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Top 2011 Religion Stories That Weren’t

…ences, I think, for American civil religion, where there has always been a significant undercurrent of religiously-informed modesty vis-à-vis our national destiny. Perhaps that undercurrent can begin to replace the blustering grandiosity that has occupied the main channel for far too long. The experience of accelerating national decline cries out for a much better civil religion than the cockamamie one we inherited. 8. The Council of Elders and Oc…

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Papal Profanity: The Vatican’s Pagan Museum

…hases so they really had it out for the Vatican). The Papacy was forced to sign the Treaty of Tolentino in 1796, the first modern treaty in which 100 works of art were explicitly listed for expropriation to Paris. By the end of their 20-year sojourn in Paris, the Laocoön Group and Apollo Belvedere had inspired an explosion of new museum construction throughout Europe.   As I’ve said before, new ways of seeing emerge with surprising suddenness in t…

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Opponent of LGBT Equality Lauded for His Great Courage

…ication from Apple’s iTunes store earlier this year drew more than 150,000 signatures. Apple dropped the Exodus app, saying it offended large groups of people. Oh, my—those vicious lions! Trying keep homophobia off their iPhones! Here’s a thought: Perhaps the lions wouldn’t be so testy if they didn’t have to justify their very existence. Perhaps the lions would be more willing to lie down with the lamb (or the “Daniel”) if the lions weren’t being…

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God’s Law is the Only Law: The Genesis of Michele Bachmann

…stablishment Clause theory—that Obama is not a “natural-born citizen,” a designation that would render him ineligible to be president due to his “divided loyalties.” Deuteronomy 17, he insists, demands that that the “king” be selected from one’s own “brethren.” As an outsider Obama isn’t a “real” American, worthy—according to the Bible or the Constitution—of being president. The “Judicial Tyranny” Canard In 2003, motivated by Moore’s Ten Commandme…

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Talking Religion at 30,000 Feet

…blical Instructors changed its name to the American Academy of Religion; a sign that what James had started was beginning to take hold. In our time, the failure to bracket might not lead to Christian bigotry in our understanding of religion. But it could lead to a secularist prejudice just as toxic. If the early investigators of world religions believed them to be lesser forms of Christian truth, then our own postmodern investigations might just a…

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Yo, Gays, Stop Bogarting that Rainbow!

…anged its sports teams’ name from “Rainbow Warriors” to “Warriors” and redesigned its logo to eliminate a rainbow from it. Now, according to One News Now, one group on the religious right is demanding that gays and lesbians give up their grip on the rainbow. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the San Diego-based Ruth Institute [a project of the National Organization for Marriage] rightly argues that the rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant with man, and…

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Democratic Egypt Tests a Divided Israel                             

…srael moved closer to the United States in the 1960s when the Soviet Union signaled that it would back the Arab world. The mainstream Israeli left, perhaps best represented by Haaretz, supports the uprising for democracy and removal of Hosni Mubarak as a positive shift in Middle East politics. A January 31 editorial, while not explicitly calling for the removal of President Mubarak, hopes that movements for democracy in other autocratic nations in…

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Hagee and Others See
End Times in North African Revolutions

…eets of Jerusalem for three days?” a close friend asked me, referring to a sign-of-the-times prophecy popular among LDS people. She smiled, but she was only half-joking.       Witness Pastor John Hagee instruct his followers that the Libyan Revolution “proves the absolutely accuracy of Bible Prophecy: Thousands of years ago the prophet Ezekial told us exactly which nations in the Middle East would join forces to start a major war. What you’re seei…

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The Strategic Caution of the Muslim Brotherhood

…ive ditherers, and certainly not sufficiently dangerous to warrant being designated an international terrorist organisation, as was feared in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Two things are worth bearing in mind in reading about the group’s role in the coming weeks and months.   First, the Brotherhood is well aware of the potential backlash, both locally and internationally, if it is seen to have captured the state, which is certainly a factor i…

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Why Conservatives are Turning on Beck

…s nuclear threat, at the Heritage Foundation, and about how the film being promoted by a former colleague of World Net Daily’s Aaron Klein, who was one of the first conservative writers to jump on the conspiracy train: lest you forget, that line of thinking goes, Mohamed ElBaradei, while head of the IAEA, let Iran off the hook on its nuclear ambitions; ElBaradei’s OK with the Muslim Brotherhood; therefore he must be behind the plot to install a nu…

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