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Everyone Should Know the Story of Cary Crall

…r reasons that will soon become clear) went up on The Daily Universe’s Web site in the early morning hours of Tuesday, September 7: Defending Proposition 8—It’s time to admit the reasons By CARY CRALL Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the recent United States District Court case that overturned Proposition 8, highlighted a disturbing inconsistency in the pro-Prop. 8 camp.  The arguments put forth so aggressively by the Protect Marriage coalition and by LDS…

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SoHo Properties CEO: Media Reports of Park51 Move a “Falsehood”

…burn a Qur’an on Saturday, had agreed to not proceed with his plan because the promoters of the Park51 project had agreed to move it to a different location, Sharif El-Gamal, Chairman and CEO of SoHo Properties, which owns the site, today issued this statement to RD: It is untrue that the community center known as Park51 in lower Manhattan is being moved. The project will proceed as planned. What is being reported in the media today is a falsehoo…

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Shariah-Approved Sex Aids, Abstinence-Only Goes to China, and Abercrombie Hijab…

…nwhile, federal investigators have ruled that a fire at a the construction site of an Islamic center in Murfreesborough, Tennessee was an arson. Elsewhere in the state, a Memphis pastor put a “Welcome to the Neighborhood” sign outside his church to welcome the new Islamic center being built nearby. And a new mosque has gone up in Lousiville, Kentucky quite peacefully. Is the BBC anti-Christian? The Florida pastor who had planned to burn Qur’ans on…

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Building Jesus out of Toast, “Pro-Life” Effigies, Apple is a Religion, and Taunting Muslims with Dogs

…oncerns may keep Christian pilgrims from baptisms in the Jordan River. The site is believed to be the place where Jesus was baptized but is now contaminated with raw sewage and agricultural run-off. Fred Phelps and his Westboro Bapist Church, noted anti-gay protestors, turned their attention to Comic-con and spewing hate at “idolaters” reading DC and Marvel. The response from the Comic-con faithful is a mix of wit, the bizarre, and beating Phelps…

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Free Yiddish Lessons, Vacation Liberty School, and Brangelina’s Universalism: The Week in Religion, Poetically

…tegy has been to apply for landmark status for the current building on the site. Echoing the Temecula Baptists, US Representative Peter King said, “It’s a house of worship, but we are at war with al-Qaida.” King also argued that it was a bad time for Muslims to build a mosque. “Right at this moment in history, it’s bad form to put it there.” Want to block religion from encroaching onto your browser? Try GodBlock. The Obama administration is removi…

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Would Tea Partiers Consider Jefferson a Heretic?

…who follow attacks by the religious right on civil liberties. From the web site: 1) The faith of Thomas Paine — the man who inspired the American Revolution, and the writing of the Declaration of Independence. This film shows how Paine’s influence over the Revolution was critical, while his anti-Christian writings revealed much of what the other founders truly believed. 2) The faith of Thomas Jefferson — author of the Declaration of Independence….

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The Return of Christian Terrorism

…linics on the Eastern seaboard. Bray published a newsletter and then a Web site for his Christian anti-abortion movement, and published a book theologically justifying violence against abortion service providers, A Time to Kill. He is also alleged to be the author of the Army of God manual that provides details on how to conduct terrorist acts against abortion-related clinics. Recently Bray has publicly defended Paul Roeder, the Wichita assassin,…

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Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Is Muslim. So What?

…h to Pope Benedict XVI has condemned. But that did not stop right-wing web sites from exploding with incendiary speculation about a “Jihad at Fort Hood?” and a “Terrorist Incident in Texas.” The Huffington Post reported this morning that a Republican congressional candidate in Florida, Allen West, a retired mililtary officer, issued a statement on the massacre headlined “Terrorists Are Infiltrating the Military.” Muslim groups were quick to condem…

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Quiverfull on Your TV

…If you get the Women’s Entertainment channel in your cable package, be sure to tune in tonight at ten to see RD’s Kathryn Joyce discuss her book Quiverfull on a special program, “Born to Breed.” For other broadcast times, check out the web site. …

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Jewish Past/Israeli Future: A Review of The Invention of the Jewish People

…are difficult to substantiate. As one astute commenter on the Haaretz Web site put it, Sand’s book is more about the past than the future. Interviewed by that newspaper’s correspondent, Sand responded strongly to both academic and popular criticism of his thesis. But it is the book’s claims about the Jewish past that have caused the biggest buzz and generated the strongest condemnation by Israeli historians of the Jewish past. These critics point…

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