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Walking Dead and Zombie Ethics, or “Don’t Fight the Zombies. You Can’t Win”

…for consumers to act on vengeful fantasies. If they are zombies, violence can’t be wrong, can it? Shooting targets in the face is not real violence, if they are monsters. Zombies Are Us: Humanity and Its Discontents In the first season of The Walking Dead, the protagonist Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) is saved by Morgan (Lennie James) and his son, who are holed up in their home while zombies roam the street. While Morgan nurses Rick back to health…

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Pennsylvania Rep. Says Contraception Mandate Is Like Pearl Harbor and 9/11

…ng floor speech last week that got picked up by conservative media, Republican US Representative Mike Kelly is in the spotlight today for likening the contraception mandate to the Pearl Harbor and 9/11 attacks. Yeah, you know? I’ve got nothing. Maybe he really believes in that equivalency. Maybe he thinks that the contraception mandate is a lot like an attack by a foreign power. Maybe when he sat down and thought, “What’s the appropriate image to…

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“Guerilla Warrior of Judeo-Christian Political Commentary” Stars in Anti-Newt Video in Iowa

…ker whose Illuminati Pictures delivers something akin to an animated political cartoon weekly at WorldNetDaily. Gordon also announced today that 832,897 text messages went out to Iowans last week bearing a link to his own video endorsement of a proposed GOP ticket, less than a month from the Iowa Republican Presidential Caucuses on Jan. 3. That endorsement? A merger of Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann. Pastor Gordon, who previously supported for…

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A Valentine for the World…and for the Church I Left

…hey still cared for me. And I can’t tell you how many times I remember the phone call she made and the letter he sent. To the rest of you, those I potlucked with, laughed with, held your hands, loved your babies, went to your weddings, your sickbeds, your moments of crisis: Where are you? Why have you let me go to what you believe to be perdition? Are you just too busy? Did I never matter that much? Have I fooled myself believing we were bonded fo…

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“Symbolic” Personhood Bill Could Kill

…es that they support which would go directly to her physical and psychological care, her removal from the abuse, the detention of her rapist, and the education and healthcare and nourishment of her child. 5. I would like to know why, when there are really awesome custom t-shirt companies in Oklahoma like Boomtown Tees, our politicians seemingly can’t be bothered to take five minutes and fifty bucks to find an appropriate platform for an ideologica

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Is Herman Cain’s Long-Running Minstrel Show Finally at an End?

…k of repentance and consistent lying exposes the fact that he isn’t a real card carrying member of the religious right. His black Baptist upbringing has taught him otherwise. I will probably get in trouble for saying this, but the way that black Baptists deal with sexual sin and the way most conservative white evangelicals deal with sexual sin are very different. Compare what happened to Ted Haggard, Jim Baker, or Jimmy Swaggart with Henry Lyons,…

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Christian Atheism: The Only Response Worth its Salt to the Zimmerman Verdict

…y? Where is the goodness and justice of God for Marissa Alexander, the African-American woman who is presently serving a 20-year prison sentence for shooting a warning shot to ward off her abusive husband from attacking her? She “stood her ground,” shoots and kills no one, but gets 20 years in prison (we’re still waiting to see if Florida’s governor will commute her sentence or if this will remain a travesty of justice); Zimmerman shoots and in fa…

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Joyless Primaries Grind On

…eeting. “Now, I’m going to serve my family,” said the father, bringing the call to a close. “Because that’s what I do.” And Mitt Romney is going to serve his country. Because that’s what he does. Like it or not. That joyless put-your-shoulder-to-the-wheel tenacity is setting the tone for the GOP primaries. Onward grinds the contest, protracted unnaturally by super PAC money, and delivering few surprises: Romney continues to win the Northeast and W…

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Is Pro-Life Cause Célèbre Chen Guangcheng Actually Pro-Life?

…nce journalist who blogs at Things You Don’t Know About China. “He is critical of the local authorities’ forced abortions which he believes to have violated women’s rights.”, a nonprofit anti-abortion news service, has championed Chen’s cause, publishing numerous stories and opinion pieces about the case over the years. “[…] Chen is not the kind of activist that American authorities would have wanted to help,” claimed Julio Severo…

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A Year After the Non-Apocalypse: Where Are They Now?

…othy Martin, a suburban homemaker who believed that she was able to communicate telepathically with superior beings from the planet Clarion. They told her things and she wrote down what they said. One thing they told her was that a giant flood was going to submerge North America but, before it did, Martin and a handful of acolytes would be rescued by a flying saucer. Dorothy Martin wasn’t exactly William Miller but she would do in a pinch. Festing…

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