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Virginia High School Says Students May Post Ten Commandments on Lockers

…t up by individual students expressing their religious views, but were the official government-sponsored displays of the Giles County School District. After the district decided to remove the Ten Commandments, the Giles County students hosted a walk out from school and said that those who didn’t agree with their version of Christianity should just move away. While the Giles County School District has not put back the displays, officials with Floyd…

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Despite Religious Violence, Egyptian Mosques Calling for Muslim-Christian Unity

…roblems, head-on, without allowing ourselves to become complacent; but to face those problems with any degree of seriousness, we have to face them together. Otherwise, we might as well admit defeat, and send out an official message to al-Qa’eda and their friends entitled “You’ve won.” Because that disunity is what they’ve been aiming to achieve all along. Egyptians and Americans have got a better message than that….

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Why Are Some Muslims Calling to Replace GMT with Mecca Time?

This summer, the world’s largest clock began its first official duty: marking time during Ramadan in Mecca—Islam’s holiest city. This colossal clock bears a striking resemblance to Big Ben, and the tower that hosts it (courtesy of the Canadian-based Fairmont hotel operation) is six times taller than the British landmark, making it the second tallest building in the world, visible for 16 miles. All well and good. One can marvel at human ingenuity…

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Attacks on Science: Predictions for the New Year

…culum. Because they are not subject to the same formal adoption process as official textbooks, supplemental materials used in local school districts could rely on some seriously dubious source matter. (Discovery Institute material, perhaps?) Expect the battles over this issue to take place in Texas and Louisiana. Because of financial constraints, the Texas Board of Education has decided to delay the adoption process of new science textbooks, which…

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Pentagon Report Rejects Religious Right Arguments On DADT

After being leaked for weeks, the Pentagon’s official report about the lifting of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is finally out and it shows just what the leaks revealed: the vast majority of those in the military see no problem with allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly. Still, the American Family Association and other religious right groups continue to protest that the religious freedom of chaplains and soldiers who object to serving alongside gays…

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Indonesian Volcano Update: Yes, it’s a Religion Story…

…uge in mosques, religious schools and in other public spaces that were not officially designated as refugee centers. Social networking technologies normally used for chatter and gossip provided the basis an effective, if often chaotic needs assessment. Few people thought about how dangerous driving through clouds of volcanic ash, often well within the official “danger zone,” actually was. Ethnicity and religion, which are often divisive, simply di…

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Same-Sex Marriage: The Cure for Unemployment (Worries)

…about 75% Latino. About 25% of residents live below the poverty line. Its official unemployment rate of 30.4% is the highest in the nation. When same-sex marriage was legal in California, about 50 Imperial County couples lined up to make their vows at the county courthouse in El Centro. In November 2008, about 67% of County voters voted Yes on 8. About one year later, in November 2009, the Alliance Defense Fund contacted Imperial County Board of…

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Shari’ah Creeps into Outer Space

…. Mazlan Othman, was in the news for speculation that she would become the official UN Ambassador to Extraterrestrial Life. Although false, the rumor caused some consternation as Othman is Muslim. Finally, a Vancouver astrophysicist, head of the Muhammad Institute for Space Science, wants to build a space-launch complex in Canada. All of these stories coming in close proximity to one another can only mean one thing: the stealth jihad to creep shar…

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2010: What Did We Believe In?

…sacred concerns of Americans? It shouldn’t be surprising, as you read RD’s official list, that these are also some of the most contentious political issues of our day… 1. Sexual Boundaries: A perennial sacred concern in every society. This past year, the highly charged American dilemma over sexuality points to one unequivocal fact: heterosexual intimacy between a man and a woman for the purpose of reproduction continues to be less and less relevan…

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Mormon-Born Daya Mata Typifies American Yoga

…Realization Fellowship to enter into a guru-disciple relationship with the official gurus of the tradition, including Babaji, Krishna, and Jesus, as well as Yogananda himself. She taught that the gurus, having attained loving union with God, could help their disciples attain that same goal. Having taken the vow of renunciation, Daya Mata prescribed that path for those who, like her, wanted to devote their entire lives to love of God. Furthermore,…

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