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Is ‘Beyond Doubt’ Correct About the Decline of Religion? Yes… Sort Of.

…rman, and Cragun show that “modernized” or “modernizing” nations, like the United States, China, Australia, Thailand, Czech Republic, and many more are becoming less religious by the day. Plus, the authors see good reasons to believe that this trend will continue for years to come. Beyond Doubt is written like a victory speech. It delivers a comforting message to nonbelievers and anyone else worried that Christianity—particularly its evangelical i…

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Don’t Ignore the Role of “Christian Values” in Conservative Conspiracy

…ing bloc that believed individuals who had different Christian dogmas were united in their commonly held values against feminism, LGBTQ rights and the “moral decline” of America. This sense of a loss of American values, was linked to communist infiltration in the Church, the National Council of Churches, the government and mainstream media. The war against mainstream media was met with conservative newsletters and magazines like Human Events and A…

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Conservative Christians: Think Twice Before Claiming ‘Islam Is Not a Religion’

…and control of territory,” and that “Abrahamic ideologies are always about numbers.” Fears about the growth of Christianity and claims like these have been used successfully to restrict religious freedom in India. Since the 1950s, seven Indian states have passed “Freedom of Religion” laws that ban conversion by “force, fraud, and allurement,” and in some cases require that potential converts register with local officials beforehand. While most rel…

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Whatever Happens with ‘Roe’ It’ll Be The Consequence of Six Conservative Justices’ Belief in Authoritarian Lies

…rians, loyalty to the collective is far more important than loyalty to the United States. Sharing control over the country is as unthinkable as sharing control of a woman’s body. I don’t know what the United States Supreme Court is going to do over the next couple days, but whatever it does, it will be a consequence of six conservative justices choosing to believe lies the anti-abortionists tell everyone, but especially to themselves. If the sanct…

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RDBook: Whither the Religious Left?

…energy and money into wooing evangelical voters. Obama has also met with a number of Christian evangelical leaders. Why such an accelerated focus on evangelicals? FC: There is a theory based on some polling that the white evangelical vote is in flux and that it might be possible for Democrats to peel off some votes, especially among younger evangelicals. Other polls, however, suggest that this is wishful thinking. (There is evidence that the litmu…

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A Palin Pastor Primer

…rusalem took a bulldozer and went plowing through a score of cars, killing numbers of people. Judgment—you can’t miss it.” Wasilla Bible Church is now promoting a September 13 Focus on the Family event called Love Won Out, a workshop on how to cure homosexuality through prayer [see pdf]. From 2006 on: Juneau Christian Center, Pastor Mike Rose Once Palin was elected governor, she affiliated with a third church, where she attends services while in t…

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A Third Reconstruction? Rev. William Barber Lifts the Trumpet

…hen today we ought to be able to use the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, cell phones and our growing network of churches to educate the new Southern Electorate—black, white, Latino, Asian, gay, straight, labor, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, agnostics, atheists, atudents and their elders, environmentalists—all who want a better life for all God’s people. The South matters because it is the native home of America’s original sin. Yes, we m…

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Layoffs on the Religious Right

…crisis Go here for complete results. ++++++++++ Rev. Moon’s Plans for the United Nations “Mr. Moon, an eccentric billionaire, convicted tax cheat, conservative publisher and power broker, grandly donned scarlet robes and a golden crown at the Dirksen Office Building. ‘I am God’s ambassador, sent to earth with his full authority,’ he announced.” New York Times editorial, June 27, 2004 To some, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon may be a relic of a bygone…

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“[I] Pray For Barack Obama To Die And Go To Hell”: The Story The Media Missed

…on anyone to act. In the course of another sermon he angrily denounces the United Methodist Church because, as he puts it, “ten percent of their preachers are queers”: “I’ll stand behind the pulpit call them the fag that he is. I am here to preach the Bible.” Anderson’s anger is hair-raising as he shouts: “I am not going to stand by… and let faggots run the church! It’s bad enough that we’ve got a bunch of faggots running the government!” It might…

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“I Had No Intention to Write Atheistically”: Darwin, God, and the 2500-Year History of the Debate

…c mind during the late nineteenth century. Spencer’s many followers, whose numbers comprised a virtual social register of the Anglo-American moneyed elite, typically embraced Darwinism as well. In his Autobiography, for example, Scottish-American industrialist Andrew Carnegie recalled the day in the 1870s that his reading of Darwin’s Descent of Man, Haeckel’s History of Creation, and various books by Spencer transformed his life. “I remember that…

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