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What Does Repentance Look Like For the White Church?: A Conversation with Lisa Sharon Harper

…ome people may] come back and say, “Well, no, we didn’t vote for Trump because he said Mexicans are rapists, or because he threw out dog whistles about the violence of black bodies. We didn’t vote for him because of his Muslim ban. No, we voted for him because he was for working-class workers.” Okay. I will let them have that. But then add to that the reality that he boasted about grabbing a woman’s vagina and kissing girls without their permissio…

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Two Women and a Mosque: A Convert Community Grows in Panama City

…es. Lebanese Muslims work predominately as businesspeople in the lucrative Free Trade Zone, one of the largest free trade ports in the world. In the city center, many residents are descendants of West Indian laborers on the Panama Canal throughout the twentieth century. The city has one of the highest rates of poverty in the country. Every year, a group of black Muslims in Colón hosts an event to celebrate Eid-ul-Udha, a holiday that marks the end…

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State of the Union Stuck in that Olde-Time Semi-Niebuhrianism

…” was the only other huge applause line of the entire address. If the applause-o-meter in the House chamber were any judge, the heart of the matter is that, in the best Niebuhrian “realist” fashion, a “contentious and frustrating and messy democracy” is proving its superiority to every other nation with its domestic “civility,” while at the same time sending its military forces to fend off a shadowy and (let’s be honest now) apparently rather inef…

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New History Finally Recognizes Afro-Creole Spiritualists

…t an extensive spiritual and material network surrounding them. The Cercle promoted something they called “the Idea.” What was that? Neither the Cercle Harmonique nor the spirits they communicated with formally defined “the Idea,” but references to the Idea permeate their séance records. The Idea was a reformulation of the French revolutionary cry for liberté, égalité, fraternité. The Idea meant egalitarianism, equality and brotherhood. It was the…

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Capitalism and Christianity

…data: 50 percent of white evangelicals say they believe capitalism and the free market are at odds with Christian values. According to the survey, white evangelicals are more likely to say the free market and Christian values are at odds than black Protestants, mainline Protestants, Catholics, and religiously unaffiliated Americans. On first glance that seems difficult to accept given white evangelicals’ overwhelming electoral support for the Repu…

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Not Cause, But Effect: Jared Loughner and Tea Party Rhetoric

…ous crosshairs as literal instructions to shoot, she certainly won’t be accused of promoting Christian neighborliness and peaceableness with such symbolism. What we can conclude was that Palin’s map, like her politics, was neither a call to constructive action of any kind nor a proposal for any meaningful vision of freedom. Palin’s, or Angle’s, or Beck’s defense is that they say lots of hyperbolic things for dramatic effect and people should know…

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What’s Islamophobia, and Do I Have It?

…who believes he knows Muslims better than they themselves do. Whether because of race, or because it’s transcended race; whether because of religion, or because it has transcended religion; in all these scenarios, the West always knows best.   Indeed, the West may know best because the West can change. Islam, on the other hand, is frozen, stuck in what Dipesh Chakrabarty called the “waiting room of history.” This is not, by the way, an exclusivel…

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Trump’s SOTU Address Was a Christian Nationalist Dog Whistle

…ludes the following line (emphases mine): In reaffirming our heritage as a free nation, we must remember that America has always been a Christian nation. Time magazine’s transcript, meanwhile, reflects what the president actually said: In reaffirming our heritage as a free Nation, we must remember that America has always been a frontier nation. It’s entirely possible that the speech wasn’t deliberately edited; that Trump, who’s famous for ad-libbi…

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American Infidel: Robert Ingersoll Was the “Great Agnostic” of the (Last) Gilded Age

…ttacks on “superstition” and religious flummery were tolerated in part because he was so good-humored and generous to friends and enemies alike—and also because his renown for matchless oratory in political life and in courtrooms gave him a degree of protective cover. When he died, in 1899, numerous obituaries and editorials deplored how he had used his great gifts to mock religion, some even noting that he could have been elected to high office—p…

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Romania’s “Witch Tax”: Magic Meets Bureaucracy

…ommunism, witchcraft was officially banned. However, in the 1960s Elena Ceausescu (the wife of dictator Nicolae Ceausesecu) is said to have retained a witch known as Mama Omida or “Mother Caterpillar.” Mama Omida died in 1967 but is remembered as one of the most famous and powerful witches of Romania. Her daughter, Rodica Gheorge, is now among the most popular and wealthy witches in the country. She also has a blog featuring testimonials for her c…

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