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Obama to Cave on Bush Tax Cuts: Letter to the Washingtonians, Chapter 1

…or the middle-class without keeping those for the wealthiest. To mark this latest capitulation framed as a compromise, a letter to the Washingtonians… To the moderate political classes, religious leaders, and activists who are tempted after the Republican gains in the 2010 midterms to call for more compromise, civility, and government sensitivity to the plight of “the least of these”: Late in the year 2000, I stayed up late into the night watching…

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Stop Policing the Borders of Christianity

Last Friday, Brandon Bitner was the latest in a still-growing list of teenagers who have committed suicide for reasons related to sexuality. A few weeks ago, another young gay man from New York City, Joseph Jefferson, hung himself. Joseph, who graduated from Harvey Milk High and worked at Gay Men of African Descent on HIV prevention, left a final Facebook message before he took his life: “I could not bear the burden of living as a gay man of colo…

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Playlist #1: Indie Rock’s Dark Night of the Soul

…RD blog, here’s a list from S. Brent Plate to accompany his article on the latest take on religion from angst- and doubt-filled indie rockers. Negative/Mystical Theology Arcade Fire, “Black Mirror” (from Neon Bible) Vic Chesnutt, “Flirted With You All My Life” (from At the Cut) Salome, “The Witness” (from Terminal) Arcade Fire, “City with No Children” (from The Suburbs) Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse featuring David Lynch, “Dark Night of the Soul”…

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Julian Assange Nativity, Castro’s Hanukkah, & a Burger Blessing

…st Church says it will picket Elizabeth Edwards’ funeral. According to the latest WikiLeaks dump, Saudi Arabian King Abdullah once criticized the mutaween, who enforce Islamic behavior in his country, for treating people like donkeys. He said they take a stick and hit you with it, saying “Come donkey, it’s time to pray.” A new survey of Muslims around the world reveals mixed feelings about Hamas and Hezbollah but an outright rejection of al Qaeda…

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Biology Textbooks Approved in Louisiana Over Creationist Objections

…and intelligent design. The terms of the law gave various appointed boards power to determine what textbooks are acceptable for adoption. Those who have been battling the creationists in this latest round didn’t hold out much hope for a victory, so the vote was quite a surprise. The whole drama reminds me of this old magazine cover from The Onion….

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Why Conservatives are Turning on Beck

…ce’s decision to shut Gaffney out, there is still a screening of Clarion’s latest endeavor, Iranium, at this week’s conference. Jasser also will be a star witness at Republican Peter King’s “radical Islam” hearings. Ali Gharib reports in AlterNet on an earlier screening of Iranium, which hypes Tehran’s nuclear threat, at the Heritage Foundation, and about how the film being promoted by a former colleague of World Net Daily’s Aaron Klein, who was o…

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Pope Invites his Flock to Join Facebook: Is the Digital Reformation Here?

…I thought, as I headed to the backyard with a cup of coffee and Il Papa’s latest digital missive. “New Forms of Shared Awareness” I couldn’t possibly have expected the day to offer much more than a thumbs up from one of leading thinkers and activists on education, spirituality, and social change. But it turned out that the Pope seems to have cribbed much of my commentary on his 2010 letter on digital social media. Whereas that letter focused on t…

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Lila Rose Targets Planned Parenthood with Lies

…boycott list in their daily shopping—go home and tune in to EWTN, read the latest blogs and decide what to pontificate about tonight. They don’t act, and they don’t worry anymore about results, except those which will be occasionally delivered through prayer. If we could pray away abortion, however, it would have been over a long time ago. And those are just a few examples. All of this raises the question of whether the tactic of deception—more, p…

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Egyptian Riot Grrls: Finding the Feminine Face of Fury

…This has led Mike Giglio, a correspondent for The Daily Beast, to dub this latest round of civil uprising in Egypt the Purity Protests.   New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote recently of his own experiences in Tahrir Square where two bold sisters confronted pro-government thugs, even as male protesters balked before the blades and clubs Mubarak’s hired men have been carrying to cut the mass movement down to size. Rallying a cry against…

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Murder of Bangladeshi Girl Not Example of Shari’ah

The latest news out of Bangladesh is that a fatwa was issued for the caning of a 14 year-old girl, Mosammet Hena, because she had an affair with a married man. The girl was brutally beaten to death in this horrific crime. I can already see the way the AP is trying to frame the story as one of shari’ah gone wild. Let’s actually look at the facts of the case and how the Bangladeshis are reporting it. So-called shari’ah courts are banned in Banglade…

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