangelicals

…, and Public Education.” The overall positions of various demographics are mostly what you would expect them to be. The report singles out White evangelical Protestants multiple times as, unsurprisingly, America’s most singularly anti-trans demo. In 2021, for example, 86% of White evangelicals said there are only two genders, with that number rising to 92% in 2023. The report also states, “Among White Christian groups, White evangelical Protestant…

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The Only Common Denominator of American Conservatism is Anti-Blackness

…care, the dominant conservative position has always been whichever was the most anti-Black of the legitimate options. And yet it remains difficult to have it admitted to public consciousness that American conservatism is organized anti-Black politics. American conservatism is, however, well-dressed white nationalism. Racists have put conservatism on like a hat, then disappeared in front of the eyes of those for whom object permanence would prefera…

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LDS General Conference in the “Mormon Moment”

…e who writes about Mormonism for a general public, it’s my experience that most people actually know little about what we believe—especially how we relate to mainline Christianity. The Mormon movement was founded in the early nineteenth century by American Protestant “Restorationists:” people who believed that high-church Protestant sectarian schism and theological technicalities had obscured the original power of primitive Christianity and who so…

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Neuroscience Says Evil is “Over”: Not So Fast…

…Religion does not make sense as a set of strictly empirical claims. It is most definitely not right there on the page. It is not abstract and self-evident; it is concrete and wholly contextual. In this rather academic sense, scientists and priests are dissimilar. But this is often a distinction without a difference. As has been the case with priests in some times and places, there is in society a great faith placed in scientists. And as with prie…

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New Study Touts Success of “Praying Away the Gay”

…of their god. The single greatest motivator for these 98 subjects however most certainly was a fear-based one.  In short, they were all living under the threat of hell. The thought of eternal damnation—a true, fiery pit where you suffer endlessly forever and ever, amen—can be a great motivator for the true believer. It can motivate people to stop smoking, drinking, swearing, wearing their hair long, or cheating on their spouse or income taxes. I…

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The New Age Fantasy of a Celtic Church that Revered Nature and the Divine Feminine Never Existed — So What?

…hristianity between how it was practiced in the Atlantic Archipelago (what most call the British Isles) and in Rome concerned the calculation for Easter’s date (the former timed it with Passover, as the Orthodox still do). There were some other differences as well, including the style of tonsure, or haircut, worn by Irish monks, but otherwise the faith as believed by Christians in northwestern Europe was the essentially the same as that promulgate…

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“Pregnancy is Not a Disease”: Birth of an Anti-Contraception Rallying Cry

…se” isn’t identifiably religious. Indeed, at first hearing, it can sound almo*]}*st appealingly feminist-ish. If you believe that misogyny is a real thing in the world, and that one of the hallmarks of misogyny is the notion that women’s bodies are gross and defective… well, a negative view of pregnancy seems like exactly the sort of data point you might expect, doesn’t it? Of course the forces of sexism would try to trick us into believing that pregn

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