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The Vatican ‘Doubts’ Same-Sex Love, But More Doubt The Vatican

…e it took Brutus to plunge his sword, what today one would call a New York minute, the statement has been rejected widely. The agency was answering its own “Doubt” about whether the institutional Roman Catholic Church could—really the question is should—bless same-sex partnerships. The “Response” was a clear, clipped “Negative.” The Responsum, dated February 22, 2021, was signed by Luis F. Cardinal Ladria the Prefect, and Archbishop Giacomo Morand…

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Talking With the “Religious Terrorist” that Turkey Wants Trump to Extradite

…he other side of the world. It seems even less likely that the tens of thousands of teachers, journalists, lawyers, judges, businesspeople, and social service providers who have been imprisoned in Turkey since the coup attempt had anything to do with it. Coup plots are, by their nature, privy only to a small inner circle of those directly engaged in the operations. Even if an inner circle of Gulen supporters were involved, it is unlikely that the…

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Evolution Challenged in ‘Textbook’ Case: As Goes Texas, So Goes the Nation

…er a majority vote in favor of the “weakness” language. However, in a last-minute push for alternative amendments, they were able to eke out a majority vote to insert other dubious phrases through a back door. As a result, creationist and pro-intelligent design organizations like the Seattle-based Discovery Institute are now claiming victory “for science education.” But science watchdogs say the board actually created a road map to pressure publis…

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Why Is the Economy Stuck?… Market Theology for Nonbelievers

…the same point again, only more obnoxiously. I’ll bottom-line it in just a minute, but here’s the theological set up. According to Walter Brueggemann (reading the Exodus narrative), “static religious triumphalism” funds a politics of “human oppression and exploitation.” That probably seems opaque, but the point is simple. When God (or the gods) guarantee and legitimize the social order, they inevitably come to represent the interests of the wealth…

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Closing with Gospel in Morocco

…the group’s ney player had become sick and the clarinet player was a last-minute addition. Once that was explained I began to realize that the music did not seem forced, it only appeared that way. It was an amazing natural fit, and Peter Culshaw, in The Telegraph, thinks it’s because of the natural klezmer associations of the music. Sufi Nights People who have been to the festival before told me the most addictive part was the nighttime performan…

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What the National Council of Churches Should Say About Financial Reform

…let them go and gather their own straw. But require them to make the same number of bricks as before; don’t reduce the quota. They are lazy; that is why they are crying out, ‘Let us go and sacrifice to our God.’ Make the work harder for the men so that they keep working and pay no attention to lies.” You are Pharaoh. We are Moses and Aaron. Get our drift? Hugs and kisses, etc. etc. I am being impolite for dramatic effect, of course. You get the p…

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Rand Paul: We Wouldn’t Need Laws If Everyone Were Christian

…ectly traceable to Dr. Rushdoony’s work.” James Dobson, who offered a last-minute endorsement of Paul, had voted for Phillips in 1996 as “protest vote” against the GOP. Ron Paul spoke at the Constitution Party’s fundraiser in 2009, as did John Birch Society president John McManus. Reconstructionists share the worldview of the John Birch Society, which as Adele Stan reported, has enthusiastically praised Paul’s victory over Republican Trey Grayson….

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Brooks Misreads Niebuhr

…Moral Man, you’ll also know that Niebuhr doesn’t waste a minute on bipartisanship. To do anything worth doing, you have to work with groups, he knew. Moral life takes us beyond the life of ones and twos and into society, which means, inevitably, playing with the fire of sin. It’s that paradox that consumes Niebuhr, not Brooksian post-partisanship, which really means “Democrats should let the Republicans do whatever they want.” Like I say, if you’…

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Pat Robertson: No Longer a Relevant Player

…lty of not practicing what he preaches? Anyone who tunes in to more than a minute of The 700 Club can figure out pretty quickly that Pat’s application of the Greatest Commandment does not extend to those godless heathen Democrats, feminists, and other political infidels that dare to thwart what Fortune magazine terms his “quest for eternal life.” Lest you think I am exaggerating here, check out the dude’s 1992 best-selling book The New World Order…

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Lying about Santa: The Irrelevance of Proof to the Holiday Spirit

…ccounts were utterly at odds. The children didn’t hesitate to delve into amazing speculations about how Santa may have once been an ordinary man, or preceded the evolution of the human race, or came from a supernova-ed star long ago. None of them, significantly, were willing to either question their belief in Santa or to prove it—aside from the testimony of having seen him at school or the remains of his nocturnal deliveries at home. As Hook press…

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