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A Better Form of Atheism: Rescuing the Christian Tradition from Religion

…dividualistic theories basically make no sense. It makes things fundamentally arbitrary, so the social-relational reading makes it more coherent. This seems, as you point out, to have a superficial resemblance to New Age ideas of “everything being connected.” How do we avoid such platitudes? Well, I think that you have to avoid being satisfied with platitudes. On a base level, the New Age idea that everything is connected is obviously true but I’m…

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Santorum Satire Gone Wild

…wife. You see, I love her. I don’t even know your wife’s name.” It’s that bit that probably makes us all say: Riiight. And it’s not been thrown back at him so often, by feminists and rival Republican candidates alike, that we could all recite it in our sleep? And nobody can find that quote anywhere except on Kindt’s own blog post—a fact which prompted Dan Savage to pull the story from The Stranger? Mmkay, sure, whatever. In fairness, it looks to…

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Conventional Wisdom: RNC/DNC Giving God a Bad Name?

…to the cause of justice and peace in the Middle East; that is quite obviously afraid to talk candidly about grinding poverty in America for fear of shattering the illusion that we’re all just middle-class folks about to recover fully from a GOP-induced hangover; and one that showcases Sr. Simone Campbell in prime time (“I AM my sister’s keeper, I am my brother’s keeper!”) but that also makes sure she adds that her critique of the Ryan Budget is fu…

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Donald Trump visits a black church. It goes about as well as you would expect.

…s their souls, as they say. God bless them and keep them far away, especially Omarosa. No, seriously. That woman gives me the creeps. Update 9/15: This morning, via Darren Sands of Buzzfeed News on Twitter, we hear that Trump attacked Rev. Timmons on Fox News: “She was so nervous. She was like a nervous mess. And so I figured something was up. Really.” This is of course a smear job meant to shift responsibility onto Timmons, but on a literal level…

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Religious Resistance to Bolivian Gender Law; US Religious Right Celebrates Court OK For Romanian Marriage Initiative; Will LGBTs Be Banned from Indonesian TV?; Global LGBT Recap

…says it means that “Bolivia joins Argentina, Uruguay and Colombia as the only four nations in the deeply Catholic region to recognize the needs of transsexual and transgender citizens in this way.” In the story Carlos Parra, aka Paris Galán, “the country’s best known drag queen and a prominent gay rights campaigner,” calls Bolivia a relative beacon of light in a region plagued by homophobia and violence against gay and transgender people. More fro…

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#Occupy: A Deeper Form of Protest?

…e wealth around, and a bevy of changes to our society that would make it a bit less stratified—a bit more circular. Second, the movement has practiced what it preaches by being leaderless and consent-based. As I wrote in a previous article, I had hoped that by now, consent would’ve been reached on a few more key principles that could actually be addressed—demands that could be met. By now, however, it’s become clear that the radical amorphism is a…

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Hillary’s Faith, Trump’s Conversion: Two Questions Journalists Need to Ask

…ntial race took a turn to religion recently. It was an opportunity to clearly and definitively locate the two presumptive candidates on the map of American religion, and it mostly failed. And it was mostly the fault of the press corps. The boys and girls on the bus are well-versed in the talking points, image strategies, the horse race—all the conventions of modern presidential campaign journalism. Somewhere in each reporter’s notebook is a tab ma…

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The Case for Treating Near-Death Experiences Like Acid Trips

…ay they can transform our brains. In terms of hard science, we could probably learn quite a bit about our brains by looking at these special types of experiences. Second, we can learn how to respond to this one reaction that John Martin Fischer and I have gotten to some of our work: “you’re being downers, guys!” Looking at the LSD trip that we talk about in the book, it’s not clear that you need to appeal to the supernatural in order for this kind…

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The Tech-Christian Apologist Who Demolished Gawker

…t B: He implied in an essay that women’s suffrage damaged the country. Exhibit C: He anonymously bankrolled that $140 million lawsuit, seemingly in order crush journalistic enemies.) In coverage of the Hulk Hogan business, Thiel’s Christianity has mostly been a bemused sidenote. But Thiel’s statements about faith illustrate the way that techno-utopianism can mingle with Christian ideas—and even cast moguls in the roles of prophets. Thiel draws par…

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Race, Reparations and the Search for Our Molecular Soul

…technology is crossing over into social and political worlds. Nelson recently spoke with The Cubit about actor Isaiah Washington’s ancestry test, the authority of DNA, and how YouTube and TV have changed the culture of genetic testing. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Lots of written and oral histories describe the Middle Passage and the history of slavery in the United States. So what does DNA evidence add to this? Is it jus…

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