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Beck, Hagee, and Lieberman Band Together to Fuel Armageddon Panic

…s bigotry, including anti-Semitic tropes (such as George Soros being a “puppetmaster” of a “shadow government”) and Islamophobic conspiracy theories. Lieberman? In a word, it’s a shanda. He’s Exhibit A in What’s Wrong With the Christian Zionist-Jewish Political Alliance: Jews who lionize religious demagogues to put a “godly” imprimatur on their refusal to support an end to the occupation, all while acquiescing to the stoking of apocalyptic panic….

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The Value of Crazy-Making Dialogue

…le more about my post yesterday on Terry Mattingly’s false story about the United Church of Church, I want to put on my churchman’s hat and reflect a bit.   It’s often difficult for people to grok what congregational polity means to the UCC, among other denominations. It’s not just an organizational method: it’s a basic principle of our faith that we are allowed—and we allow others—to follow their conscience. Each community defines for itself how…

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South Asian Religious Leaders Challenged to Take on Stigma and Discrimination: Global LGBT Recap

…women’s and LGBT rights, several Latin American nations outstrip even the United States.” The Social Inclusion Index approaches development from a multidimensional perspective, considering many factors that go beyond the scope of cut-and-dried economic growth. This year’s report is the third in the Americas Quarterly series and it reveals an encouraging amount of poverty reduction and social inclusion in the region. Uruguay remains at the top of…

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Hagee Calls Obama “The Most Anti-Semitic President Ever”

…ican megadonors Sheldon and Miriam Adelson bestowed an award on Christians United for Israel founder John Hagee. In his remarks, Hagee called President Barack Obama “the most anti-Semitic president ever.” Chemi Shalev reports more details: The other stars of the night were the ubiquitous Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam, whose generous contributions to ZOA have helped lift the organization out of the doldrums and into t…

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Indonesian Court Rejects Religious Conservatives’ Bid To Criminalize Gay Sex; More in Global LGBT Recap

…osing laws on it. The court’s decision is final. Judge Saldi Irsa said the petitioners were in effect asking the court to formulate a new criminal code because they feared parliament would took take too long to enact changes wanted by the Family Love Alliance. But, in a sign of the challenges that continue to face LGBT people, Associated Press reported on December 15 that a court “has sentenced 10 men arrested in a raid at a gay club and sauna to…

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Pride Month & Prejudice; ‘Worrisome Time’ For LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…York Times reported on California-born Pakistanti-American Ali Mushtaq competing in the International Mr. Leather competition. The Times’ Erik Piepenburg called Mushtaq’s presence “a big leap out of the pitch-black closet for Muslim men who are not only gay but also into leather fetish.” Issa Arden, a member of the social media team for I.M.L., said that having Mr. Mushtaq compete this year could broaden the gay subculture’s appeal to racial, eth…

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The Brutality of Life for Syrian LGBTs; Saving the Anglican Church by Dissolving It; Backlash to Hindu Gay Wedding Ceremony in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…Russian statehood.” Milonov championed an anti-gay “propaganda” law in St. Petersburg that became the model for similar national legislation; more recently he called for Facebook to be blocked in Russia. United Nations: Analysis of politics behind recent resolution on protecting the family Arvind Narrain of LGBT advocacy group ARC International published a commentary this month on the politics underlying the Human Rights Council’s passage of a con…

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The Silly Calls for Congress to Investigate Planned Parenthood

…nking about it” camp), how would you react to the claims made in Americans United For Life’s Planned Parenthood report? I mean, that’s one of the few undecideds, isn’t it? We know how the people with strong positions will react. The report will galvanize AUL’s constituency, while meanwhile Planned Parenthood supporters will respond with corrections and rebuttals. Some elected officials are counted in one of those groups, while others will watch to…

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Anti-Contraception Activists Claim Their Suits are Last Resort to Undermine Health Care

…n make conscience-based decisions about their health care is not over. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has made clear that it will stop at nothing to block the ability of women and families to access contraception, even if it means derailing policies and programs that provide healthcare to those in need. CFC will continue to speak for the millions of Catholics whose views are not represented by the bishops, and who support increas…

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Country of Georgia Considers Constitutional Marriage Ban; Hindu Nationalist Leader Surprises India With Call to Decriminalize Homosexuality; No End to Anti-LGBT Propaganda Campaign in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…to some reconsideration of the 2013 ruling, referring a group of “curative petitions” to a five-judge panel. Those petitioners were publicly opposed by the Apostolic Churches Alliance, which declared that “homosexuality is an abomination in the Bible.” Australia: Government Scales Back Anti-Bullying Program, Marriage Vote Tied Up in Parliament In response to “concerns raised by Christian groups and conservative MPs, including the former prime mini…

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