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Preaching to the ‘Moveable Middle’: Bishop Gene Robinson on Marriage Equality and the Election

…omplished hasn’t been talked about. We saw the poll numbers in the African-American community go from like 37 percent affirming of gay marriage to over 50 percent right after his announcement. I think that’s a sign that in the African-American community, particularly the religious community, they were doing their homework and they, too, were evolving on this issue. I think the president’s coming out about marriage equality gave them cover to go pu…

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Talmud on Trial: Interfaith Dialogue in the 13th Century

…sentiment—if only they had read the other 99%—might be all-too-familiar to American Muslims and Mormons, both of whom have seen their scriptures publicly picked over in recent years, on the assumption that a few quotes can damn an entire text. Texts can’t be understood in little chunks. And religions, for that matter, can’t always be understood in terms of their texts. At times, Rabbi Yehiel seems to argue that, in a trial focused so exclusively o…

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7 Religion Stories to Watch in the 2012 Battleground States

…he union. And because population turnover rates are high, one-on-one voter contact can be more challenging. Ground game (door-to-door voter identification, contact, and mobilization) may prove crucial in getting voters to the polls, and here Romney’s quasi-hometown advantage among Republican Mormons—a population with excellent door-to-door skills—could be a point of strength. New Hampshire: Can Romney convert the “nones”? Of all the swing states,…

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Church’s Lawyers Have SNAP in Their Sights

…is is an improper use of tax funding. Journalists might be less willing to contact victims’ groups, in case some flippant comment is later taken out of context. Two, people who report known or suspected crimes, not just child sex, not just by clergy but crimes period, will be much more reluctant to do so, in case they end up deposed in some lawsuit they can’t even foresee. And three, people who have been deeply hurt and many who are still hurting…

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What’s More Frightening Than Snakes on a Plane?

…round another person in an airplane aisle knows there will be some sort of contact as you move past; the space just isn’t big enough for most people to avoid that. If your goal is sincerely to avoid contact, it seems to me that remaining in your own seat, lowering your eyes and simply relinquishing your claim to the armrest would be a more effective means of not touching a woman. It seems hard to believe that “hundreds” of men wound up in the same…

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Call Me Pesach

…as a Jew, and that the Last Supper was a Seder, has little to do with what American Catholics and American Jews truly have in common, which is far more than our fraught religious histories would suggest. Is it possible that the saga of immigration and assimilation shared by Jews and Catholics in the twentieth century is more meaningful to contemporary religious identities than the millenia of conflicting traditions that came before?  As that great…

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Republicans Face Showdown With Religious Right Over Dropped Abortion Bill

…he bill, the Family Research Council sent out an email urging followers to contact their representatives to vote for the bill and “defend it on the House floor.” David Christensen, the group’s Vice President for Government Affairs, added, “The anniversary of Roe v. Wade is not the time to get weak kneed and Members need to hear from you.” Mollie Hemingway’s excoriation of the Republican leadership at The Federalist this morning signals the reactio…

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Marriage equality comes to Slovenia, continues to spread in Mexico; Civil Union legislation approved in Sicily, debated in Peru; Global LGBT Recap

…how to proceed. MOZAIKA, the group planning EuroPride, is asking people to contact the prime minister’s office an urge them not to allow the disruption of the event. Peru: Civil Union bill gets debate Hundreds of Peruvians rallied on Monday night on the eve of legislative debate on a same-sex civil unions bill; activists released a video pushing for a public debate on the measure. As we have reported, American evangelical activist Mat Staver has t…

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Talking Salsa with Douglas Hofstadter, Enigmatic Author of Gödel, Escher, Bach

…nown, never published a book. They welcomed me with open arms, this random American graduate student, and they interviewed me because they wanted to know why an American living in Regensburg would listen every night to Chopin. I told my little story, and I was introduced to the head of the foreign languages division of Radio Warsaw, and then to Maria Nosowska who was the woman who had created the program twenty-five years earlier. She’d done it fi…

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Is Monsanto Satan? The Pleasure and Problem of Conspiracy Theory

…act, dialogue is inadvisable, because the deceiver is so powerful that any contact risks corruption. Best to avoid it entirely, lest you end up like Bill Nye, the Science Guy, who changed his mind on GMOs after visiting Monsanto. Under most circumstances, the reasonable explanation would be that Nye was persuaded by argument and evidence. But for those who believe in Monsatan, the better—the only—explanation is that Nye was coerced, just as the be…

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