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New Report: Prop. 8 Was Parent-Approved

In the middle of September 2008, polls in California were showing that voters were about evenly split on the issue of Proposition 8—a ballot measure proposing to ban same-sex marriage in the state. The “Yes on 8” campaign seeking to overturn marriage equality was leading by three points, according to some polls. That was within the margin of error. A new report, underwritten by the LGBT Mentoring Project and authored by the group’s director, Davi…

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Does Hitchens Have a Prayer?

Not much given to surfing the net, I’m never surprised when I’m the last person on my block to get the news. More and more, however—perhaps as a result of age—I’m not “getting the news” in another sense. I’m not understanding it. Two days ago when I was told that Christopher Hitchens has been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus and that this has sparked a discussion about whether people ought to pray for him, my first reaction was a stupefying…

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Why Do Evangelicals And Dems Want Immigration Reform?

Late last week, Our Dear Overlords at Religion Dispatches demanded an explanation of Dan Gilgoff’s secret intelligence cable listing “Obama’s evangelical cabinet on immigration reform.” Being a humble, craven paycheck blogger, I immediately agree with whatever Our Dear Overlords order, no matter how seemingly arbitrary. And so it was in this case, pausing only for a three-day weekend. It turns out the Overlords have a weakness for the “church and…

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Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Obama’s Faith-Based Initiative

Kate Sheppard has a report at Mother Jones about the efforts of Florida Republican Cliff Stearns (who supports ending federal funding of family planning services) to push federal funding for ultrasound equipment for crisis pregnancy centers. Sheppard: Crisis pregnancy centers—often run by religious groups—received $30 million from HHS between 2001 and 2006 for abstinence-only programs and other projects, according to a 2006 House Energy and Comme…

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Vatican’s New Media Evangelizing Strategy Can’t Save it from All The Bad News

This past Saturday, a miracle happened. A journalist was beatified at the Vatican. Before you choke on your afternoon coffee, it was not a journalist working for the gray lady; rather, it was Manuel Lozano Garrido, a Spaniard who worked for several publications, including the Associated Press. Garrido suffered from a disease early in life that left him an invalid, but was able to write nine books and contributed to several publications. In his re…

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Creationism and Global Warming Denial: Anti-Science’s Kissing Cousins?

South Dakota Rep. Don Kopp doesn’t believe we descended from apes, but he claims that’s not why he wrote a resolution to cast doubt on climate change. His feelings on climate change, he says, have nothing to do with evolution. Still, the connection is hard to ignore. Last month, Kopp successfully led efforts to adopt a resolution in his state calling for a “balanced approach” to global climatic change in public schools. As Donald R. Prothero, Occ…

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‘Biblical’ Disaster in Haiti: Pat Robertson and the Curse of Unyielding Ignorance

The scale of the devastation from the earthquake in Haiti is yet to be measured, but we know already that the degree of human suffering will be incalculable. In the face of this, one of the most oft-reported responses from an American religious leader was, to many, criminally callous. The RD blog lit up with response, so here, in alphabetical order, our writers reflect on ignorance, Haitian religion, and the scandal of Pat Robertson. —The Eds. __…

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Pat Robertson: No Longer a Relevant Player

When I received a press release from the People for the American Way (PFAW) titled, “PFAW Condemns Robertson’s Comments on Haiti Earthquake,” I wondered to myself why any leader who claimed to be a Christian would say that the nation of Haiti has been cursed ever since it “swore a pact to the Devil.” In my book Red and Blue God, Black and Blue Church: Eyewitness Accounts of How American Churches are Hijacking Jesus, Bagging the Beatitudes, and Wo…

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Hitchens Debates Conservative Evangelical: Nothing Happens

An atheist and an evangelical walk into a bar… While probably the opening line of at least one joke, it’s also a recurring image in the new documentary called Collision, which follows atheist pugilist Christopher Hitchens and conservative evangelical pastor Douglas Wilson through a series of debates. The film opens with a scene from one of those debates—in a bar, both men perched comfortably on bar stools, two beer taps jutting up between them. B…

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Does War Make Sense? Science and Religion on the Battlefield

The Scientific Way of Warfare: Order and Chaos on the Battlefields of Modernity Antoine J. Bousquet (Columbia University Press, 2009) Warfare, for those willing to risk the denigration of so doing, can be described as a search for meaning. Soldiers stake their lives on a cosmic wager that what they undertake is equal to the ante. Commanders must orchestrate performances more compelling than theater and more sacred than peace, all the while inflic…

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