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Should Evangelicals Smoke Pot?

…ouch says this: We at Christianity Today believe Christians are absolutely free to use marijuana (where legalized). And, when it comes to pot in our particular cultural context, we think it would be foolish to use that freedom. For the CT editors, the moral quality of marijuana use seems to depend entirely upon the “cultural context” in which it occurs. And since our particular context is not conducive to marijuana use, marijuana use would be “foo…

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Kanye West’s Critique of Prosperity Preaching

…on the Internet. Fiasco shares his decision to put the song on the Web for free in verse: “I’m not trying to profit off the prophet so this one’s for free.” He does this, ironically, even as his lyrics laud one of the most prominent black prosperity preachers, Creflo Dollar. Apparently, the two share a commitment to, as Lupe puts it, “no sex before you’re married,” if not a business ethic. And then there’s the fact that Kanye recorded three differ…

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Another Far Right Theocrat Shows up on the Trump Team

…merica by implementing Sharia. We’re seeing the rhetoric around “religious freedom” as Christian privilege, the denial of which is framed as persecution from the Trump Administration—but there are at least two other places to keep an eye Sekulow’s influence. ACLJ has developed an international presence and launched The East African Center for Law and Justice in 2010 when several African countries were revising their constitutions. They worked to s…

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Cardinal Who Once Compared Gay People to Klan Warns Church is Being “Despoiled”

…church and state we thought we enjoyed just a few months ago, when we were free to run Catholic institutions in conformity with the demands of the Catholic faith, when the government couldn’t tell us which of our ministries are Catholic and which not, when the law protected rather than crushed conscience. The state is making itself into a church. Oh, to be able to perform an exegesis of that paragraph! Allow me an attempt: “Manipulated public disc…

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Embryo Men — Decades of Conspiracy, Christian Nationalism, and Fear Led Us to The End of Roe v. Wade

…men of the Society reinforcing the evils of feminism, of communism, and of free choice via conspiracy theory, Christian persecution, and an unwavering dedication to traditional gender roles. Replace “communism” with “socialism” and such an article would be right at home in today’s National Review or in one of the larger legacy papers—ostensibly “to ensure balanced coverage.” For Caldwell, the injustices of society were at the hands of the LGBTQ2SA…

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Biden’s New Domestic Terrorism Strategy Addresses Trump’s Omission of White Nationalism, But Fails to Address Targeting of Black and Brown Americans

…of the FBI in 1908 is the chronicle of infringing upon civil liberties and freedom of speech in order to target individuals and communities deemed to be politically subversive, including (perceived) communists, civil rights leaders, and communities of color. This is not to say that white nationalists have not faced the same tactics of surveillance. From 1991 to 1993, the FBI surveilled white nationalists, including Civilian Materiel Assistance, th…

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Trump and Hindu Nationalism: A Match Made in Bollywood

…d the endorsement: “Trump is a businessman and is aligned with our ‘4Fs,’ [Free Enterprise, Fiscal Discipline, Family Values, and Firm Stand Against Terrorism (or “Firm Foreign Policy” as listed on the RHC website)].” Confronted with the reality that most Hindu Americans vote Democrat, Kumar suggested the trend can be reduced to the Democratic Party’s savvy methods through which they have formed “relationships” with Hindu Americans, insisting, “Al…

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Misusing Cesar Chavez in Immigration Debate

…y person. Help me to take responsibility for my own life; So that I can be free at last. Grant me courage to serve others; For in service there is true life. Give me honesty and patience; So that I can work with other workers. Bring forth song and celebration; So that the spirit will be alive among us. Let the spirit flourish and grow; So we will never tire of the struggle. Let us remember those who have died for justice; For they have given us li…

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Krapp’s Last Tweet: The Rise (and Fall?) of Privilege in the Digital Economy

…with cyberspace integrated the spirit of American exceptionalism, faith in free markets, and a view of computer networks as nature’s next evolutionary leap. Together they enacted the game-changing Telecommunications Act of 1996, which laid the foundations for the industry giants of subsequent decades. On Tailspins and Technical Leaps of Faith The celebratory entrance of technical and political elites into the so-called New Economy constituted a le…

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A Public Monument to Atheism—In Florida

…think they’ve found a clever way to bring the Commandments in through the back door by invoking a “free speech zone.” They have to understand what that means—free speech means free speech for everyone. Those courthouse plazas may get awfully crowded….

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