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Austrian Court Okays Head-Colander in Driver’s License: Is Pastafarianism Becoming a Religion?

…that students should be taught “both sides of the debate” and that science classes should present ID alongside evolution. Unemployed physics graduate Bobby Henderson wrote an open letter to the school board, supporting their decision to teach multiple perspectives but insisting that students also be taught a third perspective: The possibility that Earth was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. As Henderson put it: I think we can all look forward…

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Tea Party Rhetoric: Literal Slavery Not So Bad

…ay most Christians do) is a far cry from equating paying taxes with the actual slavery. Comparing slavery to anything experienced by contemporary mainstream middle-class Americans is absurd, and as long as tea partiers continue to do it they’ll be accused of racism….

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Of Sports and Social Justice: An Interview with Rebecca Alpert

…selves in order to maintain the social programs that have allowed a middle class to flourish and the poor to at least subsist, and we have failed miserably to plan for the future of our planet eroding the hopes and dreams of the next generation. I am not a total pessimist, and I believe this state of affairs will and must change. I only hope to see it in my lifetime, and to continue to feel blessed for the privilege that as an academic and rabbi I…

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As Debt Crisis Escalates, Tea Party Acts in Bad Faith

…building (and the warehousing of thousands upon thousands of young working-class people of color) replaced actual economic planning as the state’s response to economic restructuring and the loss of our manufacturing sector. The Tea Party response to the nation’s economic situation is to hobble federal power and use national debt as a political gun to the head of the president. It’s nihilism masquerading as end-times revivalism. It’s just plain bad…

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Breivik’s Emasculation Paranoia Fueled Vision for Patriarchal “Reforms”

…whores,” he includes in his final plans his intentions to “rent” two “high class models” before his attack. As for women he suspects would oppose his views of Islam in Europe, he explores several possible explanations before seemingly settling on the view that women have a deep-seated desire to be dominated: Why is this (that women do not oppose Muslim immigration), considering that there is hardly a single Muslim majority area in the world where…

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How Religious Progressives Should Challenge the Anti-State State

…iberals tend to describe their fears in terms of the erosion of the middle class and the growing divide between rich or poor. But the feeling of worry and insecurity reaches across partisan divides. And it’s something no one—not even our faith leaders—seem to be addressing. Progressive religious leaders miss an opportunity when they don’t engage that sense of worry and responsibility—call it a sacred obligation to do right by our children.  As a p…

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In a Field of Anti-Science Candidates, Santorum Sets Himself Apart

…rwinian theory. The Dover Area School District has taken a step in the right direction by engaging in the debate and attempting to teach the controversy of evolution.  One day after Judge John E. Jones III struck down the teaching of intelligent design in public school science class as unconstitutional, Santorum—on the verge of losing his Senate seat to current Senator Bob Casey—quit the TMLC board. He also denounced the teaching of ID. Santorum s…

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Mark O. Hatfield and the Politics of an Earlier Era

…end the war,” he was greeted enthusiastically. One-third of the graduating class, which cheered as the senator walked into the room, wore black bands to signify opposition to the war. Students in a balcony unfurled a banner that read, “Blessed are the peacemakers. We’re with you, Mark.” Hatfield’s speech, entitled “American Democracy and American Evangelicalism—New Perspectives,” returned the favor. Fuller’s mandate, Hatfield said, was to offer a…

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Ghana’s LGBT Population Safe From Persecution, But Not Prosecution

…rday that current Ghanaian law does not criminalize gays and lesbians as a class of people, but rather “unnatural carnal acts.” She added that the prosecution of people suspected of being gay would require a change in Ghana’s laws. Just over a week after being cited as favoring decriminalization of homosexuality, Lamptey added that she was “misquoted and therefore misrepresented.” Ms. Lamptey, a recent appointment by President John Atta Mills to h…

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“Pregnancy is Not a Disease”: Birth of an Anti-Contraception Rallying Cry

…appropriate question to ask—Gaskin ultimately has more in common with the classical Christian view, wherein women’s reproductive organs exist for a clearly-discernible purpose, reflecting a sacred and beneficent design. Starting Over So, anyway, that’s where we are. The notion that pregnancy is not an illness draws, I daresay uneasily, from a number of sources. There’s the classical notion that a thing’s nature is derived from its purpose, and th…

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