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Status Updates at the End of the World: The Religious Imagination and Our Latest Apocalypse

…end of certain social orders, political realities, ways of being. The end times is generally just a point in time, a reset on the status quo, a reorienting of the arc of history. Such expectations may involve massacre and cataclysm, cities in ruin, cats laying down with dogs, but they do not represent the end of human history, merely a transition. As has been reported by both mainstream and tabloid media, a variety of religious thinkers are focus…

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Rand Paul’s Messianic Campaign Video Shouts “Yes I Can!”

…clamation: “It’s time for a new way, a new set of ideas…and above all it’s time for a new president.” We’re invited to “Join the movement.” The latter notion worked so well for candidate Obama, although his campaign struggled to figure out how to translate the energy of so many young people into practical action after the inauguration. But the key difference between Paul’s rhetoric and the last successful presidential campaign is how Paul centers…

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Wojnarowicz’s Ant-Covered Jesus: Blasphemy or Religious Art?

…hat “dark insolent, and senselessly eternal power.” The picture becomes, like so many before and after, a point of great healing, compassion, and understanding about this central, paradoxical thing that Christians hold dear: Incarnation. Now, in the time of Advent, a time of reflection on the in-flesh-ment of the divine in a human baby, there is little more important than a deep understanding of the humanity of Jesus. And to be human means to take…

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Christian Right Denialism is More Dangerous Than Ever: A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation

…e of the most important Christian religious and political movements of our time and, arguably, any time. One need look no farther than the role of NAR leaders in the electoral campaigns of Donald Trump and Trump aligned figures, from school boards, to statewide elected offices, and as a dynamic part of the Christian Right. Nevertheless there are some who claim that the NAR doesn’t even exist. We are simply going to say that it does. Others, howeve…

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Arguments That Caste Protections ‘Unjustly Target’ South Asians Don’t Stand Up to Scrutiny

…ians, and Hindus for ethno-religious profiling, monitoring, and policing.” Time and time again, the Hindu right has issued these same warnings about the discriminatory menace of caste protections—and yet, not a single one of them has come to fruition. Brandeis’ caste protections are over two years old, and since then, similar policies have been implemented across the country. During that time, we haven’t heard of a single documented instance, at B…

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Jesus Was Single

…e; in other words, no state will be mandating unisex toilet facilities any time soon. Our current tax laws also rely on discriminating judgments according to categories of social class, and they are subject to even less severe scrutiny; the rich pay a higher percentage than the poor, and that is a discriminating judgment that does not seem too discriminatory… to most. When it comes to the modern categories of sexual identity, the courts have had a…

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The White Nationalist Fringe Just Took a Giant Step Closer to the Center of the GOP

…e flown under the radar of most political commentators. It’s not the first time that blatant mainstreaming of white supremacism has been connected to Christian nationalism in US history. While the first Klan of the Reconstruction-era was mainly conducting terror attacks on Black people, the second Klan of the 1920s combined Protestantism and racism so effectively that it reached an all-time peak in membership. The strong emphasis on religion, whil…

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Government Prayer Isn’t Inclusive—Let’s Not Pretend Otherwise

…removes one of our two verboten topics, religion, from the other, politics. Government prayer doesn’t bring We the People together, it drives us apart, and it’s doing so at a time when there is already more than enough strife and discord. It’s time to do away with this archaic and divisive tradition….

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Space X and the Photo-Op: Trump’s Use of the Bible Was Just the Latest in a Series of Christian Nationalist Messages

the Trump administration and its mouthpieces among the Christian Right use time and again as a weapon against people of color. In the appendix to his 1845 memoir, Frederick Douglass issued a scathing critique of Christianity’s role in slavery that sadly is still relevant for understanding white supremacism today: “The slave auctioneer’s bell and the church-going bell chime in with each other, and the bitter cries of their heart-broken slave are dr…

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Ask a Muslim: What of Neanderthals and Aliens?

…whatever planet they might be on? Isn’t Muhammad, as Muslims believe, the best of all creation? As you can see, I spent a lot of time in the library as a kid. But I’m not pulling this out of thin air. Battlestar Islamica When the angels asked God, “Will you create someone who corrupts, and sheds blood?” maybe they meant the jinn. That doesn’t add up, however: Satan was a jinn so pious he worshipped where only angels genuflected. In which case per…

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