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Sydney’s Anglican Diocese Gives $1 Million To ‘No’ Campaign on Marriage; and more in Global LGBT Recap

International United Nations human rights spokesperson Rupert Colville condemned ongoing anti-gay crackdowns in Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Indonesia, which we’ve been reporting on. ABC News reported on the Egyptian wave of arrests after social media outrage at a rainbow flag being waved at a concert, noting that repression of all kinds “has intensified under Egypt’s military leaders in recent years.” In Indonesia, where some Muslim leaders are promot…

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Twitter Lovefest Blooms Among Anti-Gay Leaders in Uganda, U.S.

…in Uganda; he says his church was built with American money. Another pastor marvels that aid from American evangelicals increased threefold when his ministry began attacking homosexuality. Barber retweeted Ssempa’s note, and then praised Ssempa in a follow-up tweet, “Here’s a man not afraid of the international homofascist juggernaut.” Ssempa has in turn promoted Barber, retweeting a post promoting Liberty Counsel’s upcoming Awakening conference,…

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Gambian Voters Reject Anti-Gay Strongman Jammeh; Activists Ponder Trump Impact on LGBT Human Rights; Global LGBT Recap

…police taking in men for questioning, and local media reported that mobile phones and HIV/AIDS medication were confiscated from the premises. That the FPI prompted such a raid is no surprise; that the authorities followed the Islamist group’s tip to round-up an innocuous gathering that violated none of Indonesia’s laws is also disappointingly familiar… Ultra-nationalistic fervor opens space for attacks on minorities as a way of gaining popular att…

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Anti-Gay Campaign In Indonesia Leads to Arrests; Mexico’s Religious Right Wars Against Secular State & LGBT Equality; Muslim Preacher Sparks Controversy in UK Re Death Penalty For Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…broad — especially in Egypt — inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood and other international Islamist movements. Recently, conservative voices have grown louder with the explosion of social media, which has also opened channels for appeals from hardline Islamic groups overseas. The internet is also where conservatives see the greatest threat. Lawmakers first responded to the LGBT crisis by calling for a ban on LGBT “propaganda” online. The government,…

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NOM’s Brian Brown Went to Russia to Push Anti-Gay Laws

…Brown attended two events in Moscow. One was a joint meeting on changes in international adoption laws with the Duma’s committee on foreign affairs and its committee on family, women and children – whose chair, Yelena Mizulina, authored the ban on gay “propaganda” and the adoption bill. The other event was a roundtable discussion on “Traditional Values: The Future of the European Peoples,” hosted by the St. Basil the Great Foundation – an Orthodox…

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Country of Georgia Considers Constitutional Marriage Ban; Hindu Nationalist Leader Surprises India With Call to Decriminalize Homosexuality; No End to Anti-LGBT Propaganda Campaign in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…et in Geneva on March 11 to discuss the role of human rights issues in the international response to AIDS: The panellists agreed that the greatest advances in the AIDS response had been made in areas of the world where public health provision was rooted in a respect for human rights. In his keynote speech, UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director, Luiz Loures, stressed that the AIDS response continues to be an instrument for challenging social injustice….

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Russian Orthodox Patriarch Blames Gays For ISIS; ‘Christian Nationalist’ Sworn In As Guatemala’s President; Vatican Resists Civil Unions in Italy; Global LGBT Recap

…y.” “That bill is inspired by a gender ideology that has been pushed by an international lobby and aims to subvert one of the foundations of our human lifestyle by denying the fundamental truth of masculine and feminine genders. Living as male or female would no longer be a biological truth but the result of a simple personal choice. That ideology is totally alien to the indigenous cultures of our country. As a result, this initiative is a clear a…

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Anglican Bishops Punish Episcopal Church Over LGBT Inclusion; Secularization’s Role in Moving Latin America ‘Beyond Machismo’; Greek Orthodox Bishop Says Gays Deserve Respect; Global LGBT Recap

…ions on LGBT rights.” Encarnación writes that both home-grown activism and international pressure have played a role: Last but not least has been the timely intervention by several individual foreign nations, most notably Spain. After 2005, when Spain became the first Roman Catholic nation to legalize same-sex marriage, the Socialist administration of José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero made LGBT rights a priority in its diplomatic relations with Latin A…

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Burma’s Spirit Festival, and More in This Week’s Global LGBT Roundup

…n, who has warned LGBT people against becoming “provocative,” and with any number of European populists who promise a return to a mythical “traditional” past. Gessen notes that a year ago she wrote that she believed Trump would target the LGBT community ”because its acceptance is the most clear and drastic social change in America of the last decade, so an antigay campaign would capture the desire to return to a time in which Trump’s constituency…

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Pope Mum on LGBTs in Uganda; Church Defends Anti-Marriage-Equality Efforts in Australia; Cyprus Passes Civil Partnerships; Global LGBT Recap

World AIDS Day will be observed on December 1. Also this week, ICASA, the International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, is being held in Harare, Zimbabwe, where President Robert Mugabe has a long track record of extreme anti-gay rhetoric. Advocates for LGBTs promote legal equality because laws criminalizing homosexuality, in addition to restricting human rights, interfere with efforts to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS. From a press release fro…

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