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Not Ready to Forgive: Hillary Clinton & the Ugly Truth of the Reagan Years 

…ut Hillary? Hillary also violated the second rule of funerals and memorial services. The first rule, of course, is never to speak ill of the dead. But the second and equally important rule is that you don’t make shit up, either. You don’t invent an alternative fantasy life for the person whose remains lie in that coffin. If the deceased is actually a disreputable character, you are allowed to mumble nice generalities, but that’s the extent of it….

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Conservative Catholic Elites Oppose Trump… as He Rides Catholic Vote to Victory in Michigan

…orge Weigel lament that the Republican Party, which has been a flawed but “serviceable” vehicle for “promoting causes at the center of Catholic social concern in the United States,” is about to be hijacked by one Donald J. Trump. Their list of concerns about Trump are now familiar, especially to readers of the National Review: Trump is “unfit to be president of the United States,” he’s vulgar, he engages in no-holds-barred demagoguery, he “promise…

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How Fitbit Helps a Conservative Evangelical College Monitor Students’ Bodies For Christ

…sures— administered by the Human Performance Laboratory and Student Health Services. When ORU’s expanded wellness program was introduced in 1976, a significant portion of each student’s grade in the required first-year introductory fitness classes—Aerobics I and II—came from electronically recorded “aerobic points.” At the “Aerobics Center,” students filled out a computer card with their ID number, activity number, and the time, intensity, and dis…

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Are the Girls Scouts Evil? And What About Thin Mints?

…le with Catholic values.” And what could members of the 100-year-old girls service organization be doing that has so alarmed Carlson? Are Brownies dissing Jesus by making Christmas trees out of old Reader’s Digests? Is someone taking that Campfire badge a little too seriously (I swear it was an accident—and my sister’s eyebrows did grow back)? No, what has Carlson concerned isn’t anything specific Girl Scouts or Girl Scout troops in St. Louis are…

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“We All We Got”: The Black Church As an Oasis in Baltimore’s Food Deserts

…hat one person is the son of God in the eyes of many. The life of love and service that Christ embodied—a life that Christians in Baltimore and beyond seek to emulate—seems to coordinate with the social justice messages of BLM. Yet there hasn’t been a party line when it comes to black churches lending support to this movement for black liberation. As Rev. Osagyefo Sekou has noted here on RD, this has led to discord between activists and black chur…

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Militias, Trump, Guns, and ISIS: Too much Masculinity?

…ed invigorated spaces where men might express purpose in ways that lead to service and civic engagement instead of to hostility and violence. But the first step is to understand that in an age defined by sensational expressions of purpose in an outrage-focused media sphere, changing the subject will be quite a challenge. * We interviewed 55 Protestant men for the study—24 Evangelical men and 31 Ecumenical men. Since we did a round of family interv…

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Clinton’s Faith Talk Not New, But Was There a Better Answer?

…o-Clinton project Correct the Record, recently wrote for the Religion News Service about his admiration for Clinton’s faith and how he has “loved every second of getting to know this woman with such strong Midwest, Methodist sensibilities.” Faith Voters for Hillary tweets quotes from Clinton that promote this view of her faith. Quoting her remarks at a 2007 forum on faith for Democratic presidential candidates, the group highlighted that she prays…

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Why We Must Reclaim “Religious Freedom” from Christian Conservatives

…an Right groups to seek religious exemptions for businesses from providing services such as cakes and flowers for same-sex weddings. For example, the conservative Christian Legal Society encouraged and assisted a number of conservative evangelical and Catholic colleges to seek exemption from title IX of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits sex discrimination. About two dozen schools have been granted such exemptions by the civil rights office of…

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Cruz and the Evangelical Illusion

…merged as the eventual nominee, although both eventual nominees played lip service to evangelical concerns. This cycle, as I wrote on several occasions last year, Donald Trump has scrambled the formula for winning over evangelical voters. Rather than pandering to evangelical voters with talk of “biblical values,” opposition to abortion, or promises to fight for “religious liberty,” Trump has played his own game. While evangelical “leaders” demand…

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Beyond Tolerance: Helping Religions “Come Out”

…with open arms. A Jewish transgender young woman went to her first Sabbath service at an LGBT synagogue and discovered a warm, embracing community. These individuals are ready to bring their entire selves to their spiritual lives. We must ensure that our religious institutions are safe spaces for people to bring that kind of authenticity. When we find ways to integrate the diversity of people who are ready to bring their fullest selves to the tabl…

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