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Damn You Auto-Correct: Creationist Edition

…iana. Well, last week, the Foundation for Thought and Ethics appeared on a list of publishers who plan to submit supplementary materials for review this spring by the Texas Board of Education for its science curriculum. So what is the Foundation for Thought and Ethics? The same folks who published Pandas and People, the intelligent design textbook that was featured so prominently in the trial of Kitzmiller v. Dover five years ago. These were the s…

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The Zeitgeist Debate

…led by the John Birch Society and the Liberty Lobby. The Zeitgeist website lists Nation writer William Greider — a longtime critic of the Fed’s policies from the left — as an “information source,” particularly his 1989 tome, Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country. But the list is otherwise populated by right-wing conspiracy theorists. In Secrets, Greider maintains: The conspiracy-minded critics exaggerated the importance o…

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Martin Luther King: Libertarian and Anti-Abortion Social Conservative

…cy. While the local paper, the Colorado Springs Gazette historically has enlisted King in its daily defense of libertarianism, this year’s editorialist apparently gave up, simply consigning King Day to an apolitical celebration. Yes, we can all dream, and become whatever we want to be, so the day should be for a celebration of anyone’s dreams. “Regardless your politics, your opinions, take a moment today to reflect on the meaning of having a dream…

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The Problem with Ayn Rand Isn’t Atheism

…ngly proving to be critical to successful progressive advocacy.” Other panelists include Elizabeth Denlinger, Director of Campaigns at Sojourners, which her biography describes as “one of the largest networks of progressive Christians in the nation,” a characterization some progressive Christians take issue with. (I’m also speaking on a different panel at the same conference.) Eleison and the AVN are focused on making “people of faith” “comfortabl…

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Size Matters According to New Study

…smaller brains” (Houston Chronicle)  In fact, that’s a somewhat selective list of stories on the findings of a highly selective study. Involving less than three hundred people, the study looked at the brain volume of a group of people it divvied up according to religious affiliation (Protestant, Catholic, “born again” and unaffiliated). (Un)born again Protestants apparently won the brain volume prize.  Bracketing the question of who devises studi…

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Sex Miseducation: Prof Fired for Pushing Catholic ‘Natural Law’

…, and began to shift their language on the purpose of marriage from a unit promoting children to a unit promoting love, support, and fellowship. In 1927, Jewish professor of Talmud, Jacob Lauterbach, famously presented his “Talmudic–Rabbinic View on Birth Control,” which maintained that as long as a couple was able to have both a boy and girl over the course of their marriage, their responsibility to propagate the race was fulfilled and therefore…

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Hajj Journal: M & M

…he essentials for spending a day in meditation, prayer, and gratitude: my “lists” of people to remember to pray for, my Qur’an, my zhikr beads, and my wits. The night before Arafat, I considered it to be a warm-up. We are supposed to be focused on ibadah, thinking about Allah, repenting for our shortcomings, reading Qur’an, meditating, praying. For some reason, I took this as the opportunity to organize our motley crew and said, “We have no fard (…

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Romney’s Mild Rebuke to Bryan Fischer, and Fischer’s Ugly Speech

…f sincere, authentic, genuine Chrisitan faith.” In the rest of his laundry list of presidential prerequisites, Fischer veered from there to discuss the “mythical separation of church and state,” the need for a president to “reject the morally and scientifically bankrupt theory of evolution,” and to believe in “the same Creator” as the founders— the “creator revealed in the pages of the Old and New Testaments.” That led him to an extended anti-Musl…

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GOP Presidential Candidates’ Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy

…eed to subscribe to any particular scientific theory in order to right the listing economy, or to protect U.S. interests abroad, or to navigate Capitol Hill. In principle, one could reject the heliocentric theory and still be a first-rate president. But he is ultimately wrong about the inappropriateness of the question. It is appropriate because the answer has consequences that go far beyond science. He was not being asked to understand the detail…

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#OccupyWallStreet and the Antichrist

…y the other types of institutions Kazin names, and I’d add churches to his list of “think tanks, legal societies, lobbyists, talk radio and best-selling manifestos.”  The Democratic Party thinks it can’t afford in any way to support an institution that might take on the Wall Streeters who stuff campaign coffers with cash. Fear of an imagined “false prophet of peace” and prophesied leader of a “one-world government” and “one-world economy” could he…

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