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The Circle Can Remain Unbroken, If Battered And Bloody

…ne, and sinker. Republicans didn’t like the consensus on “equitable public policy,” at least when it came to economics, so they sought to overturn it by an appeal to social and (coded) racial resentment. Asking how the center can hold under such circumstances without considering whose interests division serves is a bit like lamenting school violence when your kid’s face makes the disruptive choice to get in the way of a bully’s fist. More to the p…

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When the Golden Rule is Used to Silence Dissent and Protect the Politically Powerful

…ote Chairman Allen West. Fact No. 1: The Green New Deal is Ocasio-Cortez’s policy idea; it’s not anything more yet. Fact No. 2: Texas has nothing to do with her policy idea. Fact 3: Wind power accounts for 10 percent of energy production in Texas. Conclusion: West is smearing Ocasio-Cortez even as she’s trying to help. This is clear later when he writes that Ocasio-Cortez’s charity is not charity. What appears to be the Golden Rule is actually som…

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