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Trump Considers Pulling USA Out Of Human Rights Council; Indonesian President Blames Democracy For Rise of Militant Islamism; Global LGBT Recap

…ut it is already important as a symbolic statement”. Budapest, the capital city of Hungary with a population of 1.75 million, was once a stronghold of liberalism run by a coalition of socialist and liberal parties between 1990 and 2010. The shift of the country’s electorate to the right in 2010, however, brought to power Mayor István Tarlós, a notoriously homophobic local politician. In 2001, as Mayor of District III he banned “any programs with a…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…reported when they are committed against undocumented residents, since the city provides a layer of protection to the victim in assuring that they won’t be deported for reporting abuse. But there is a direct chilling effect when federal immigration agents descend on undocumented crime victims in sanctuary cities. For evidence, look no further than the ICE arrest of an undocumented trans woman from Mexico, who was detained by ICE agents on February…

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UK Church Leader Resigns Over Planned Removal of Occupy Protesters (Updated)

…who also provide crucial financial support to keep the building open? The City of London Corporation, who might or might not have legitimate concerns about an open-air encampment? The protestors themselves, who might be damn dirty hippies, or who might be modeling the social concerns of Christ himself? It’s a fearsome balancing act, and not one I would be eager to have forced on me. Rev. Fraser has clearly decided that the church’s primary respon…

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Dear Readers: Letter From an Anonymous Liberal Pastor in Trump Country

…mean setting up an appointment in another nation, then shelling out for airfare, food and housing, all the while hoping that he could be processed in whatever time he had available. In the meantime, I got in touch with some of our elected officials. One of our senators’ staff took an interest in the situation, and graciously agreed to do what they could for the family. The office of our US Representative declined to intervene until the family trie…

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Occupy’s Sacred Mob and the Politics of Vagrancy

…nce in asking what is “religious” about the Occupy Wall Street movement. A City of Bridged Boats At our local Occupation, I would direct the lens toward the encounters encouraged by (and necessary within) the audacious invitation to everyone harmed by the economic collapse to build homes on the commons—a politics of vagrancy: students feed small business owners, who donate supplies in turn; anarchists insulate tents with reform-minded voters; and,…

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Occupy in Exile: Sacred Space is Everywhere

…t is everywhere. On Monday night, November 14, 2011, the mayor of New York City ordered the police to evict the 500 or so overnight occupiers in Zuccotti Park. As part of the eviction, tents and computers, books and papers, food and toilet paper were destroyed, actually ground fine in dumpsters. Many falsely thought the movement wouldn’t survive its physical eviction and material destruction. They were and are wrong. Sacred space may start with te…

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Reimagining Twentieth Century Harlem as a Jewish Mecca

…Jewish return to Harlem during this present-day gentrification of New York City. What’s the most important take-home message for readers? There has never been one Jewish voice or vision nor one African American voice or opinion about the textured and complicated relationship between these two American minority groups. The Jews of Harlem: The Rise, Decline and Revival of a Jewish Community Jeffrey Gurock NYU Press November 2016 Is there anything yo…

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“Integrated into a Burning House?”: A Pre-Inauguration Conversation with Rev. Cecil Murray

…d residents and provide shelter to families displaced by the fires. As the city burned, he inspired congregants to act as a human shield between rioters and firefighters attempting to quell the blaze. Now on the cusp of Donald Trump’s inauguration, we find ourselves at another tipping point, with many African-Americans asking themselves the same question James Baldwin did in 1962: Do we really “want to be integrated into a burning house?” I met wi…

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Does the Inquisition Explain the Modern World?

In 1568, in the Spanish city of Toledo, Elvira del Campo was brought before the local tribunal of the Inquisition. Del Campo, a scrivener’s wife, had been accused of avoiding pork—in other words, of secretly practicing Judaism. Del Campo admitted that she didn’t eat pork, claiming that it disagreed with her. But even as the inquisitor threatened torture, she insisted that she was a good Christian. So she was brought to the torture chamber, where…

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Rev. Barber: A “Moral Center,” Not a “Religious Left,” Will Save Us in 2017

…ch was attended by about 100 local activists. In the sanctuary of National City Christian Church, still decorated for Christmas, Barber criticized conservative white evangelicals who insist that the moral issues of the day are standing against LGBT people and women’s access to reproductive health care, saying that their priorities are “so far from biblical faith and the politics of God that it is heretical.” At the same time, he rejected a charact…

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