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More Thoughts on Media Coverage of Liberal Religion

…lause? The same is not true on the Democratic side, and it’s not, as is frequently asserted, because Democrats and liberals revile religion. It’s because (practically speaking) the Democratic base is far more religiously diverse than the Republican base, and includes a far more significant (and growing) number of unaffiliated voters, avowed secularists (who are both non-believers and religious people) and religious minorities. And because more of…

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Times Public Editor Slaps Down Unscientific Claims About Emergency Contraception

…i.e., how the challenged contraceptives operate to prevent pregnancy. Consequently, rather than being off limits to examination, plaintiffs’ allegations regarding the abortion-causing potential of the challenged drugs are subject not only to examination but evidentiary proof. In short, they must be proven by plaintiffs on the basis of sufficient evidence. . . . plaintiffs’ tactical decision to present no evidence on this point appears, to me, to p…

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Maybe Millennials Are Just Realizing That ‘God is Dead’

…, expresses her frustration with church leaders who think that getting millenials back to the churches involves little more than “a few style updates—edgier music, more casual services, a coffee shop in the fellowship hall, a pastor who wears skinny jeans, an updated Web site that includes online giving.” Citing polling data, Evans notes that the problem is one of substance rather than style: “young adults perceive evangelical Christianity to be t…

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Religion and Violence? Short Answer: “Religion” Does Not Exist in a Vacuum

…This is fallacious—and sometimes religious—thinking, preventing the incremental progress of creating a better society. There is no all-purpose answer, and it is counterproductive to continue to gamble on it. “Religion” is not to blame for the events in Boston, but if we are successful in isolating this event as yet another example of crazed individuals, cutting off all analysis of the identity religion provides, we will advance no further in unde…

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Santorum and the New Catholic-Evangelical Alliance

…vote on this issue or that issue. Ever. But if it seemed to me to be a moral question as to what the material cooperation with evil is on this bill or the other, I might be able to give them some guidance.” Pierce borrows the reformation metaphor to explain the McCloskey circle as a sort of counterreformation within Washington: In his unobtrusive little bookstore in the nation’s capital, John McCloskey is the hot, unyielding eye of a gathering st…

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Ross Douthat’s Rosy Old-Time Religion

…S. Eliot delivered a series of lectures about the crisis of the West, subsequently published as a small booklet entitled “The Idea of a Christian Society.” In these talks, Eliot distinguished between the so-called “neutral society” of liberalism, the modern “pagan” (i.e. fascist and communist) societies, and the traditional Christian society. The neutral society of liberalism, Eliot alleged, was merely a negative culture: by “destroying traditiona…

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Looking at Death: Images of 9/11, Before, During, and After

…rovide symbols of social cohesion. Exploding buildings now perform an equivalent symbolic role.  The essay, published shortly after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, reflects many then-current (but also prescient) ideas about how we relate to postmodern, post-industrial, post-Cold War secular life; and the symbolic possibilities for grief and community within this new world order. I want to pick up on Muschamp’s insights about “images of a coll…

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Christian Responses to COVID-19 Raise Old Religion v. Science Questions

…they’re usually white men—who exhibit smug superiority and a sort of fundamentalist and arguably (post-)Protestant ethos, in nearly all their interactions. While some of these “stable geniuses” style themselves progressives, others identify as libertarians or “classical liberals,” and at least the latter are more honest about what ultimately amounts to their alt-right adjacent, or even fully alt-right, views on matters of race, gender, and “identi…

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Critics of Hasidic Schools Exposé Missed the Point: It Wasn’t Antisemitic or the Product of Secular Bias — It’s a Story of Corruption

…an certainly refuse to comply with state mandates and suffer whatever consequences may come his way. But if he takes money and doesn’t comply, that is corruption. * But let’s review some of the criticism and accusations against the Times. Two essays, one by Liel Leibovitz in Tablet and one by Avi Shafran in Religion News Service, are worth noting. Neither focuses on corruption, with Leibovitz ignoring it entirely and Shafran dismissing it as “a fe…

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Decolonizing Jewish Studies Part II: A Response to the Backlash

…udaism as a “blood community,” and post-Holocaust Jewishness are racially-valent. These emerged amidst the ascendence of eugenics and scientific-racisms, which also informed Nazi ideology. The marginalized contexts in which historical conceptions of Jewishness materialized, substantiates rather than negates analysis. Conversely, we must guard against replicating or projecting modern-contemporary racializations onto sources unable to sustain them….

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