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No-News News From Focus on the Family

…havior of the church (and through it the larger society). That’s as much a business decision as it is a political calculation. Daly himself says that 90% of his budget is directed “marriage and family issues.” That, combined with a long-term shift in conservative Christian circles from a few highly partisan leaders to a broader leadership, means that Daly is going to find it increasingly easier to raise funds for his adoption initiative than for g…

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Birtherism, Satire, “Natural Born Citizen,” and Deuteronomy

…ook. Corsi doesn’t cite Titus, but Titus has been pushing this harebrained business for a few years. He first presented it to an IOTC “First Friday” event last year. In a 2009 story on WND, Titus was interviewed as an expert on the original meaning of the Constitution, where he also made the same arguments. In its announcement of the book release today, WND notes that before the release, “conscientious Americans” had “two choices:” believe that Ob…

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Why is Huntsman’s Mormonism “Tough to Define”?

…as evidence of the LDS Church’s evolution from mid-20th century models of “business Mormonism” to a more cosmopolitan 21st century outlook. (Both Romney and Huntsman are baby boomers. Generational? I’m not so sure.) But Time’s profile of Huntsman (also published Thursday morning) made it seem that there might be more profound differences at work in the Romney-Huntsman divide. Time’s Melinda Henneberger wrote: And as for whether or not Huntsman sti…

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Politics Threaten Utah Compact on Immigration

…ive sectors of the Anglo Mormon Utah base, a broad coalition of religious, business and law enforcement officials laid the groundwork for reform when they devised the Utah Compact—a statement that acknowledged the contributions of immigrants and expressed support for immigrant families—last November. The Utah Compact signaled the Church’s intent to break publicly and decisively with an all-enforcement anti-immigrant road-to-nowhere approach like A…

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Prophets of the Environmental Apocalypse

…ic scripture at Los Alamos: “I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.” Many Americans actually felt pretty good about the nuclear bomb for a little bit, though that changed once those damned Russkies got a bomb of their own. Partly to allay growing fears of annihilation, President Eisenhower in 1953 began heavily promoting the “Atoms for Peace” concept through which the lethal nuclear fission process might be seen as but another mainstay of America…

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Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t: The Problem of the Rape Exception

…es to the ‘aughties that number rose from 16% to 21%—more than one in five Americans.   Meanwhile the GOP has, since January, been busy trying to shrink the very definition of rape to only deem those who suffered “forcible rape” eligible to receive federal funding for an abortion. Forcible. Not statutory rape. These are the kinds of distinctions they find it crucial to draw. What, you thought they’d give up after the public outcry in February? Ah,…

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Man Behind Willie Horton Ad Is Out to Save America from the Mormons

…th and antagonize the LDS Church into getting out of the marriage equality business. Strange logic, this: that calling attention to Romney’s anti-marriage equality record (an issue on which Mormons and evangelicals have made the rare common cause) will create a liability for Romney in the Republican primaries. And even stranger logic, to believe that the LDS Church with its 14 million members worldwide (at least two of them US presidential contend…

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5 Reasons the Muslim Brotherhood Won’t Turn On Israel

These days, everybody’s in the business of panicking over the potential role of the Muslim Brotherhood. But rather than discuss where the Brotherhood has been in the past, I suggest looking to the future. Events on the ground are changing every few hours, so this is an exercise in informed speculation. Here are five reasons why the Muslim Brotherhood will find it very hard to decisively determine Egypt’s relationship with Israel. These five reaso…

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Catholic Church Targets Proponent of Women’s Ordination; Feminist Theologian

…e Institute for Security Cooperation”), a combat training school for Latin American soldiers whose graduates have been involved in torture and murders. Roy  reiterated his support for the ordination of Catholic women, which he demonstrated earlier by being a part of the ordination of his friend Janice Sevre-Duszynska. He was automatically excommunicated in 2008 and now his religious order is expelling him. Roy’s refusal to accept the hierarchy’s u…

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Pat Robertson Gaga for Gbagbo

…ort a brutal African dictator. As I reported last summer about Robertson’s American Center for Law and Justice’s activities in Zimbabwe (where ACLJ also promotes recognition of a “Christian nation”): The Zimbabwe outpost of the ACLJ isn’t Robertson’s first foray into Africa. Earlier this year, prosecutors in the war crime trial of former Liberian warlord Charles Taylor alleged that the televangelist had lobbied the Bush White House on his behalf i…

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