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Is Terry Jones the Death Rattle of the White Male Protestant?

…ulate America’s moral power by cutting services and support for the middle class and poor. When survival is the name of the game, how will WMHCC rally the diminishing troops in a desperate bid to hold on to the power slipping from their hands? Is Terry Jones merely on the fringes of US Protestantism or is he at the vanguard of a new cultural movement taking shape in the tattered, crumbling fragments of a once-dominant presence in the centers of po…

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Texas Board of Education to Review Intelligent Design-Promoting Materials for Science Classes

…us that they had no intention of trying to sneak creationism into science class. In 2009, when the board approved its revamped science curriculum standards that critics feared would pave the way for the adoption of creationist supplemental material, its members took umbrage at such accusations. As former Board President Don McLeroy said at the time, “Creationism and intelligent design don’t belong in our science classes. Anything taught in scienc…

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The Jihadi Revolution is Dead (But Bin Laden’s Death Didn’t Kill It)

…imagine. It was a series of massive nonviolent movements of largely middle class and relatively young professionals who organized their protests through Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of electronic social networking. There was also a religious element to the protests. The peak moments came after Friday prayers, when sympathetic mullahs would urge the faithful into joining the protest as a religious duty. But theirs was not the divisive, hatefu…

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Marxism, the Opium of the Professoriate?

…e of fatalism. It accepts as more or less inevitable that there is a lucky class, which gets a good education and nice jobs, and a less lucky majority, condemned to insecurity, unemployment, and bad culture. For all its anti-racism, it accepts the economic perpetuation of racial segregation with a shrug. Only Marxism can reject fatalism and see inequality as an injustice that cries out for full and immediate rectification. This is what keeps Eagle…

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Devil’s Bookmark: Doubting God’s Existence, but Angry Nevertheless

…ts’ eyes regularly light up and a ripple of understanding goes through the class when I pour a drop or two of biographical info into the test tube filled with literary matter. That’s when reactions often start to happen. And how could it be otherwise? “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” is strongly, if inversely, related to Leo Tolstoy’s own life and beliefs. Although Ivan Ilyich’s values (chasing after possessions, craving social reputation, seeking caree…

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Breaking Up with God: I Didn’t Lose My Faith, I Left It

…ches. I realized then that I had my own story to tell. I was almost an Episcopal priest, and now I don’t call myself a Christian. How did that happen? In the writing of the book I realized that the story I had been telling about what happened was not the whole story. I had been telling people that I left institutional Christianity because the church was sexist—which is true—but I also left institutional Christianity because my faith in God had cha…

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Dalai Lama: “I Am a Marxist, But Not a Leninist”

…nstitutions that were allied, during Marx’s time, with the European ruling class. He also provided an interesting anecdote about his experience with Mao. He said that Mao had felt that the Dalai Lama’s mind was very logical, implying that Buddhist education and training help sharpens the mind. He said he met with Mao several times, and that once, during a meeting in Beijing, the Chinese leader called him in and announced: “Your mind is scientific!…

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The Brutality of the American Eden

…le to forge spaces of freedom and autonomy, often through the creation or preservation of religious customs and institutions. Consequently, religious freedom, democracy, and republicanism fostered religiously-based repression. Perhaps it is inevitable that a documentary reliant on a scholarly dominant narrative, and beholden by its very mission to speak to—and not alienate—a substantial viewing public, will tell a story that acknowledges some “dar…

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Texas Board of Education Wants to Change History

…l teachings of the religious leaders and began hosting her own Bible study classes in her home. For this crime, Hutchinson was placed on trial and banished from her community. Later, she and her exiled family were killed in a Siwanoy attack. “This is a prime example of somebody who believed in religious freedom and was persecuted for that,” said Rob Boston, a spokesman for Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Certainly, there can b…

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Mormons, LGBT People Respond to Packer’s Talk

…os Angeles, she recalled, would sometimes reach out to feel her head for horns. Late in her life, she and I talked about homosexuality—we talked about everything—and she recalled back in the 1950s a boy who grew up on her block in her middle-class Los Angeles suburb, a child who she always knew was different, and kindly she asked, “I wonder what has happened to him? I wonder if everything turned out okay for him?” Kindness was the core of her Morm…

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