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Wait Until You’re Denied Service, Federal Court Tells LGBT Mississippians Challenging “Religious Freedom” Law

…having standing, but stressed that he had not been denied wedding-related services from a business, nor had he been denied a marriage license from a county clerk or judge. “Without more, we are left to speculate as to the injuries he and the other plaintiffs might suffer,” Smith wrote. “That we cannot do.” Essentially, the court determined that because none of the plaintiffs have yet been discriminated against under the law (which never took effe…

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How to Wreck Your Faith: A Theologian Teaches “Outlaw Christianity”

…lost a loved one. You just can’t make it to that merry space. Where is the service for those folks to share those memories of what it’s like to no longer have their loved one there? I also went to a Unitarian Universalist service on Mother’s Day where they plumbed the history of the holiday and discovered it’s not just about feeling happy, but it was born as a day of grief and resistance to the war. It was designed by mothers who were tired of los…

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LDS Church Drops Missionary Age for Women to 19

…by default.” Some reacted to the change by noting that women in missionary service would still not be allowed to baptize converts, a responsibility reserved to the male lay-priesthood. And some voiced disappointment that the policy change did not go further by eradicating gender differences in the terms of missionary services as well, as did writer Jana Riess who celebrated the policy change but expressed limited disappointment that the new policy…

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Jesus Is My Savior… and I Oppose the Bladensburg Cross Memorial

…s an example of exactly that, and it doesn’t represent my service, nor the service of the many people I worked alongside. Most of the enemy fighters I encountered throughout my service were avowed Muslims. I am an avowed Christian. I know that Jesus is my lord savior. However, I was there neither on behalf of my God nor to battle against theirs. Far from being there to impose our own religion on foreign country, we were there to battle the resurge…

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Martin Luther King in the Era of Occupy

…s had made it a target of white terrorists. The evening before the morning service on September 15, a group of Klansmen placed over one hundred sticks of dynamite outside the church building. At about 10:20 a.m., the explosives detonated. The impact of the blast destroyed the rear wall and steps of the structure, and blew out all but one of the stained glass windows. The sole surviving window frame featured a stained glass rendering of Jesus leadi…

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Religious Affiliation, ‘Mankind’: India’s Anti-Corruption Activist Leads Second Freedom Struggle

…s? “Mankind is My Religion” At age 20, Bedi was sailing through the Police Service entrance exam until a question about her religious affiliation made her stop and think. “It was a deciding point in my life,” she said, recalling the moment and sitting up tall on the ottoman. “I wrote, ‘Mankind.’” She says an officer grilled her about her answer, asking her if she thought she was some kind of divinity. “I said no, but that I would be recognized by…

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Pentagon Report Rejects Religious Right Arguments On DADT

…hat chaplains “will not be required to perform a religious role…in worship services, command ceremonies, or other events, if doing so would be in variance with the tenets or practices of their faith.” At the same time, regulations state that “Chaplains care for all Service members, including those who claim no religious faith, facilitate the religious requirements of personnel of all faiths, provide faith-specific ministries, and advise the comman…

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Opposition To DADT Repeal And The High Rate Of Evangelical Chaplains

…liefs, they are required to support the “free exercise of religion” of all servicemembers and their families, and enter service with the knowledge that they will serve “a religiously diverse population.” In any case, if there is disproportionate opposition to repeal among chaplains, it’s a trend that was created by the effort to recruit evangelical chaplains who opposed open service by gays and lesbians. If it’s unconstitutional for them to prosel…

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Behind a Recent Stunt in Idaho Lies a Dangerous Theocratic Movement

…ose in attendance; the letters were reportedly available to sign after the service. On June 25, according to local reporter Nathan Brown, the Idaho state GOP adopted both the nullification of “federal court rulings the state deems unconstitutional” and the defining of “all abortion as murder, including in cases of rape or incest,” as official planks of the party platform. Both proposals, the inclusion of which represents a serious danger to women…

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To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise

…s of church: a community of friendly, generous, caring men and women. Some customers, comparing the store to their congregation, even found the latter wanting. Wal-Mart epitomized Christian service and, thanks to its homely displays and low prices, did not hallow the kind of conspicuous consumption common to many malls, gallerias, and shopping districts across the country. If anything, Wal-Mart sanctified a sort of stylized frugality, bringing the…

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