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In the Story of the New Testament We Are the Romans—No Matter Who Wins the Election

A number of years back, I heard something that changed my whole perspective on the gospels in the New Testament. The biblical scholar John Dominic Crossan was speaking about the narratives of the life of Jesus, so central to that Bible and how people in the church hear them. Then he made this simple observation: “We keep thinking we’re the Jesus people in the story. We’re not. We’re the Romans.” Maybe most people listening thought nothing of the…

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Conservative Bishops Still Mad at Pope; Oligarch Launches Orthodox Network; Yoga Won’t Change Sexuality; Global LGBT Recap

…toral solutions to long-standing problems. Nothing heals better than fresh air. For many, the pain silently endured by people forced to the fringes has developed individuals beloved in their families for their generosity and kindness and particular sensitivity. Now they just might receive some of the generosity, kindness and sensitivity they’ve offered others for years.” Bob Shine points to Fr Thomas Reese’s piece in National Catholic Reporter urg…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Jihadis?

…7 more: 1) Hirsi Ali describes the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim advocacy group which has opposed her work, as “an organization subsequently blacklisted as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates.” Exactly. 2) “Muslims … use cell phones and computers without necessarily seeing a conflict between their religious faith and the rationalist, secular mindset that made modern technology possible.” Driving on an inte…

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‘Open Mosque’ in South Africa Receives Threats; ‘Blood Test’ for ‘Degeneratism’: Global LGBT Recap

…ru earlier this month. The Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers interviewed a number of Caribbean LGBT advocates who agreed that “the movement for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights in their region continues to lag far behind that in Latin America,” partly because there has been a longer experience of independence in Latin American countries. Erin Greene, director of advocacy for SASH Bahamas, told the Blade that conservative religious bel…

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The Islamophobia Industrial Complex

…towards Islam and the upcoming Peter King hearings, ran some more specific numbers for me, and reports: “Evangelicals are significantly more likely than the general population and than other religious groups to say they most trust Fox News. More than 4-in-10 (41%) Evangelicals say they most trust Fox News, compared to 20% of Mainline Protestants, 21% of minority Christians, 29% of white Catholics, and 22% of the unaffiliated.  The [general populat…

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Beck’s Distortions Of It’s A Wonderful Life Mirror His Distortions Of Current Events

…antelli, who some credit with launching the Tea Party movement with his on-air rant about the government “promoting bad behavior” by offering foreclosure assistance. In another strange point, apparently in response to my statement that he’s trying to turn the movie into “a rallying cry for the conservative anti-government Christian right,” Beck asserted that Life clearly is a Christian movie, because it is a Christmas movie “with an angel and God….

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Opposition To DADT Repeal And The High Rate Of Evangelical Chaplains

…end back to the Vietnam War.) New York Times, 2005: There are also growing numbers of enlistees from evangelical churches. In 2005, there were 1,794 members of the Assemblies of God in the Air Force, 597 from the Church of the Nazarene and 108 from the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Because so many churches cannot be comfortably categorized as evangelical or nonevangelical, and because so many enlistees identify themselves simply as “Christian…

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Israeli Forest Fire as Divine Punishment, Religious Leaders (From Both Sides) Agree

…of PR-savvy rabbis took a beauty queen with them as they rose up in a hot air balloon to say their prayers, perhaps thinking that entreaties offered closer to heaven are more effective.) And the drought has led some ancients to demonstrate the shared worldview that binds them together cross religious lines. In mid-November “Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religious leaders conducted a joint prayer for rain in the Muslim village of Wallaja,” since a…

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Elizabeth Smart Kidnapper Guilty, But Not Insane

…s insane. His “delusional” worldview, they noted, did not come out of thin air, but from his own opportunistic amalgamation of elements of Mormon belief and culture. And he did not suffer some dramatic break with reality typically associated with delusional thinking. Smart, who returned from LDS missionary service in Paris for the trial, provided extensive, detailed testimony of her harrowing nine-month, multi-state captivity, proving her own resi…

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Hajj Journal:
This Cultural Hajj

…y own travel or to pick up family and friends. The road signs had a little airplane logo to designate the way to the airport. I never got lost going, but always got lost trying to get back home. I used to say, there needs to be a sign with a little picture of my house to direct me. I knew how to get to the mountain but I forgot to make markers for getting back! Anyway, while wandering around until I found the road with that gate that led to our te…

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