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VIPREG2024 1xbet promo code no deposit United Arab Emirates

A Valentine for the World…and for the Church I Left

…with my Jack and Janet reader propped before me, monitoring any potential deposit in my box. But I’m still watching. Still waiting for a sign that I am loved by a community where I lived for twenty years of my life. And it’s just not coming from you, my dear ex-brothers and ex-sisters in Christ. You’ve washed your hands of me, haven’t you? I carry a virus you don’t want to catch. I’m out here in the filthy garment, the de rigueur for infidels. I’…

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How to Choose a Tour Company for Your Hajj

…ers”), I had to make a commitment to send a two-thousand dollar refundable deposit. I did, and so the counter-commitment began. So I start with my questions: knowing the Saudi restrictions that women cannot travel without a mahram, I asked if there would be a problem for me. I get an answer that borders on a fiqh explanation about mahram “in Islam.” I thought, well now, that’s an interesting way to respond to a visa question. However, for me they…

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Good News Bad News

…on to lead a mixed-gender public ritual prayer on a Friday in March, Saudi Arabia was one of two countries that issued a fatwa—a legal ruling against the permissibility of the woman-led prayer. It’s hard to know if that would affect my exclusion from Saudi Arabia forever. In fact, when I connected with this tour company, I asked about the procedure for getting visas and mostly focused on the mahram. All I got was a generic answer so I still had no…

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Will Women Priests Change the Church?

…that it simply cannot ordain women because Jesus did not do so, that the “deposit of faith” does not include it, that the “unity of the church” will be broken, and various other theologically discredited notions. He does so with the patience and equanimity of someone who has been mouthing these same old ideas for some time, come what may. I can imagine that he might, at a later date, just as easily say, “As we have always and everywhere taught, i…

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Our Lady of Good Hope and Excellent Behavior: Why this Apparition and Why Now?

…d institutional Christianity to endure, direct revelation had to stop. The Deposit of Faith was complete with the death of Jesus’ apostles, eye-witnesses to his resurrection. Since then, individual believers may receive intimations of the divine through visions or by other means, but these are personal experiences with little or no meaning for the larger community of Christians. Still, as with other institutional policies on private behavior, chur…

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Museum of (In)tolerance for Divided City

…s continued to visit the Old City and referred constantly to Jerusalem as “united,” one third of the population, the Arabs who lived in the formerly Jordanian-held parts of the city, considered themselves to be under harsh military occupation. Today, forty-three years and two generations later, they and their descendants continue to express their discontent with Israeli rule. But the rhetoric of Israeli rule, a rhetoric of “coexistence” and “unifi…

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Debunking the Myth That Democracy Is “Incompatible” With Islam

…arily to small elites, in addition to tribal and social organizations that promote a culture of authoritarianism. Outside of the Arab world, there are long-term functional democracies in Turkey, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Malaysia. More recently installed democratic governments in Pakistan and Palestine further challenge old stereotypes about the links between Islamicate cultures and representative governments. Such facts on the ground clearly est…

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So You’ve Decided to Run for Senate Against a Pro Wrestling Mogul

…American who was fed up with post-9/11 American jingoism, and rampant anti-Arab discrimination. The character, along with his Arab sidekick, Khosrow Daivairi, would sometimes end his anti-American tirades by raising his hands to the sky in praise of Allah. The duo enacted the far-Right’s paranoid delusion of who really pulled the strings in organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations: America-hating religious fanatics, bent on the…

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No One Can Tell I’m a Muslim: All-American Muslim Debuts

…vert, may just propel the show into another set of tropes: all Muslims are Arabs, all Arabs are Muslim, and all Muslims are immigrants. Indeed some Muslims are Arab, some Arabs are Muslim, and some Muslims are immigrants. But many are not. Many will celebrate the show, and those who do may read this review (if they get this far) as a killjoy—after all there is only so much a TV show can do. After all, even with all its imperfections All-American M…

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Is Liberalism Islamic?: An Interview with Mustafa Akyol

…and Pomaks who have been living in that country for centuries. As for the Arab Spring, I am of course very supportive of it, for it is toppling or challenging the dictators who oppressed Arab societies for decades. (Right now, I am keeping my fingers crossed for the fall of the Baath tyranny Syria.) But democracies—let alone liberal democracies—do not emerge overnight, and the post-revolutionary countries will need some time and lots of effort to…

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