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For International Human Rights Day, a Snapshot of LGBT Rights from the Vatican to Cape Town

…pidemic: The country’s growing HIV epidemic has been fueled by a legal and policy environment hostile to evidence-based policies and interventions proven to help prevent HIV transmission. Such restrictions are found in national, provincial, and local government policies, and are compounded by the longstanding resistance of the Roman Catholic Church to sexual health education and condom use. Government policies create obstacles to condom access and…

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Pope’s US Visit Provokes Intense Attention; New Vatican Book on Man-Woman Complementarity & New Int’l Report on Christian Role Models for LGBT Equality; Global LGBT Recap

…after accusing them of being homosexual.” Afghanistan: Controversy over US policy of not interfering with child sex abuse by allies The New York Times reported last weekend that American military personnel and civilians serving in Afghanistan have been required to look the other way as prominent Afghan allies participated in the rape of young boys, part of a broader practice of looking the other way regarding corruption and misdeeds in order not t…

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Will Romney’s VP Pick Win Catholic Voters?

…nd some observers believe that Romney’s inclusion of Poland on his foreign policy tour made less sense in terms of a foreign policy agenda than it did in terms of an appeal to Catholic voters—a theory that’s underscored by Romney’s release yesterday of a Catholic-directed campaign advertisement that features pictures of Lech Walesa and Pope John Paul II and warns about attacks on religious liberty.   But Catholics do not vote as a bloc, and Ryan h…

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Uncertainty About US Role In LGBT Human Rights Under Trump; Global LGBT Recap

…e it on their own and must refer all cases to him and his committee.Wurz’s policy, based on the biblical tenets of love, compassion and forgiveness, is one that leaders of the 3 other sects must also consider. Bishops set the tone on Hutterite colonies. If they charge their ministers with mercy rather than malice it makes a huge difference. Behind every gay person is a mom, a dad, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and countless relatives. When a co…

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Policing Academic Freedom: A Book, a Controversy, and the Ominous Aftermath

…en non-Asian Asian states (sic). In an effort to combat the support of the American Academy of Religion, the Hindu American Foundation that had protested against Doniger’s work in 2009 published a blistering critique in the Huffington Post on the AAR. In a piece entitled “Academic Integrity: It’s What’s Missing at the AAR,” HAF co-founder and co-Director Suhag A. Shukla argues that Doniger’s book is part of an Orientalist project that privileges w…

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Historic Pro-Gay Equality Shift Led by Millennials—Evangelicals Included

…o draw a distinction between that religious view and their views on public policy. That distinction is also evident among the public as a whole. PRRI Research Director Dan Cox said that among Americans who morally disapprove of same-gender sexual relationships, nearly one in five still favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry, and four in ten say gay and lesbian relationships should be accepted by society. The report highlights a huge gener…

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Bob McDonnell’s Christian Reconstructionist Thesis

…his 14 years in the General Assembly, McDonnell pursued at least 10 of the policy goals he laid out in that research paper.” Even in 2009 I thought that McDonnell’s facile dismissal seemed just too convenient, so yesterday I went back to it for a second look. First, as an “academic exercise,” this paper is really weak. It is a graduate-level thesis, but McDonnell’s use of sources would be inadequate even in an undergraduate class. For example, he…

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Pious White Reformers and Race, Then and Now

…with what they regarded as the grave challenge posed by “degraded” Native Americans and African Americans living in close proximity to whites. Guyatt’s book is divided into three sections, each treating a major theme or phase in the white reformers’ efforts. He devotes four of his chapters to “degradation,” three to “amalgamation,” and four to “colonization.” To be clear, most of the white civic leaders who fretted about “degradation” did not bel…

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Ghana’s LGBT Population Safe From Persecution, But Not Prosecution

…hanaian and international observers have been seeking a clear statement of policy from the administration of John Atta Mills concerning homosexuals in the West African nation. Recently, Western Region Minister Paul Evans Aidoo called for the arrests of those suspected to be gay in order to test Ghana’s current law against “unnatural carnal knowledge.” In response, a coalition of human rights and civil society organizations has stepped up calls for…

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When the Golden Rule is Used to Silence Dissent and Protect the Politically Powerful

…ote Chairman Allen West. Fact No. 1: The Green New Deal is Ocasio-Cortez’s policy idea; it’s not anything more yet. Fact No. 2: Texas has nothing to do with her policy idea. Fact 3: Wind power accounts for 10 percent of energy production in Texas. Conclusion: West is smearing Ocasio-Cortez even as she’s trying to help. This is clear later when he writes that Ocasio-Cortez’s charity is not charity. What appears to be the Golden Rule is actually som…

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