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Naming White Supremacy’s Fears in A Third Reconstruction

…on, and he’s working with Union to expand the scope of his work beyond his Southern base. I can say about Rev. Barber that he has this remarkable combination of deep theological knowledge, a sharpness of intellect when it comes to history, and this very practical politics. He always has very specific things to say about the kind of policy changes we need to be pursuing. The movement he’s building never lets you drift off into an amorphous idealism…

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Rev. William Barber: Speaking “Truth that Empowers”

I moved to the Triangle area of North Carolina in 2014, and I had only heard of Rev. William Barber through the media, namely through his Moral Mondays movement. What I remember most was a news clip in which he had on overalls. He didn’t look the part. He looked like a bygone image of a civil rights leader from decades past. But he spoke with a passionate, righteous indignation about the larger issues of human rights in our country and the ways i…

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Trump Speaker Says Bernie “Gotta Get Saved… Gotta Meet Jesus”

…Mark Burns warmed up the crowd at a Trump campaign event in Hickory, North Carolina today. His message was, um, special: “Bernie Sanders who doesn’t believe in God. How in the world are we going to let Bernie? I mean really? Listen, Bernie gotta get saved. He gotta meet Jesus. He gotta have a come to Jesus meeting,” Burns said. This is obviously not the right thing to say at a presidential campaign rally. Sanders is running for a secular political…

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Sing the Glory of the Smoke: The Spiritual History of Jazz

…a professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at North Carolina State University, transcribes these riffs with unique expertise. He is himself a jazz musician, and the book accomplishes a unique mashup of words and sound. (It even comes with its own listening guide.) Last week, The Cubit caught up with Bivins at a Durham coffee shop to discuss jazz, religion, and science, and to ask whether jazz musicians represent the ultimate…

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What the Conservative Christian “Fake-Trans Bathroom Creeper” Has To Do With Suburban Anxiety

…to Springfield, Missouri. And Fayetteville, Arkansas. And Charlotte, North Carolina. And other red-state cities whose legislative bodies have proposed ordinances that ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. In each case, the language of these ordinances has included exceptions for religious groups, yet prominent Christian conservatives in each of these areas have mounted campaigns to defeat the ordinances with help from…

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‘Joel’s Army’ Is Already Here: The Obscure 20th Century Religious Movement That Profoundly Influences The Right’s Cosmic Battle

…governor, and prominent apostles Chuck Pierce of Texas and Dutch Sheets of South Carolina for example, have referred to government officials as “the enemy.” By this, they mean Satan and his demonic minions. While Apostle Abby Abildness works with righteous state legislators, she worries that “the enemy of our souls is conspiring to take over Pennsylvania leadership.” We think that knowing is better than not knowing why so many prominent religious…

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Religious Freedom Advocates Warn of “Theocratic Zones of Control”

…age equality, such as when leaders of the United Church of Christ in North Carolina “successfully challenged the anti-marriage equality amendment to the state constitution on grounds that it criminalized ceremonies which they and other religious communities considered to be valid and sacred.” Sonfield calls for a “mitigating the harm” approach to religious liberty exemptions that accepts they are the new reality and incorporates specific limits, a…

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How Obama Made Gun Control A Religious Freedom Issue

…fely,” Obama said, and “that right was denied to Christians in Charleston, South Carolina. And that was denied Jews in Kansas City. And that was denied Muslims in Chapel Hill, and Sikhs in Oak Creek. They had rights, too.” Hearing that list, again, of people targeted because of their faith, or targeted in a religious setting, was stunning and sobering, all over again, even if you remembered, in the back of your mind, that gruesome map of gun-relat…

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Trump Pulls a Huckabee on Religion

…r-old mother of five, brought her family to Berean Baptist Church in North Carolina to see the man she and her children learn about during their homeschooling sessions. They’ve read his books, she said, and “Dr. Ben Carson is a hero for us.” Trip Gabriel at the New York Times similarly finds Carson supporters in Iowa unfazed by his comments linking gun control to Nazism or comparing abortion to slavery: Mr. Carson’s provocative comments on topics…

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Why SBC’s Russell Moore Wants Conservative Evangelicals to Be Nicer

…nt slurs. And he called for the Confederate flag to be taken down from the South Carolina capitol. Such positions sometimes cause older members to grumble that times were better with Moore’s predecessor, Richard Land, who publically supported Mitt Romney in the last presidential election, did not meet with Obama and wasn’t always gentle with those who disagreed. One observer and frequent blogger, Bart Barber pastor of First Baptist Church in Farme…

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