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Will International Criminal Court Bring Charges Against ISIS For Gender-Based Persecution?; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…hat don’t necessarily align with those of the administration or individual officials. Costa Rica: Gathering on Civil Marriage Equality Addressed by U.S. Diplomat U.S. Embassy official Eric Catalfamo addressed the Civil Marriage Equality Congress at the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, reports the Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers: Catalfamo in his speech noted he himself is gay and cited Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s Pride month stat…

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Russian Orthodox Patriarch Blames Gays For ISIS; ‘Christian Nationalist’ Sworn In As Guatemala’s President; Vatican Resists Civil Unions in Italy; Global LGBT Recap

…on issues related to transgenderism, the Church has not yet articulated an official position applying these teachings to the issue. The complex nature of transgenderism calls for further discussion before recommendations can be made for the Church.” A conservative Adventist website has decried as an “abomination” the appearance of a gay men’s chorus at a Sabbath worship at an SDA Church in Palm Springs, California. Islam: Between Me and Allah Proj…

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Conservative Anglican Bishops Threaten To Split Communion; Malawi Opposition Leader Says Gays Should Be Killed; Anti-Marriage Effort Makes European Union Question Initiative Process; Global LGBT Recap

…ch will ask for forgiveness, but only God knows the time.” European Union: Officials Unhappy With Conservative Initiative Effort on Marriage European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker “wants to review a scheme that lets the public suggest new laws after campaigners called for gay marriage to be explicitly unrecognized in EU law,” writes Matthew Holehouse for the Telegraph. His officials are alarmed that a petitions system designed to make t…

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Conservative Bishops Headed For Synod Victory?; Indonesian Sharia Official Says Gay Caning Law Meant To ‘Safeguard Human Dignity’; Slovenian Court OK’s Referendum on Marriage Equality Law; Global LGBT Recap

…FP. The regulation was passed in 2014 amid outrage from rights groups, but officials took a year to educate the public about the new law before it came into effect. “The law is to safeguard human dignity. It is to protect Aceh’s Muslims from committing immoral acts,” Abbas said on Thursday, adding it would come into effect the following day. Indonesian human rights activist Ismail Hasani has called for the law to be abolished, saying it is “cruel,…

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Wherein An Elected Official Gets His Holiday Miracles Mixed Up

Here’s a heartwarming holiday story from Springfield, Massachusetts, where city councilor Bud Williams said at a Chabad Lubavitch-sponsored Chanukah menorah lighting ceremony, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Williams pointed the finger at the Chabad rabbis for his blunder: The city councilor said he referenced Jesus Christ, whose birth is celebrated every Dec. 25 by Christians worldwide but not by Jews, after participants in the ceremony me…

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It’s Official: White Evangelical Support for Romney Not Dampened by Mormon Factor

The Pew Forum, which tracked religion-affiliated data assiduously during the 2012 campaign season, released late last week its findings on the impact of faith on voters. Of special interest to the Pew was the voting behavior of white evangelical Christians, a group with a substantial history of antipathy towards Mormonism. But white evangelicals supported Romney as strongly as they supported George W. Bush—both candidates received 79% of the whit…

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‘Cru’ Official Demoted for Refusing to Let Women Teach the Bible to Men

…an said they could not. The exchange came to the attention of regional Cru officials, who met with Harman and reiterated Cru’s policy of “men and women leading together.” They gave Harman three weeks to reconsider his position, and said that if he remained “dogmatic” about the issue, he could no longer serve as Missional Team Leader. Harman decided that he would not change the practice, and Cru demoted him. As campus director at Louisville, Harman…

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Condoms and Common Sense

…ocked by the public reaction as well as the dissent by high-ranking Church officials. Early in his papacy, Benedict established a theological commission to explore clarifying the question. After all, as Rhonheimer notes, there is no official teaching on condoms per se. By 2008, hope that the commission would move the church toward open acknowledgement that condoms to prevent the transmission of AIDS was permissible faded and no report was ever iss…

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#SorryNotSorry: What U.S. Christian Denominations Teach About Homosexuality

…(Historically Black Protestant) Members (as of 2010): 5,197,512 On its website, The National Baptist Convention USA Inc. says it has no “official” position on any issues with regards to homosexuality, in keeping with the polity’s mission not to make any authoritative statements on behalf of its constituency. However, it states: “if you were to take a poll of traditional, missionary Black Baptist Churches, it is very safe to say that you will find…

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Global Anti-Gay Forces Plot Against ‘Satanic’ Equality Movement

…ide parade in Cyprus. The event, which had been opposed by Orthodox Church officials, was backed by diplomats and activists from a number of European countries. European Parliament acting head Alexandra Attalides said the Parliament stood at the forefront of campaigns for human rights. “A country cannot be European unless there are equal rights for all. Today we are proud,” she said. Political party representatives voiced support for civil partner…

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