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Religion and Resistance at the New National Museum of African American History and Culture

…imagined in their lifetime an African American president or an African American museum in our nation’s capital. It’s no small thing, we are at the evening of President Obama’s presidency. A lot of the people coming on opening day are coming partially to say goodbye to President Obama in what will be one of his last public acts as president. For me personally, it makes me think of the spirits of the ancestors, all the men and women who never lived…

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Is Accreditation of Religious Institutions a “Farce”?

…oard of overstepping the First Amendment and infringing on their rights to free religious exercise and free speech.” Among the colleges and seminaries that spurn regional accreditation, many justify their decision by citing freedom from governmental oversight, a position compatible with the conservative mentality often dominant at such institutions. Ideologically consistent, this claim has the ancillary benefit of helping its makers dodge the cost…

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In Speech to Religious Broadcasters William Barr Warns of Secular Tyranny, Promotes Christian Tyranny

…ot require that we drive religion from the public square and affirmatively use government power to promote a culture of disbelief.” The tell here is that the attorney general conflates the idea of a religiously neutral public square with “using government power to promote a culture of disbelief.” The notion that there’s no religious neutrality, and that therefore, if public institutions are not promoting religion, they are promoting secular humani…

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Anti-Gay Campaign In Indonesia Leads to Arrests; Mexico’s Religious Right Wars Against Secular State & LGBT Equality; Muslim Preacher Sparks Controversy in UK Re Death Penalty For Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…secular school system. For decades, Mexico was considered the most anticlerical country in Latin America outside of Cuba, despite the fact that the country is overwhelmingly Catholic. Census data shows that 83 percent profess the faith. But politicians have punted the old protocols over the past 25 years as they have sought the blessing of bishops, appeared publicly with prelates and kissed the pope’s ring — unthinkable a generation ago… Church-s…

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Romney’s Debate Coach and his Religion Answer

…ianity, when he gave the “Judeo-Christian” answer last night I cringed—because he didn’t balance it with a free exercise answer. In other words, while he doesn’t need to defend Mormonism, he should defend his right to practice it (or anyone else’s right to practice their religion). Instead, he hewed to the “Judeo-Christian” answer, one intended to comfort conservatives who fret that Mormonism isn’t Christian, but that nonetheless reinforces their…

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Because We Dared to Exist: After Generations of Trauma Black Gun Ownership is on the Rise

…Smith is the founder and president of one of these groups, the National African American Gun Association (NAAGA). “I pray that people recognize our humanity,” says Smith in a featured interview on NPR. And if prayer doesn’t work and Black bodies continue to be the canvas on which vigilante “justice” and state sanctioned executions are displayed? Then NAAGA and other groups are willing to embrace the any-means-necessary approach to make it stop. T…

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Turn On The News: This Isn’t a Split, It’s a Tiny Sliver of Conservatives Walking Out the Door — Introducing A New Media Criticism Column

…us that 43 out of 1,000 congregations have left the RCA. In other words, a better headline would have been “95.7% of Reformed Church in America churches remain.” This isn’t a split, it’s a very small segment of the church body walking out. (Ask yourself how you’d feel if you asked to “split” dessert and your companion kept 95.7% of it.) It’s possible this is part of a larger trend. A number of paragraphs down there’s mention of a long-delayed vote…

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“Pregnancy is Not a Disease”: Birth of an Anti-Contraception Rallying Cry

…astfeed for years, have unmedicated home births, wear their babies, and refuse artificial contraception mostly because they are simply happiest doing so. It’s the thing they’ve chosen to care about and are able to devote time to. They are lovely. But there are also communities out there with strong ideas about what women’s bodies are for, and the urgent need to enforce same. And these idealized pairings of gynecology and nature often come, surpris…

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Searching in Vain for a “Pure” Elie Wiesel

…one another to task. But we would expect all of us (including Wiesel!) to betray our better selves on a regular basis. For those of us who are humanists or social scientists, we might research how such betrayals—or, for those of us who love jargon, “dialectical reversals”—occur as a matter of course when we live out our commitments among people who disagree with us. And all of us might come to realize that our acts of solidarity, whether with som…

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No “Cancel Culture” on the Right: How Conservative Christians Protect the Powerful

…stles, respectively. Can “cancel culture” be illegitimately weaponized and used to harm less powerful people? Sure. I’m a freelance writer and a trans woman with no trust fund to my name, and this is something I unfortunately know from personal experience. But it’s a leap to conclude from the inappropriate weaponization of “cancel culture” that all opinions deserve access to all platforms. Nor is this a reason to stick our heads in the sand, ostri…

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