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Jay Bakker on LGBT Justice and the Demands of Grace

…e for the future in the evangelical church? I think we’re going to see the numbers continue to shrink and people leave the church, but within the next 10 to 15 years things will change. We’ll see more affirming churches, more people asking questions and people’s faith developing in ways we haven’t seen before. The evangelical church will dig its heels in on tradition over love and will have a hard time. But, you never know what will happen tomorro…

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Updated with Audio: Secular Good, Muslim Bad: Unveiling Tunisia’s Revolution

…in the month of protests, the demonstration on Friday also included large numbers of women — almost none wearing veils — and many snapping cellphone pictures of the crowd to post on the Internet. If, instead, it had been veiled women calling for democracy, would their protests have been any less meaningful? If so, we’d probably make this calculation: If their governments had stifled their society, that’s the fair trade we make to keep the bearded…

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The Tea Party are Sodomites

…ngy, and cruel city. See, e.g., Genesis Rabbah 42, 49; Leviticus Rabbah 5, Numbers Rabbah 9. Indeed, as Greenberg notes, only a single classical Jewish text, the Avot de-Rabbi Nathan, links Sodom with homosexuality, and then only in one of the two extant editions of it. All the rest discuss Sodom, at length, but never make the association. From Bad Neighbor to Sexual Sin, an Evolution Where, then, does the common usage come from? The evolution is…

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What’s Truth? Scientific Method Under the Microscope

…ry out my God-experience simultaneously on statistically significant large numbers of people, write up the experience, repeat it, compare the same number of people at the same time who don’t believe in God, but are otherwise similar, see if they have the same experience, and then have someone in Australia and China repeat my experiment and see if they get the same results. This method is what science is supposed to be about; this is scientific pro…

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The Exorcist Files, Getting Mad at God, The Obama Prayer…

…hreatening to hex the government. The state of New York has eliminated its entire kosher inspection division. New York Rep. Peter King is promising to use his new position as chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security to hold hearings about Islam in America. Record numbers of Brits are converting to Islam, according to a new survey. Opponents of Scientology in Chicago are fighting for the right to protest outside the Church of Scientolog…

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40% of Americans Still Believe in Creationism

At least things are moving in the right direction, although the numbers remain depressing. According to the latest Gallup Poll, four out of ten Americans still believe that God created man in his image about 10,000 years ago: A small minority of Americans hold the “secular evolution” view that humans evolved with no influence from God—but the number has risen from 9% in 1982 to 16% today. At the same time, the 40% of Americans who hold the “creat…

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Florida Gov’s Plan Would Aid those who Seek Biblical Law

…School (RBCS) in Niceville, Florida to add significantly to their student numbers by attracting students who could not otherwise effort to attend. They also have an entire program to support home schoolers. RBCS uses Rushdoony’s work in their high school classroom and Rushdoony was their first graduation speaker; they teach only young earth creationism and a version of American history that resembles that taught by David Barton but which predates…

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2010: What Did We Believe In?

…o hell, psychological instability of returning veterans with unprecedented numbers committing suicide, veteran services stretched thin—these are only a few items that come to mind though they only scratch the surface of the psychic, social, and cultural scars inflicted by this war. Historically and across cultures, warfare is often the most religious event in the life of any society. Is it any different here, in America, with this war? The patriot…

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Will Answers in Genesis’ New ‘Ark Park’ Comply with Anti-Discrimination Laws?

…nd a statement regarding creation will not be considered, so even the vast numbers of Christian believers who don’t understand their tradition in the narrow way of AiG are not deemed suitable. But potential discrimination in hiring goes beyond religious discrimination. As President and CEO, Answers in Genesis–USA & the Creation Museum, Ken Ham writes and lectures throughout the country on “the relevance and authority of the book of Genesis and how…

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Let Gay People Rehab Marriage

…l revolution that meant no one had to buy the cow to get the milk, growing numbers of cohabiting couples, no-fault divorce, serial monogamy, and of course, the Pill for giving women control over their own bodies. While he doesn’t come right out and blame the gays for the decline in marriage, he does take a backhanded swipe at the marriage equality movement noting that “the concept of marriage as a sacred covenant has given way to the idea that mar…

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