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Who Killed Mars Hill Church? There’s One Suspect Evangelicals Simply Aren’t Prepared to Interrogate

…changes in US evangelical discourse. RFMH is a production of Christianity Today (CT), a magazine that has long been a central player in evangelical culture. CT emerged through the combined efforts of figures like famed evangelist Billy Graham, who sought new ways to bring a conservative, anti-communist form of Christianity to the masses, and J. Howard Pew, scion of a prominent oil family seeking a platform to sell American Christians on libertari…

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Where Is American Christian Outrage on Russia’s Treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses?

…in’s father Billy Graham, Carl F. H. Henry—founding editor of Christianity Today—and others harshly criticized religious repression in the Soviet Union. Yet Christianity Today has largely been silent on the subject of abuses in Russia and recently named Uzbekistan a poster child for religious freedom. An article describing the 2017 ban on the Witnesses provided theological reasons for evangelicals to “oppose” them, noting the group’s denial of the…

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Christian Colleges, Gay Faculty—and the Boy Scouts

…gay faculty member at a Christian college, got my attention. Christianity Today posted an interview with the new president of Calvin College, a highly respected member institution of the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU), while the Huffington Post’s “Parents” portal featured the reflections of a gay father on the Boy Scouts’ decision to permit scouts to be openly gay, but not its leaders.  Rather than celebrate the Boy Scouts’…

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A Dismayed Democrat Reads the Bible

…re more moral people, they’d be rich. The scandal of American Christianity today is that it is deeply divided not only about issues like biblical inerrancy and evolution, but it’s deeply divided between a conservative vision of Christianity that emphasizes that what really matters morally is personal morality, the behavior of individuals. Much of that is focused on what I call the ‘loin issues,’ the issues of gender and sexuality. Social values ar…

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The White Nationalist Fringe Just Took a Giant Step Closer to the Center of the GOP

…ty as a faith practice is fringe even within white nationalist communities today, but the language and the ideas have been adopted by several prominent thought leaders in the current far-right, and the fact that these lines are being spoken openly to wild applause speaks volumes about the real opinions of the America First movement as a whole, regardless of their Young Republicans Club aesthetic. That Torba was that open about this language is an…

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Meet the New Christian Right, Same as the Old Christian Right

…d-be Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, as noted in RD, has said her work in promoting school choice is fueled by her desire to “confront the culture in which we live today to help advance God’s Kingdom.” Allowing public education funding to go to religious schools is, according to some, the foundational issue of the Christian right. But it’s not just within the Trump administration where the Christian right will likely hold sway. The Christian righ…

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The High Church of Art

…nimagined forms–no reason to call it “secular.” His curatorial interest in promoting consciousness turned “in part on a suggestive paradox: How can modernist aesthetics be reconnected with a complex mystical tradition from which it has never been separated?” (italics mine). In other words, how may the modern museum escape the fiction of its own secularity and thereby rediscover its spiritual roots, its spiritual task? It is telling that Sweeney’s…

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Gen X, Gadgets, and God

…ster will eventually come to the conclusion that engagement with believers today has to be both digital and mobile. Thus, I wasn’t surprised to read about an Anglican priest in Nova Scotia who offered a “grace for gadgets” service over Labor Day weekend during which the faithful had to opportunity to have their smartphones, laptops, and other mobile electronic devices blessed. In a similar vein, earlier this year, a Methodist church in Texas began…

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Making Fun of Mormonism

…long considered quintessential “outsiders” to mainstream American culture, today find themselves at the center of the American zeitgeist. Yet it is the Mormons’ supposed theological weirdness that is the centripetal attraction. As Joanna Brooks has noted in these pages, the New York Times recently featured Harold Bloom’s musings on how a President Romney would govern a country, and a planet, from which he would in the afterlife depart, becoming th…

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Jerusalem Honors Right-Wing Mogul Sheldon Adelson

…elson is doing his best to spread the message through Israel HaYom (Israel Today), a free tabloid that is the country’s must-read news outlet. Adelson told reporters at the Jerusalem gathering that he does not dictate the newspaper’s coverage or editorials, but that both reflect his point of view and that of his close friend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In a nation of news junkies, Israel HaYom is trying to steer public opinion to the right…

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