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40% of Americans Still Believe in Creationism

…is the lowest in Gallup’s history of asking this question, and down from a high point of 47% in 1993 and 1999. There has been little change over the years in the percentage holding the “theistic evolution” view that humans evolved under God’s guidance. The telephone poll taken last week of 1,119 adults over 18, revealed that a majority of Republicans (52 percent) hold young earth creationist views, while only 34 percent of Democrats and Independen…

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Anti-Gay Evangelicalism is the Norm: A Less Rosy Take on the Evangelical “Tipping Point”

…icular for his association with Martin Luther King, Jr.” Does that make my high school “evangelical” and hers “fundamentalist”? We’re talking more about matters of degree than kind. Jennifer and I actually went to the same church at the time. My evangelical world was pretty hardline; hers was even more so. The issues may change, but most of evangelicalism remains hardline. Before we get too celebratory about the “tipping point,” therefore, we need…

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Prayer vigil for Las Vegas shooting victim Sonny Melton (WBBJ TV)

No Way Out But The Ballot Box: Why Partisanship Trumps Morality In Gun Control Debate

…mere politics. Reinhold Niebuhr pegged this problem right: no option for response is morally pure—and oh, by the way, doing nothing is just another option. Every faith-based activist and every high-minded proponent of civil religion needs to start wrestling with this reality, if we are to avoid being right back here again, only with a higher body count….

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The Meaning of Make Believe (Why Religion Doesn’t Have to Be “Real”)

…chanted. My first conscious brush with disenchantment came during a junior high camping trip in northern Minnesota. I suggested to my friends that we pretend to be wizards and elves on an epic quest through the forest—and they looked at me like I had lost my mind. We were camping. The point was to find adventure by canoeing across lakes, hiking through woods, pitching tents, building fires. I tried to mask my embarrassment by playing it off as a j…

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Nobel Laureates Tell Gov. Jindal to Repeal Anti-Evolution Law

A Louisiana high-school senior who is leading an uphill battle to repeal his state’s anti-evolution “academic freedom” law just added a bunch of heavy hitters to his list of supporters. Less than a week after a state lawmaker introduced a bill to repeal the law, officially known as the Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA), 41 science Nobel Laureates sent a letter to Gov. Bobby Jindal and members of the legislature backing the measure. “Biologic…

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Debating God: Atheist and Evangelical Face Off at Notre Dame

…gain, anyway, the hype paid off. All 900 seats in the brand-new, ten-story-high Leighton Concert Hall sold out within hours. And in the Atheist Corner… The look of the debate itself was typical, if understated. (Compare this, for instance, with a recent Craig debate in Mexico, where the podium was in the middle of a boxing ring.) The debaters sat onstage at a table with the moderator between them—Michael Rea, who heads Notre Dame’s prestigious Cen…

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The Woody Allen Problem: How Do We Read Pacifist Theologian (and Sexual Abuser) John Howard Yoder?

…o walk free.“ That trauma is compounded because public discussions of such high-profile cases have a depressingly predictable, misogynistic script, regardless of whether those discussions happen in the context of pop journalism, blogs or Christian denominational magazines. One recurring theme is that of the mentally unstable accusers, motivated by vengeance. “The controversy over John Howard Yoder continues. I’m beginning to think his victims and…

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Why is the Pope Popular Among Nones?

…he pope was elected, nones viewed him with approval at a rate of 39% (that number may require some parsing since a third of nones had no opinion of Francis in 2013); today that figure is as high as 71%. But why do nones like Pope Francis so much? Many of them choose not to belong to a single religious tradition, yet only one in five of them dislike religion. Many nones say that social justice, care for the marginalized, and the preferential option…

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Anti-Gay, Anti Catholic Evangelical Sworn In As Mayor of Rio; More in Global LGBT Recap

…et emboldened and raise their voices,” he said. “I want their voices to go higher – so high that they drown out the orthodox voices. That’s what I want to see, and that’s going to be a slow process.” While the process is slow, change could be coming – or at least there’s a semblance of change. “Twenty years ago, if you asked any mainstream scholar about this issue, they would’ve said it’s an abomination,” Jahangir said. “They would have said it’s…

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How America Really Lost Its Mind: Hint, It Wasn’t Entirely the Fault of Hippie New Agers and Postmodern Academics

…hers should teach the “debate” between evolution and Intelligent Design in high school biology classrooms. It looks like science can’t decide, that evolution is just one “theory” amid a set of legitimately rival theories. The point, for Intelligent Design and creation science, is not to get to the bottom of things with actual science, but to cloud the science, making it appear as though no consensus exists, and we all just have to make a faith dec…

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