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Pentagon Report Rejects Religious Right Arguments On DADT

…strengthen our military.” Of course, none of those fears came to pass. As today’s Pentagon study notes: “[B]y 1953, 95 percent of all African-American soldiers were serving in racially integrated units, while public buses in Montgomery, Alabama, and other cities were still racially segregated.” AFA’s talking points on the trumped-up religious freedom issue are still having an effect on those who have a vote in the repeal. Even Democratic Senator…

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The Only Common Denominator of American Conservatism is Anti-Blackness

…, should mean that no declaration of a ‘coming to Jesus’ moment on race by today’s conservatives should be taken at face value. The political survival of the pro-enslavement camp back then required duplicity, i.e, paying lip service to non-racialism and the enfranchisement of Black people while plotting their harm and repression just as the political survival of today’s conservatives requires plausible deniability regarding their racist remarks an…

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Welcome to the “Spin-od”: Conservatives Look to Halt Reforms on Divorce and Other “Family Matters”

…the Church rise to the pastoral challenges facing marriage and the family today, but the dramatic two-week meeting was marred by allegations of manipulation, lies, and dirty tricks. Pentin’s book is long on accusations and short on findings that any actual manipulation took place outside of the expected machinations of Vatican politics, which were unusually public due to a hotbed of a media environment. There was a contentious relationship betwee…

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When Religious Disagreement Seems the Least of Our Problems: The Future for “Interfaith” in a Divided Society

…stion for the United States than race. This was wrong in 2007. It is wrong today. Not only does it understate the challenge of the color line. It also overstates the role of faith. Yes, religious ideas are involved in conflict. But they rarely appear alone. The two most virulent forms of religious prejudice in America today—Islamophobia and anti-Semitism—are largely about xenophobia and the construction of Islam and Judaism as racial categories. A…

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Gay Marriage Opponents Running on Empty

…r marriage.” There was no mention, however, of crowd size in Indianapolis. Freedom to Marry is shadowing the NOM bus tour with a tour of its own, but instead of organizing the protest rallies, the group is using its time to organize activists. During a stop in Maryland last week FtM’s managing director, Scott Davenport, met with Equality Maryland to help it raise money to introduce a marriage equality bill in the next legislative session. I attend…

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After Embracing Female Bishop, Pope Spins Again on Women’s Ordination

…e of one of those things being the priesthood? Pope Francis repeated again today his idea of the “feminine dimension” of the Catholic church being represented by Mary, and also said once again that Mary is “more important” to the spirituality of the church than the apostles on Pentecost. What the pope is neglecting to acknowledge, however, is that Pentecost would never have happened if Mary Magdelene hadn’t been the first witness to the resurrecti…

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Why is the Pope Popular Among Nones?

…d), and the KKK unleashed verbal attacks on Catholics in the 20th century. Today, public suspicion of Catholics is less overt, but still present, and sometimes that takes the form of attacks on the pope. In addition, the current pope’s reluctance to identify too closely with culture warriors on the right has brought even more criticism making it more difficult to identify the roots of the pope’s critics. Brietbart bemoaned Francis’ failure to “fig…

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Mormons’ Puzzling Indifference to Easter

…bout it: Mormons, post-Mormons, non-Mormons. I doubt mine is the only post today or this week addressing the strange situation. (Jana Riess wrote about it on Ash Wednesday.) The church has created media to encourage people to think more of Easter during Holy Week, regardless of what happens in Sacrament Meeting this Sunday. Part of the reason for it is the influence of New England Congregationalism and/or Puritanism on Joseph Smith and the religio…

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Updated: Netflix’s Gay Jesus Upsetting Brazilian Christians Has a Centuries-Old History

…ion were more daring 120 years ago than anything Porta dos Fundos is doing today. Or there’s The Book of Mormon, which contains the rousing, blasphemous anthem “Hasa Diga Eebowai,”5 which to anyone who cares, translates as “F*ck you God!” Or David Javerbaum’s hilarious play, An Act of God, that has God apologize for latent psychopathic tendencies by saying “I made mankind in My image, and I’m an asshole.” So, when it comes to Christian religious c…

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A Short Theological Take on Why Messianic Jews Are Christians

…istory, there have always been rivulets of Jews who accept Jesus, and that today’s messianics perpetuate these, when the outside monies they now attract started burgeoning only suddenly in the 1970s, as the turn of the millenium neared, with its recurring hope for the Second Coming and even the end of the world.” When, he asks, “in previous history have rivulets of Jewish messianics received such largesse?” He concludes, “Today the mask is coming…

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