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Will Iowa’s Abortion Ban Respect Religious Freedom?

…a defensive posture neutralizes the legal force it’s exerted since Dobbs. Most importantly, people motivated by religious beliefs to have, assist, or provide abortions deserve the same constitutional protections as those afforded to conservative Christians. As abortion rights defenders in Iowa and elsewhere navigate an increasingly restrictive legislative environment, RFRA challenges are only likely to increase—and they have the critical benefit…

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Mormon Rejection of Trump Embarrassing for Evangelicals?

…ich. Trump’s Utah loss follows his earlier defeats in the second and third most Mormon states, Idaho and Wyoming, where he lost to Cruz by 18 and 59 points, respectively. To add insult to injury, a recent poll conducted by the LDS Church-owned Deseret News found Utah would vote for a Democratic candidate in November over Trump. Utah hasn’t sided with the Democrats since Lyndon Johnson’s landslide election in 1964. Why have Mormons rejected Trump?…

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American Christianity Is Changing Fast: Five Stories to Watch in 2016

…are looking for in church, this shift represents a failure on the part of most churches to provide a message and organizational structure that will both attract and retain church members. This will likely continue, but will churches adapt by figuring out what people want in church, or will they continue to stagnate and decline? On the other hand, what alternative forms, if any, of “church” might people be forming to replace the religious communit…

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An Unholy Holy Week: Is the All-Male Rule of the Roman Catholic Church Self-Destructing?

…t Believe in God It’s not that the faithful are leaving the Church—for the most part, they aren’t. It’s that the hierarchy itself is cracking. “What I would like to see is actually Christian honest people running the shop,” said Sinead O’Connor, speaking on CNN about her faith as a Catholic woman and the need for governmental change in the Church. “It seems to me that the Vatican don’t actually believe in God at all. They’re certainly not acting l…

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The Faith Outreach Canard

…owing against a party, it’s the incumbents in the swing districts that are most likely to be blown out of office. And his colleague Eric McGhee notes that 2010 looks like a reverse of 2006 — when Democrats made big congressional gains at a time when a Republican president was falling out of favor. Sapp, in his post-election lament that the Democrats didn’t listen to him enough, blames these losses on the Democrats’ lack of faith outreach. But as t…

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Special Hell: Progressive Catholics Reckon With the Rise of Trump

…t’s a scandal that calls into question the moral standing and integrity of most—not all—Catholics today,” Marquette University moral theologian Dan Maguire told RD. To many, Catholic support for Trump feels like a repudiation of the Catholic social justice tradition. “Donald Trump’s campaign rhetoric and consequent election are rooted in fear and hate. This approach violates the gospel and Jesus’ commitment to the poor and marginalized. It threate…

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55% of Utah Mormons Believe LGBT People can “Change”

…hich downplays the reality of LGBT experience). Still, my friend observed, most of the people she attends church with on Sundays simply believe being gay is an abomination. Change is very, very slow to come among LDS Church membership. More Mormons have rallied around Elder Packer’s hurtful speech than have carefully read the prepared official PR statement affirming LGBT humanity and dignity. Few have absorbed the nuances Church leaders have been…

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The Devil is in the Details

…machines dispensed something closer to my U.S. limit. I’m sorry, but in almo*]}*st 40 years of travel to 40 countries, I have only once used travelers checks. They are supposed to be better protected. You can get them 100% replaced if lost or stolen, but only if you first write down each and every serial number. Then you have to keep this information somewhere that’s not the same somewhere you keep the checks. But then they really do NOT spend just l

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What Pence and Kaine Reveal About Divides in Catholicism

…de Catholicism less vibrant”: Over time, the Democratic Party has become almo*]}*st exclusively pro-choice: Even by 1992, the Catholic, pro-life Pennsylvania Governor Bob Casey Sr. was shut out of speaking at Bill Clinton’s Democratic National Convention, and allegedly because of his efforts to restrict abortion in Pennsylvania. This sense of ideological homelessness is arguably responsible for the loss of distinctive Catholic identity among politicia

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Do Space Aliens Need Baptism? The View From Gliese 581g

…nk, maybe the connection is out there somewhere. There is no scientific quest more religious than the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. But this outward search is, on a certain level, guaranteed to bring us back where we are. To illustrate, let us perform an interesting thought experiment. Let us place ourselves on Gliese 591g and turn those same telescopes around and observe us observing the universe. What a strange, strange sight. What a…

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