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Religious Right Claims Heterosexual Marriage is a Requirement for Statehood

…“to punish and prevent the practice of polygamy in the Territories of the United States”. – Bigamy punishable by a $500 fine and imprisonment not exceeding five years. – All acts passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah “pertaining to polygamy and spiritual marriage” were annulled. What it did not do, however, was make the requirement of marriage being defined as one man and one woman as a condition for statehood for all states…

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“Cult” Cinema Comes of Age

…or who strikes it rich through oil and blood, but about the rebirth of the United States as a world force at the start of the twentieth century. And his first great film, Boogie Nights, is about a porn star, but also a cultural history moving from the 1970s to the Reaganite ’80s, and shifting attitudes toward sex, drugs, and rock and roll. He’s a great filmmaker, with a brilliant grasp of imagery (even the choice to shoot much of the film in 65mm…

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Simon Critchley, Atheist Religious Thinker on Utopia & the Fiction of Faith

…forms, new forms of expression in modern politics. The Constitution of the United States is underwritten by an appeal to the divine. So the Constitution of these United States is one that presupposes theological address. It’s not that modern forms of politics cease to be theological, but there is a kind of transformation of these concepts. We’re not free of the theological trappings that we think are confined to the past—when the king was the repr…

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Rev. Smith Goes to Washington

…he county. Fellow UCC minister Barry Lynn (executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State) worries that religious liberals may inadvertently emulate the religious right by seeking to impose religiously-driven political views on the rest of society, and thereby become “left-wing theocrats.” How do you explain to voters how you relate your values to politics and public policy? If I ever felt that my role as an elected offi…

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Claremont and the Agony of the Seminaries

…rgy (i.e., Christians, Jews and Muslims): In a terse statement Friday, the United Methodist University Senate announced that it had rescinded a public warning and restored funding to the school, which will remain affiliated with the church. The senate oversees all Methodist-affiliated seminaries. Claremont President Jerry Campbell said the change of heart came after the school managed to allay fears “that we were turning a United Methodist-related…

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The Most Forgotten Queer Folks in the US are Fighting Back Against a Powerful — and Publicly Funded — Group That Discriminates With Impunity

…er education is unaffordable in the first place. But such is life in these United States. And with these concerns in mind, I consider it shameful that major LGBTQ advocacy organizations like Human Rights Campaign and Lambda Legal apparently want nothing to do with supporting LGBTQ kids in conservative Christian institutions of higher education, whether out of cowardice, strong pro-Christian implicit bias, or ignorance. Finally, conservative Christ…

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“Even the Rich Suffer”: An Interview with Google’s Jolly Good Fellow Chade-Meng Tan

…ficient food. And then you move closer to capitalism like that seen in the United States. You still have problems. You don’t have enough money for infrastructure. If you did have enough money for infrastructure, you wouldn’t have enough for poverty alleviation or for libraries, and so on. But maybe what we have in America is just about right: a system near the middle, trending towards the capitalist end. Then we can rely on inner development to cr…

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The Faith-Based Militia: When is Terrorism ‘Christian’?

…istianity—that fairly describes the majority of religious believers in the United States, for all of their extraordinary diversity. That said, regarding diversity among Christians in the U.S., we have no central ecclesiastical authority to define who and what is and is not Christian. Lacking common definitions can affect our responses to the likes of Clayton Waagner, Scott Roeder, and the Hutaree. For example, liberal Washington Post columnist Eug…

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2021 National Prayer Breakfast: A Kinder Gentler Christian Capitalism

…ralistic with nones representing the largest religious voting block in the United States. Rob Boston of Americans United for Separation of Church and State opines, “While it was a relief this year not to see the breakfast descend into the kind of embarrassment it often was during the Trump years, that hardly means the event is worth saving. This year ought to be its last.” However, given President Biden’s endorsement by progressive faith leaders,…

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Catholic Bishops to Use Mass to Lobby Against Health Care?

…ring to debate health care reform legislation. The Catholic bishops of the United States strongly support genuine health care reform that protects the life and dignity of all, from the moment of conception until natural death. However, all current bills are seriously deficient on abortion and conscience rights, and do not yet provide adequate access to health care for immigrants and the poor. In your pews/bulletins today, you’ll find a special fli…

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