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Uncertainty About US Role In LGBT Human Rights Under Trump; Global LGBT Recap

…mation hearing, Trump’s nominee as ambassador to the United Nations, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, said American values “do not allow for discrimination of any kind to anyone.” But Trump’s transition team sent the U.S. State Department a questionnaire asking if PEPFAR, the President’s Emergency Pan for AIDS Relief, had become “a massive, international entitlement program.” This week, on January 24 and 25, the new UN Independent Expert charged w…

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What Will the #NeverTrump Faction Do Now?

…ruz’s Indiana campaign ran on boilerplate culture wars stuff, making North Carolina’s transgender bathroom law a centerpiece of his speeches and running nonstop ads that warned Trump would let Caitlyn Jenner use whichever bathroom she wanted in Trump Tower. Cruz’s father, Rafael, joined in, contending Trump’s election “could be the destruction of America.” “I exhort every member of the body of Christ to vote according to the word of God,” Rafael b…

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Right Wing Christians and Radical Feminists Form an Odd (Transphobic) Couple

…n behaving inappropriately in a gender-segregated space. I haven’t run the numbers, but it’s fair to say that it’s safer to share a bathroom with a trans person than to meet the president-elect. On the more serious side, law enforcement officers, city commerce officials, and sexual assault experts from around the country have soundly rejected the claim that allowing trans folks to use the facilities that best match their gender identity leads to a…

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The Gaines Brouhaha, BuzzFeed’s Gift to the Religious Right’s Martyr-Making Machinery

…hich included explicit public calls for city officials in Charlotte, North Carolina, to refuse to give permits for gay pride celebrations. So much for posturing as champions of the First Amendment. The BuzzFeed piece was an editorial misjudgement, in my opinion, and not only because it has given religious right pundits the opportunity for persecution posturing. Particularly in the absence of anti-equality advocacy by the subjects of the article—as…

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Why Body Cameras Won’t Solve Police Brutality

…e officer Michael Slager shot and killed Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina earlier this month a video surfaced that led to the officer’s arrest for murder. Passerby Feiden Santana had recorded Scott fleeing as Slager repeatedly shot him in the back, belying the officer’s claims that Scott posed an imminent threat at the time. During the Scott family’s press conference to address the widely-circulated video, attorney Chris Stewart st…

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#WhiteChurchQuiet: Anything but Outrage Is Complicity

…after the police shooting death of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, North Carolina, pastor and professor Andre E. Johnson took to Twitter and started the hashtag #WhiteChurchQuiet to address the inadequacy of the white church in responding to police brutality and the harm that silence does to Black communities. The hashtag soon went viral, generating hundreds of tweets and retweets and quickly becoming a Twitter trending topic. Johnson will be ho…

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Baptist Resolutions Signal More Culture War

…wrapped together with the Confederate flag, both central to historic white southern identity. Southern Baptists historically represented a regional culture-religion that virtually defined the Bible Belt. Following the Civil Rights Movement, the energies of defenders of “traditional” culture moved towards concern with gender norms (especially “wifely submission”), while the convention moved to align itself with new national norms of racial equality…

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The Complicity of #NeverTrump Evangelicals in a Demagogue’s Rise

…en proving critical to his victories in Bible Belt states like Alabama and South Carolina. Some anti-Trump evangelicals have argued these voters are not “real evangelicals” or come mainly from those who don’t attend church very much. (I have shown, instead, that the data does not support such conclusions.) But all of this only obfuscates the unavoidable truth of this election year: Trump is winning because evangelicals are voting for him. Evangeli…

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When Muhammad Ali Met Billy Graham

…t seems to be waning. In 1979, Ali visited Billy Graham in Montreat, North Carolina, after which Graham declared that “Ali’s primary beliefs are something we could all believe.” Graham perceived Ali as a “healer” (painfully ironic now, as this was just about the time that Ali’s Parkinson’s disease was becoming evident), and the two shared things they had in common, including “love and belief in mankind.” Ali came away from the meeting impressed wi…

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Sanders Gets “B-” for Religious Outreach at Liberty U Appearance

…n creatively reinterpret it, as he did at Rev. Pinckney’s funeral in South Carolina. It’s enough—more than enough—to convince his listeners that he gets it, that he understands them and their religious concerns in more than a superficial way. Not everyone is an Obama, obviously. Like Sarah says, Democratic candidates are often advised to wear their faith on their sleeves, the better to convince conservative voters that they aren’t evil scary secul…

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